Sentences with phrase «go sleepless»

Sacrificing their wellness, 31 percent would eat only traditional student staple ramen for weeks (one in nine would eat a tarantula), and one in four would go sleepless for two days.
Young college students have the unique ability go sleepless for several days straight.
It doesn't necessarily mean you have to go sleepless for the the entire quarter.

Not exact matches

Plus, maybe those headaches and sleepless nights will subside when tax day comes and goes each year.
It goes beyond the sleepless nights; it includes the hard physical labor of making products and moving things around on a daily basis.
The weekend's hours have gone slowly, marching through feverish tinies with barking coughs, sleepless nights and never - ending weepy exhaustion.
It took me going back to seminary, many sleepless nights, working full - time while being a full - time student, missing out on relationships and actively pursuing what God had promised me before I started to see the fruit of that labor.
This mere thought of taking time upon one's conscience of giving it time to explore with its sleepless vigilance every secret thought, with such effect that, if every instant one does not make the movement by virtue of the highest and holiest there is in a man, one is able with dread and horror to discover (People do not believe this in our serious age, and yet it is remarkable that even in paganism, less easy - going and more given to reflection, the two outstanding representatives of the Greek as a conception of existence intimated each in his way that by delving deep into oneself one would first of all discover the disposition to evil.
Work is stressful, we have sleepless nights over our cash flow, Friday nights spent dealing with problems in our building site and arguments over who will walk Austin — just like everyone else, but when you're worrying about your own things, I'm not going to add mine to the list.
I would like to know what Walcott does when he doesn't score, because if he is like Sanchez he will be sleepless for months, but like every Arsenal English players he just go home and check is bank balance and everything is forgotten, and you people think the love the club!!!
My 10 month old is going through some sleepless nights right now, and it's not easy, but I definitely can't imagine «sticking the rules» to him by any means.
After 8 months of sleepless nights you realise you have to go back to work and this can't carry on forever so you consider night weaning gently, but after a months of struggle you find out she carries on waking and getting her back to sleep without feeding gets more difficult.
Mothers may experience sleepless nights if their babies don't go to sleep easily.
You've went through the hard part, you've given birth and you've dealt with long, sleepless nights.
Good luck to all the new moms out there and those sleepless nights to go away with time and patience.»
They aren't going to spend sleepless nights at home and at the hospital to parent your child if he or she becomes chronically ill.
When I first realized how sleep deprived I had become, I talked to my Dad about what was going on and all he said was that these sleepless night and crying jags would bond me and my son more then anything else could.
I felt more in control having gone through it once before, especially as the frustrating moments of sleep regression, teething and the long sleepless nights.
Let me just say once you've left the stage of diaper bags and potty breaks and sleepless nights, it's really hard to go back!
To show you how things were going for me when I began working on my sleep concepts, this was Coleton's actual night waking schedule, logged on tiny bits of paper one very sleepless night:
Nights spent sleepless with heartburn, an active baby in the belly, and a bladder that never wanted to go to sleep.
The first three months of your baby's life goes by in a whirlwind of dirty diapers, snuggles and sleepless nights.
So yes, I went through months of sleepless nights, not knowing that there was a simple solution down the road from me in our neighborhood department store.
And after baby arrives, be sure to check out these funny mom memes to keep you going strong during those sleepless nights!
The feedings, the vomit, the diaper changes, the sleepless nights - the list goes on and on.
If you are spending sleepless nights, rocking and carrying you baby - trying to get her to sleep, she is not ready to go to sleep on her own.
I hardly remembered the endless sleepless nights from my previous go - around.
It's a totally unique, creative, and thoughtful gift for new parents who're for sure going to encounter lots of cases of the sleepless blues.
A plethora of baby monitoring devices and countless sleepless hours have gone into ensuring babies remain safe while they sleep.
This was no end - all transition, she still spent many mornings in my bed and there's those sleepless teething nights but now at 16 months she confidently prefers to go to sleep on her own, in her own bed.
So there you go, a general guide to help you through the first fifteen days of confusion and sleepless nights.
All parents go through sleepless nights with little ones.
Sure, Kardashian has a personal trainer (and likely has her own chef, too) but what mom wants to get up after a rough, sleepless night with a new baby and go jogging or hit the gym?
If you are sleepless, go to bed along with your baby.
It was due to your hardwork and sleepless nights that the NPP came to power and we are not going to let you suffer.
He would go on to explain that you, a sleepless Martian, would visit Earth and see all these sleeping creatures.
Same thing with drugs — if you're switching from a sleeping pill to valerian or passion flower, you're probably going to have to suffer through a few sleepless nights while your body weans itself off the chemicals.
Between sleepless nights, sore nipples, and the post-partum blues, workouts are going to be really hard to fit in.
What parent hasn't gone through a sleepless night or two... or twenty... worrying about a child with a high fever?
Whether it's a relationship gone wrong, an unreasonable boss, relocation to a new city, or sleepless nights looking after a newborn baby with colic, the effect is the same.
I have more energy than I've had in years and my sleepless nights are gone.
Even though I know it's impossible to prepare for the endless loop of sleepless nights that roll into the day, I'm going to give it my best shot!
When most women think of menopause they think of hot flushes, sleepless nights, weight gain, depression, low libido and the list goes on... but what if we told you it doesn't have to be like that at all?
After a year of planning and countless sleepless nights, our annual B2B expo went off without a hitch last Wednesday.
It's a big gun to pull out when you've had a particularly sleepless night, or you're going to be on a long plane ride, or you just want to treat yourself.
If anyone has some go - to methods of getting out of a string of sleepless nights, please do tell.
Perhaps your left wondering and sleepless about why there's so much BS that goes along with and in the trenches of Internet dating, while on your search for love?
Some people are so disappointed by the dates that don't work out, that they have sleepless nights just thinking about the money, effort, and time required to go out with more dates.
«I've had sleepless nights wondering about which members of staff we are going to have to make redundant; this is a time when a union that represents school leaders needs to really understand how policy plays out in offices like this.»
All these fairs, and others, too, were going on at the same time in the same cavernous spaces, which were like the biggest big - box stores ever built, their denizens streaming into the fairgrounds, riding half - mile - long mobile walkways, hitching rides on commuter trains from the beautiful old central railway station so evocative for Paul of prewar Europe, drinking late into the night in the dangerously crowded lobbies of the hotels, hungover and sleepless and hoarse by day, complaining and fibbing and wheedling and smoking and drinking, gorging and lying and drinking and fucking by night, and having the time of their lives.
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