Sentences with phrase «go after death»

That would seal the deal for me: she can adopt any dog she wants as long as she has made arrangements for the dog to have funding for the rest of its life no matter where it has to go after her death.
C.S. Lewis was talking to his lawyer one day when the attorney told him he had to decide where his earnings would go after his death.
There are only two places to go after death, Heaven and Hell.
Sheol, or upper Hell, is the only Hell the Hebrews have and it is the natural place for a person to go after death; also called paradise by Christ.
Where does that energy that makes each one of us operate as a human go after death?
The natural place for humans to go after death is sheol, called paradise by Islam and Christ.
The traditional concept of the «next world» is not only that of a place where individual souls go after death.
Talking about where you go after death doesn't matter nearly as much as what you'll leave behind — how you've made your mark on the world.
You don't know where anyone goes after death.
May his psyche go ever on until God gives him a place to live deeply within the microcosm of spatialness where all celestial life goes after death beckons them to return to their atomic roots.
In Minangkabau the shari`a hereditary law is not followed; there, since their laws governing kinship are matriarchal, the privately acquired property of the individual goes after death to his relatives on the mother's side as family property

Not exact matches

In a statement released after the Moonves appointment, Redstone said she didn't want the chairmanship of Viacom to go to someone who is a director of her father's trust — which will take control of Redstone's more than $ 40 billion in assets after his death — or to someone who is too involved in the family's affairs.
Xenex goes after some of the hardest - to - kill pathogens, including C. difficile, which is linked to 14,000 American deaths each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
In the paper, called «Death by Pokemon Go: The Economic and Human Cost of Using Apps While Driving,» the scientists examined police accident reports in Tippecanoe County, Indiana in the 148 days after the game's release.
Her best - selling book I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman's Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer, published after her untimely death in 2016, has been widely credited with solving the case.
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After her death, Zachary, who had been going to Stoneman Douglas, stopped attending.
The commonly prescribed arthritis drug Vioxx was withdrawn after it was linked with heart attacks and strokes, a drug trial which went horribly wrong left six men fighting for their lives in intensive care, hospitals were names and shamed for MRSA and Clostridium difficile deaths, and measles made a come back after public confidence in the MMR vaccine plummeted.
When a lone gunman killed 26 at Sandy Hook Elementary in 2012, parents were told to go home after waiting in a firehouse near the school, and state troopers later knocked on their doors to officially inform them of their kids» deaths.
It is saying that you will go to hell because you believed the same thing as the person they want to baptize after death.
I am saying if there is no life after death and eventually the sun itself goes out our existence is meaningless.Everything we know cries out there is something outside of ourselves and more to life than this existence:.
«I am saying if there is no life after death and eventually the sun itself goes out our existence is meaningless.
No way, after a lifetime of fighting this thing to the death, was I going to give in.
Case 3: Mormons are right, and spirits are required to have an authorized baptism the Mormon way, by a person with a physical body here on earth... Then the person who received the baptism by proxy (after learning the truth... after death) can either reject it and go on their happy way, or may be pretty happy to receive it.
«They were always together, except when Wattie went fishing - Rae drew the line at joining him in that - and she missed him terribly after his death.
The same goes for life after death.
It is only that after death we lose consciousness of time and assumed we would wake up again after 10000 real years minus our remaining lifetime, which would be still about 10000 years, we would feel that only a moment had gone by after we had died.
I said to her «Mom you can go if you need to» and she just slipped away... she had Alzeheimer but the last two weeks of her life she was very lucid and talked of my father (they had been married 59 years but she had spoken of him in the last four years after his death... family, bio, adopted, inherited... no matter what we all strive to get to them when we leave this earth.
My husband had always asked me if I would want to be with him after death and I joked with him and said, «It depends on where you go
After His death and resurrection, all who die now go to paradise / eden.
I am quite sick of people using religion as a shield from being held accountable,... especially as they like to say things like «we are all going to be held accountable after death
Every person, in the grand experience of their life will go beyond that shroud after death and discover God.
I don't what happens after death, but I am going to carry on down the path of unconditional love and real community for all, as long as I can breathe.
I don't know what sorts of «punishment» God might have in store for people after death, but again, using Jesus as the guiding principle, I highly doubt that God is going to torture people for all eternity by burning them in fire.
And through the Internet and other technology, folks are aware that the world we've been handed is fragile — and if our faith is only promising people life after death and not asking if there is life before death, we are going to lose them.
Um nope let me believe there is life after death it is much easier for me to get up in the morning and not commit mass murder because it doesn't matter we are all going to die anyhow and no one is going to punish me once I'm dead anyhow might as well take a bunch of you with me.
As to those who may have gone through life without any feasible knowledge of God, those individuals would still have an opportunity to learn and choose whether or not to accept the newly received gospel as spirits after death.
Describing what it was like after the bomb went off, he said: «I felt as though impending doom was fast approaching and there we were, in a sense standing toe to toe with death
Flannery O'Connor's novel The Violent Bear It Away does suggest a more satisfactory relation for human beings between the ordinary and the transcendent though it is, on the face of it, a very strange one indeed.19 Her novel is about a fourteen - year - old boy, Francis Tarwater, who, after the death of his great - uncle, a self - proclaimed prophet, goes to his uncle Rayber in order to fulfill the Lord's «call» that he, Tarwater, baptize Rayber's young idiot son.
The disintegration of the Mughal Empire after the death of Aurangzeb went on rapidly, but the Muslim literature of this period shows no consciousness of the fate that was overtaking the Muslims.
After the death of Aurangzeb in 1119 (A.D. 1707) the Mughal Empire went into a sharp decline.
It's hilarious that you keep say in one post that I'm the one whining about death threats after you proclaimed you wish hitler had gone after gay people, even though if you knew a shred of history you would know he did.
All gays (sinners) will be judged after death by god (if they don't repent) and go to hell (if you believe this sort of thing) so death in this life is really no big deal.
Saying the «lights go out» permanently after death is just as much philosophical speculation as the idea's exact opposite — life after death.
I'd much rather spend my life believing, living my life as if there IS a heaven as a reward, having the comfort of thinking that God will be there when I draw my last breath, and being comforted with the thought as I watch the world go to hell in a hand - basket... and not be aware after death that I was wrong because, as Hawking says..
He motions the twelve aside and explains one last time: «See, we are going to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and the scribes, and they will condemn him to death; then they will hand him over to the Gentiles; they will mock him, and spit upon him, and flog him, and kill him; and after three days he will rise again.»
While I no longer believe the earth is just 6,000 years old, I still live in the tension of unanswered questions about the universe, and death, and brains, and Neanderthals, and whatever Neil deGrasse Tyson's got to say on public television about the earth getting burned up by the sun or our species going extinct after an asteroid hits.
You have NO idea of what goes on after death (if anything), nor does anyone else.
Again, none of this has anything to do with whether or not a person goes to heaven or hell after death.
I'm always surprised when anyone goes on the record claiming to know with certainty what happens to an individual after death, but several folks did just that in this story.
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