Sentences with phrase «go ghost hunting»

Let's - a go ghost hunting on the day of spooks and terrors!
Let's - a go ghost hunting on the day of spooks and terrors!

Not exact matches

When I photographed them the first time they were not like city teenagers, with completely different moral values and a fairy tale world inside: they went hunting and fishing, could use a joiner's chisel, playedwith ghosts at abandoned places, did not want to move to a city, loved nature.
The Woman in Black (DVD & Blu - ray) Harry Potter goes hunting for ghosts!
Can the Warrens and their ghost hunting team figure out what's actually going on in the house before things really get terrifying for the Perron Family?
When McCarthy reads a sexist comment by an angry YouTube poster talking about their ghost - busting service («Ain't no bitches gonna hunt no ghosts!»)
In her free time she enjoys camping, cooking, listening to bands, drumming and going on ghost hunts.
Going into a new building with your ghost hunting gear trying to find paranormal evidence was a bigger rush than any quest or puzzle.
You're given a brief summary of what's going on in the R.I.P.D. universe (Ryan Reynolds is a dead cop and is recruited into an afterlife police force that hunts bad ghosts or something), then thrust into the match menu.
It sounds like the game resembles other AR hunting titles, a la Pokemon Go, but with capturing ghosts.
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