Sentences with phrase «global surface temperature increase»

Between 1910 and 1970 global surface temperatures increased by about 0.2 C and radiative forcing increased by 0.4 w / sq m.
A joint statement from the National Academy of Sciences and Royal Society in Britain said «human - induced increases in CO2 (carbon dioxide) concentrations have been the dominant influence on the long - term global surface temperature increase
If this rapid warming continues, it could mean the end of the so - called slowdown — the period over the past decade or so when global surface temperatures increased less rapidly than before.
Solar activity has been flat over the past half century, during which time global surface temperatures increased over a half degreee Celsius.
Whenever atmospheric carbon dioxide increased naturally (either as a direct cause or as an amplifier, see this study), global surface temperature increased further.
The IPCC reported that the average global surface temperature increased by 0.6 ºC during the 20th century, snow and ice cover has dropped, and the global sea level has risen.
Last year was the hottest since records began and with an El Nino now under way the warm surface waters of the Pacific are releasing heat into the atmosphere with the result 2015 is likely to break last year's record and the global average surface temperature could jump by as much as 0.1 degree this year alone bring global surface temperatures increases to 1 degrees or half way to the UN global limit.
Figure 1: Anthropogenic plus natural vs. just natural radiative forcing temperature change vs. observed global surface temperature increase (Meehl 2004)
Our estimated mean global surface temperature increase by 2100 is 2.5 °C, reflecting the fact that the distribution is skewed toward high temperature increases.
However, the available evidence does not indicate pronounced long - term changes in the Sun's output over the past century, during which time human - induced increases in CO2 concentrations have been the dominant influence on the long - term global surface temperature increase.
Limiting the global surface temperature increase to 1.5 °C would lessen these impacts even further.
Those who wish to discredit AGW by insisting on more thorough data checking should consider that they may be unhappy to get what they ask for; when the data are checked even more carefully, we may find that the global surface temperature increase is even higher than presently believed.
Global surface temperatures increased about 1 °C over the last century and a half.
The global surface temperature increase since about 1860 corresponds to a recovery from the Little Ice Age, modulated by natural ocean and atmosphere cycles, without need for additional forcing by greenhouse gases.
Cherry picking a low improbable value for the CO2 temperature sensitivity (how much the global surface temperature increases when atmospheric CO2 increases)- and then illogically not mentioning the uncertainty in the sensitivity.
They're also highly confident that if the global surface temperature increases by more than 2 degrees Celsius over present temperatures we could see «a nearly ice - free Arctic Ocean in late summer.»
Global Surface Temperature Increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C During The Last Century.
The nation's pledge to the Paris climate agreement, which aims to keep the global surface temperature increase to a maximum of 2 °C to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, is to avoid 22 billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions between 2016 and 2030.
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