Sentences with phrase «glorious period»

I do hope they allow us to retain it in the ground as a memory to the most glorious period in the club's history — because that is what it has been.
WS: «Many people don't know that there were fantastic, glorious periods of African empires and African royalty — Mansa Musa [emperor of the West African Mali Empire] and some of the wealthiest men in the world compared to the wealth of today.
A true ode to pulp heroes and its beloved titular character, the 1990 film adaptation of Dave Stevens» «Rocketeer» holds up incredibly well as a one - off superhero outing that packs a distinct art deco style and glorious period aesthetic.
Production designer Judy Becker and costume designer Sandy Powell also provide insight with glorious period details without dipping into over-fetishization.
All of this produced a glorious period of temporary prosperity and rising prices.
«Milan aren't going through a glorious period now, and they're no longer a part of the top clubs.
It really is a highlight reel of a glorious period in the clubs history.
He has given Manchester United fans a glorious period of success, bringing trophy after trophy to Old Trafford and making his club one of the biggest footballing institutions in the world.
Ancelotti had certainly shown that he would lead Milan to another glorious period matching the late 80s and early 90s.
Sixty - one years ago to the day, «Il Dottore» took control of his beloved Juventus, igniting a glorious period in the club's history
After more than 30 years in the hands of Berlusconi, a glorious period which saw the club win 29 trophies including five European Cups, Milan were sold on April 13 last year to a group of Chinese investors led by Li.
Pregnancy is a glorious period for any women, but it could also be a time filled with worries and concerns for many pregnant women.
That glorious period to feel all festive and start getting into the Christmas mood.
Synopsis: One - of - a-kind filmmaker - philospher Terrence Malick has created some of the most visually arresting movies of the twentieth century, and his glorious period tragedy Days of Heaven, featuring Oscar - winning cinematography by Nestor Almendros, stands out among them.
A glorious period from Havana's rich history returns for all to behold as the Miami International Auto Show will once again present...
A glorious period from Havana's rich history returns for all to behold as the Miami International Auto Show will once again present an assortment of antique cars that once graced the city's picturesque roadways.
I lived in Scotland the year I was five, and I spent occasional summers in Ireland, but aside from those glorious periods of my life, I depended on my Irish relatives to send us comics a couple of times a year.
«Since 2000, London has benefited from a glorious period in contemporary art, the pace of which is unparalleled.
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