Sentences with word «gnostics»

The emphasis in this gospel on the flesh of Jesus is partly determined by John's conscious repudiation of gnostic interpretations of Christianity.
Free for the taking, Ceccaldi's publication, which has been released with two different covers, is billed as a «simplified edition» of the text, and while I can't speak to its accuracy, exactly, the writing and story are pretty trippy, as tends to be the case in Gnostic gospels.
The female side of the deity and the prominence of women disciples in Gnostic Christian writings should interest feminist theologians regarding a discarded side of early Christianity.
The chefs behind «The Art of the Dinner Party» are as Gnostic as the Norwegian villagers.
Subsequent translations and studies of these Coptic manuscripts, translated from the Greek in the fourth century, revealed the views of Gnostic Christians from the second century onward.
She is the author of a number of books, notably the well - known Gnostic Gospels (1979) and....
Gnostic Atheist = Says there is no god Agnostic Atheist = Or weak Atheism.
Makes no authoritative claim but rejects the claim of god Gnostic Theist = Says there is a god Agnostic Theist = Makes no authoritative claim but accepts the claim of god
In the Nag Hammadi Library, found in Egypt, 1945, a number of Gnostic texts were found.
The basic problem with Gnostic dualism is that it severs people and issues into two.
In this negotiation, the controlling canon provides integrity, functioning here as dependably as does God's providence in the charismatic negotiation and the harmonious cosmos for gnostics.
Meeks contended that the androgynous concept received expanded — even «luxuriant» — treatment from Gnostic Christians, some of whom developed the sacrament of the bridegroom chamber to reunite the two halves in the believer.
None of the so - called Gnostic gospels ever got a look in.
It's in Gnostic writings like the Infancy Gospel of Thomas where the child Jesus is a supernatural prodigy, incapable of error though prone to fits of vengeance against adults and other children.
It's actually a very Gnostic view of Jesus an anti-material view, which is not Jewish at all.
Certainly the low Christology of the Qur» an matches well with some forms of Gnostic teaching: Jesus was not crucified (a substitute was found) and therefore was not resurrected; God instead snatched him up to immediate ascension.
This sounds like Gnostic heresy to me.
The concept of nature as evil and alien to humanity began basically in late apocalyptic and gnostic thought in the Christian era.
Repellent as Gnostic belief and practice may be, it at least bespeaks the ancient obsession with salvation and purification.
This foundational void was first the site of research by the Ancient Gnostics who passed it on to H.P. Lovecraft — like Lucier, a New Englander — and from him to the most advanced of death metal bands.
There was a cult of people called gnostics who believed the path to heaven was «secret knowledge.»
It means that, as we have seen that many Gnostics did say, that the heavenly Christ only came into the man Jesus for a limited time, that the Christ came upon the man Jesus at the baptism and left him before the suffering and death of the Cross.
Reinhold Niebuhr's under standing of salvation was fundamentally individualistic, if not gnostic.
Along with sayings based on the gospels and on known Gnostic traditions, Thomas provides some highly mysterious materials which reflect his theology.
No, John is writing to believers who are facing an early form of Gnostic heresy and is instructing them to turn away from that false dualistic teaching, and instead come into a fuller understanding of God who is light and love.
What you are saying sounds a lot like Gnostic dualism that was condemned by many in the early church.
But as Joe Anderson pointed out, the traditional categories seem to be based on Gnostic ideals.
To discover that a parish has, for example, an empiric - gnostic orientation may be a helpful recognition, but that finding alone does not identify the whole range of motifs and images by which a local church understands its world.
Because the canonic and gnostic sides function both conceptually and statistically» as opposites, as do the charismatic and empiric sides, it is possible to display the world view pattern of a congregation in graphic form according to the x and y axes of a coordinate system.
Gnostic influence suggests that this Christ, who died and rose again, was not a mere human being but a God - man.
I was so excited yesterday to learn about Gnostic Christianity.
Whatever external marks of similarity John may have with gnosticism, he attacks the basic gnostic position with great force: namely, that Jesus Christ could not be a true and complete man; that the Son of God could not have suffered and died.
Even though it had the opportunity to survey many gnostic texts in circulation at the time the canon became fixed, we may conjecture that the Church finally left these off the list because of their failure to embody the balanced kind of hope and deep sense of mystery's futurity that we find in the canonical books.
In the first place, hope has to come to expression in quite specific and concrete sacramental images in order to connect with present reality and thereby to avoid the docetic and gnostic temptations to escape from the present altogether.
Bloom's sweep is denominationally somewhat broader than this: most American Methodists, Roman Catholics, and even Jews and Muslims are also more Gnostic than normative in their deepest and unwariest beliefs.»
Historically, this understanding was developed by various Gnostic sects who believed that evil was a separate force in the universe alongside and in constant conflict with God.
Comedy challenges those foolish gnostic escape artists of every era who wish to flee conditioned existence for some pure realm of light and truth.
She asks: Since the representatives of Christian orthodoxy, from Justin through Irenaeus, Tertullian, Clement, and Origen, had denounced gnostic interpretations of Genesis in the name of moral freedom, how could the majority of Christians in the fifth century be persuaded to give up this primary theme of Christian doctrine — or, at least, to modify it radically — following Augustine's reinterpretation of Adam's sin?
Perhaps around 125, Papias knew some written gospels but stated his preference for oral traditions; by 150, Justin at Rome reflects a situation where written gospels have superseded most of the oral tradition; but even later at Alexandria oral traditions were still prominent, though tending to be confined to Gnostic groups.
Typically, gnostics hold that the sacred realm, the realm of perfection, is utterly estranged from the mundane, everyday world.
In sum, even though he was absorbed by the spiritual crisis of modern man — a crisis he traced back to the ancient gnostic movement — it can hardly be said that he viewed history in a Christian fashion, that is, as a drama of sin and redemption.
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