Sentences with phrase «global warming critics who»

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Peter H. Gleick, a water and climate analyst who has been studying aspects of global warming for more than two decades, in recent years became an aggressive critic of organizations and individuals casting doubt on the seriousness of greenhouse - driven climate change.
In 2006 a pattern emerged at NASA in which political appointees repeatedly acted in ways that the agency administrator concluded were inappropriate, including telling public affairs officers to issue fewer press releases on global warming in 2004 in the runup to the presidential election and trying to crack down on James Hansen, the agency scientist who had become a vocal proponent of prompt cuts in heat - trapping emissions and critic of big coal companies.
Those in favor of the motion (some additions may come, organizers say) will be the «skeptical environmentalist» Bjorn Lomborg; Philip Stott, the British biogeographer who has become a prominent critic of global warming worriers; and Peter W. Huber, the Manhattan Institute scholar, lawyer and mechanical engineer who has written that energy waste is unavoidable and beneficial.
The founding director of the institute, Dr. Robert Jastrow, who ran the institute from 1961 - 1981, was a major critic of man - made global warming theory until his death in 2008, e.g., see this 2001 essay.
She was, after all, Obama's secretary of state, and it was under her that the State Department issued a draft review approving Keystone XL that was sharply criticized by Obama's own EPA, but still approved in final form, despite the objection of expert critics such as James Hansen, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, who has argued that the big - picture global warming concerns mean that tar sands must be left in the ground:
Lindzen's critics say his dissent consists of taking cynical potshots at the consensus model of global warming and that he chooses to pick his fights before general audiences who don't understand the science.
For this reason, Shackley et al. found that many climate modellers didn't want to talk openly about their adjustments, in case critics of man - made global warming (who they referred to as «climate contrarians») would use them to question the reliability of the models:
Two global - warming skeptics who questioned an influential climate study and prompted a congressional inquiry are now facing critics of their own, as a pair of new research papers take issue with their results.
The legislation's prominent defenders, like CAP's Joseph Romm, labeled green critics of the bill «global warming deniers» and told anyone who would listen that Waxman and Markey had pulled a fast one on the coal lobby.
Those who don't want to be seen to be swivel - eyed lunatics associate with Nigel Lawson's Global Warming Policy Foundation and critics like Roger Pielke Jr. (which is why Pielke hated being named by Foreign Policy as a top «skeptic»).
As you have noted, Powell is nevertheless afraid to take on real scientific critics of global warming and contents himself with shooting down a few cooks who are said to be conspiring to suppress his noble science.
Will and other critics of Sen. Al Gore have seized these words to suggest that Revelle, who was also Gore's professor and mentor, renounced his belief in global warming.
One more in the series of occasional guest posts written by skeptics of catastrophic man - caused global warming people who encountered character assassination efforts from critics rather than reasonable science - based debate.
Dear Mr. McIntyre, It has come to our attention that your weblog included a link to the website of Warwick Hughes, who has quoted Steve Milloy and whose website, in turn, linked to websites of various critics of global warming, including Fred Singer, Tech Central Station etc..
This, coming from a historian who apparently needs some kind of time travel ability in order for her tale to be plausible regarding her discovery of who her «tobacco - associated critics» were, and this overall concern coming from a side of the issue which doesn't merely believe global warming mitigation efforts are just a sensible thing to do, there's a moral imperative to stop those who are committing crimes against humanity.
McIntyre has been described as a «persistent amateur who had no credentials in applied science before stepping into the global warming debate in 2003» and has been a prominent critic of temperature records that suggest increasing global temperatures over the past 1000 years.
Aside from officials who do not tout the alarmism, Miller and his committee were especially outraged with the press for not completely shutting out critics of the increasingly outlandish global - warming hysteria.
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