Sentences with phrase «go of my precious baby»

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Being a mum helped me understanding more the fascinating world of babies, their needs and the environment they come from and made me realise how quicly time goes and how precious is to keep as many memories as we can of our babies.
Now, I had no other choice but to go to work, which of course meant I had no choice but to select a childcare center to care for my precious babies so I could go and earn a living to put a roof over our heads.
Don't forget to snag one and write down all of the exciting events from the summer; even if it is as simple as, «baby's first time eating watermelon,» we know you're going to want to write it all down to remember all of those precious moments.
Following the the unthinkable, horrific tragedy in Newtown Connecticut on Friday that stole the precious, innocent lives of 20 sweet, beautiful children, I can not begin to even fathom what you, the parents of those babies, must be going through.
I use it for all of my laundry needs, but I particularly like to use it for the receiving blankets because we're going to be wrapping a sweet, precious baby in this, so chemicals, scents and toxins have no business being anywhere near this fabric.
Babies are no doubt the most precious gift from the heavens and when you are going to receive this gift for the very first time, the experience itself is a complete journey of excitement.
It makes me angry when homebirth centers fill the heads of well meaning Moms who only want what's best for their baby, with false surety and then to see the faces of those Moms, disillusioned and in painful shock as they walk into the NICU to see their precious baby because the «Home Birth» went tragically wrong.
Having a baby is one of the most precious experience a mother can go through.
Mommy's gonna love you with all of mommy's heart (every ounce of warm pumping blood included), clothe you in the finest silk (or the best baby rompers on sale at Target) and feed you every last drop of mommy's precious breastmilk (either that or the best formulated milk available).
Those early days of baby life can be such a haze and even though we try to remember all the special and sweet memories, we're often so tired and too overwhelmed to write all those special memories down — but, with the gorgeous books from Echo Art Bindery, you're not only going to have a special place to record all the memories, but want to take the time to sit down and savor writing all of your precious memories.
If both babies fall asleep at the same time, drop whatever you're doing (I've left the table just as dinner was hitting it because I saw a precious window of opportunity) and go to sleep.
And that same question needs to be asked of all these «Education Reform» shysters; Bill Gates, Eli Broad, The Walmart Family heirs, and the numerous Hedge Funders who helped our economy to collapse in 2008: When are you going to send YOUR precious babies to «Charters» or «Digital Academies»?
It's heart wrenching to imagine one of these precious baby going home with someone who has ill intentions.
My family said to come and meet him, and they did nt come right out and say it, but meant, «and say good - bye all in one visit»... I was in the NICU with this precious baby, all by myself — my brother and sister in law had gone home for a couple hours, as it was the birth day of another nephew.
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