Sentences with phrase «globally warmed future»

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Combining the asylum - application data with projections of future warming, the researchers found that an increase of average global temperatures of 1.8 °C — an optimistic scenario in which carbon emissions flatten globally in the next few decades and then decline — would increase applications by 28 percent by 2100, translating into 98,000 extra applications to the EU each year.
Despite these challenges, many future projections based on high - resolution models suggest that anthropogenic warming may cause tropical storms globally to be more intense on average (with intensity increases of 2 — 11 % by 2100).
I think it's also worth considering that many people have taken this to indicate that any future corrections will, like this one, indicate a lesser trend in 20th century warming (at any locale or globally).
«Future projections based on theory and high - resolution dynamical models consistently suggest that greenhouse warming will cause the globally averaged intensity of tropical cyclones to shift towards stronger storms,» Knutson et al. (2010); Grinsted et al. (2013) projected «a twofold to sevenfold increase in the frequency of Katrina magnitude events for a 1 °C rise in global temperature.»
«Future generations will wonder in bemused amazement that the early 21st century's developed world went into hysterical panic over a globally averaged temperature increase of a few tenths of a degree, and, on the basis of gross exaggerations of highly uncertain computer projections combined into implausible chains of inference, proceeded to contemplate a roll - back of the industrial age,» Lindzen was quoted, offering praise for Christopher C. Horner's Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism.
The metric used by IPCC in all its reports for past and projected future «global warming» has been the «globally and annually averaged land and sea surface temperature anomaly» (as reported by HadCRUT3).
However, future projections based on theory and high - resolution dynamical models consistently indicate that greenhouse warming will cause the globally averaged intensity of tropical cyclones to shift towards stronger storms, with intensity increases of 2 — 11 % by 2100.
A (2) Modern warming, glacier and sea ice recession, sea level rise, drought and hurricane intensities... are all occurring at unprecedentedly high and rapid rates, and the effects are globally synchronous (not just regional)... and thus dangerous consequences to the global biosphere and human civilizations loom in the near future as a consequence of anthropogenic influences.
There's a part of the North Atlantic that is no warmer now than it was a century ago, which makes it globally exceptional and it may cool further in the future.
21 (5) The climate future of the Planet: global warming predictions The globally averaged warming corresponds to 3.0 °C (5.4 °F).
Understanding the climate distribution and forcing for the Pliocene period may help improve predictions of the likely response to increased CO2 in the future, including the ultimate role of the ocean circulation in a globally warmer world.
In fact, the Yohe paper that Romm cites suggests that additional warming of up to 2 °C, may be on the whole a net benefit to humanity, even though, like others, it seems that study doesn't fully consider the increases in adaptive capacity and secular technological change, consideration of which would reduce future damages from climate change, effectively increasing the temperature beyond which climate change would result in net losses globally, and reduce the benefit - cost ratio for mitigation.
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