Sentences with phrase «global warming problems»

It is urgent that we properly approach the global warming problems worldwide.
We need to consider the huge cost of correcting global warming problems can be offset by the relatively minor cost of maintaining proper monitoring.
Most global warming problems will occur in the Third World, yet these countries have many other, more serious, problems with which to contend.
Your scheme misses the point that one of the major viewpoints is that there are no CO2 induced global warming problems to come.
When I first started talking about polar cities as an adaptaion strategy for future global warming problems in the far distant future, say 2500, nobody would listen to me here or anywhere else.
If we could do that [with a solar cell], then we could actually deal with global warming problems even more directly because we'd be pulling the CO2 out of the air to make our fuel.
«If you green the electrical system and then electrify the transportation system, you also have a very good start to the solution to our global warming problems,» McCalley says.
Or, as Roy says, «Wind energy is likely to be a part of the solution of the global warming problem
They were Jorge Sarmiento, an oceanographer at Princeton University who constructs ocean - circulation models that calculate how much atmospheric carbon dioxide eventually goes into the world's oceans; Eileen Claussen, executive director of the Pew Center for Global Climate Change in Washington, D.C.; and David Keith, a physicist with the University of Calgary in Alberta who designs technological solutions to the global warming problem.
KEITH: But it is incorrect to imagine that the only way to solve the global warming problem is to remove consumption.
OVERFISHING • Stop the Problem of Ocean Acidification Global warming has been a hot topic in the ocean world, and it is because of ocean acidification, known as «the other global warming problem
The crazy thing is that if people followed the whole foods plant - based diet advocated by Dr. G. and others, we would save trillions of dollars, get rid of our worst health problems, and solve the global warming problem (since 50 % of greenhouse gasses due to animal «agriculture»).
Now I'm not touching upon the global warming problem, I leave that to the knowledgable.
There used to be an excellent snowman appraiser in Newport, VT, but between his age and the global warming problem he's now mostly retired.
Opinion polls for the past decade have consistently shown that the public would like to see something done about the global warming problem, along with many other environmental issues.
Solving the global warming problem will require broad participation.
There is a need for a platform suitable for in depth technical discussion of innovative ideas for solving the global warming problem.
That, for me, affords an opening, given that any «solution» to the global warming problem implicitly involves using energy more carefully and finding abundant non-polluting sources that can compete with coal and oil.
And if industrializing countries seek an economic advantage by evading those standards, I would work with the European Union and other like - minded governments that plan to address the global warming problem to develop a cost equalization mechanism to apply to those countries that decline to enact a similar cap.
At least, that's the way it sometimes appears when you consider the final journalistic product, for example (in this case), the media's coverage of the global warming problem, the wisest solutions, and so forth.
I cordially invite you guys to the OCEAN TUNNELS group on Facebook to solve earths global warming problem here: Ocean Tunnels offer us a way out of this quagmire of which there seems to be no other solution to.
My earlier post had to do with addressing the global warming problem (and with what would be necessary for the market to play a suitable role), and it wasn't (and isn't) my intent to try to make proposals to address some of the other problems you mention here.
Only a free, democratic and transparent Chinese government can work together with other countries to help solve the global warming problem (and cure its sulfurous skies).
Thank the Bush Administration for shooting down the radiation - balance satellite proposed by NASA to precisely measure the global warming problem, or non-problem, as those who shot down the satellite insist.
If we don't solve the global warming problem — in a hurry — then we are not going to solve any of the other problems.
Instead, the question is this: Why does this would - be champion of free markets believe that such a free market can address the global warming problem without any «price» associated with carbon that ultimately goes into the atmosphere?
Even C.I.A did not mentioned global warming problem, General Hayden mentioned population problem is a great progress.
Put another way, one can not expect a completely unregulated free marketplace to help responsibly address the global warming problem unless there is a «price» assigned to emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, by way of (for example) a carbon «cap - and - auction» system or carbon tax: A small detail of basic economics, apparently forgotten in ExxonMobil's massive public campaign.
Second, since I mainly read the Times and have not read WSJ editorials recently (though I used to read the WSJ regularly), it is hard for me to even fathom the notion that the WSJ's editorial folks deny or minimize the global warming problem, if that's the case.
The world leaders are so unresiponsiblity, using dangerous nuclear power plants to solve global warming problem.
If developing countries do not mandatory their greenhouse gas emission, we can not slove the global warming problem better.
As it said if Amecrica adopt this plan, it will up jobs and boost ecomony and solve global warming problem.
You are correct that the global warming problem is complex.
Your colleague Thomas Friedman is one of the most respected and influential people in the world, and he has for years expressed great concern about the global warming problem.
But, of course, ExxonMobil has a very special role and responsibility when it comes to the global warming problem, AND The New York Times has a very special role and responsibility when it comes to reporting clearly and comprehensively on the matter.
It's certainly true that the global warming problem has meant more funding for climate science, but there's only so much in the budget, and much of this money has come at the expense of other fields which are no longer given priority status.
At the same time the US public is limited in what it is willing to do on the global warming problem.
So, there is no real hope that Miskolczi will ever understand the global warming problem despite his line - by - line modeling and his deeply flawed analysis of observational data.
I would submit to you that to the extent that we have a global warming problem, and you want to say that there's no global warming problem, I think that you must agree with me that we have a problem with a billion human beings having Tuberculosis, with three and a half billion human beings living on less than $ 5 a day, with three to four billion human beings not having access to reliable water supply, safe water supplies, that we are pushing the carrying capacity of this planet pretty hard.
'' The dedicated minority who insisted that there was no global warming problem promptly attacked the calculations.
In it, he made some suggestions for how to address the global warming problem.
As long as people are going to use Hansen's temperature data to assess whether global warming is occurring, there will always be an increasing global warming problem.
Most people only discuss the global warming problem but does not directly take real action, and we will be conscious after late
That would not only resolve the global warming problem (whatever it is), but also the economic growth problem.
Although the amount of wind that could be installed this cheaply is limited, it is interesting to ask how much it would cost to solve the global warming problem if all GHG reductions could be accomplished so cheaply.
If it is any other reasons to the alarmists presumptions of CO2, then the solution to the global warming problem changes from one of prevention to remedial action.
In the meantime, we'd have solved our global warming problem: more than a good day's work.
«It has taken 25 years — since the global warming problem was first recognized as a major public issue — to get to this stage, with climate change preparedness planning and action being framed as a U.S. presidential order to the Executive Branch.»
It's senseless to brush off the severity of the global warming problem or to fuzz over the problems it poses to investors, the Financial Stability Board's task force warned.
The only real global warming problem we have now is the army of government - funded academics who have erected a Tower of Babel to make war on capitalism and the free enterprise system.
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