Sentences with phrase «glowing sun»

Pure, simple girl with an exotic complexion, Blessed with these features by native nature... glowing sun rays, tranquil breezes and fresh mango's!
Whether it's the warm yellow glowing sun shining down at the height of noon or the orange glow of a lantern reflecting back off the ripples of a stream, the game's lighting helps to add a level of depth and immersion to an already breathtaking scene.
Olafur Eliasson is perhaps most well known here in the UK for his Turbine Hall installation The Weather Project which in 2003 saw a giant glowing sun and mirrored ceiling fill the Tate Modern Turbine Hall with brilliant yellow light.
One of a series of abstract landscapes featuring a darkly glowing sun or moon suspended over a fertile plain, Circular appears so intuitively right that it induces a flash of satori, or Zen - like equilibrium.
Subtle variations of color and contour suggest the pervasive presence of light and air while Grossman quietly punctuates the space with dramatic shapes of transient clouds, winding waterways, glowing sun bursts or glassy reflections.
It is a matter of great interest; but have we thought how much more interesting and moving it would be if we could observe or at least reconstruct the history, not of the glowing suns in the galaxies but of the mysterious living planets?
But that glowing sun, which feels so deliciously comforting on our skin, carries with it a hidden risk.
Pairing the Sk8 His with a fine pair of denim shorts will draw attention to your feet, as well as giving you that carefree look as you embrace and absorb the glowing sun.
Again, the glowing Sun, Moon and Earth have formed a conjunctive orbital configuration.
With the mysterious monolith in the foreground, the glowing Sun rises over the black slab, directly beneath the crescent of the Moon.
Calvin dreams of a girl, backlit by the glowing sun, beckoning from his subconscious, and one morning he wakes with a start and begins to create this woman, Ruby Sparks, writing her into his reality.
Blue ocean, green vegetation, and bright flowers, all under the glowing sun.
For a refreshing afternoon, take a dip in the salt water infinity pool, and after, air dry under the glowing sun in one of Echo's many lounge chairs.
On the occasion of FADE IN, please join us for a conversation between Alex Israel and SI Director Simon Castets, in which they will discuss the artist's forthcoming SPF - 18, a feature - length teen coming - of - age movie, set amidst the glowing sun and beach culture of Malibu.
They all eventually settle in an idyllic Nova Scotian village, though the movie's final scene features an ominous shot of the glowing sun — a raging fireball that will force them to wander north for the rest of their lives.
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