Sentences with phrase «go to church»

Or better yet... go to church and pray for some self control.
If you want to learn about religion, read the bible and go to a church.
Stan: We go to church to learn that stuff!
If a person reads it and dosen't understand it, maybe he should go to Church and talk with those who do.
Today I still go to my church, but at a greatly reduced level of involvement.
They put on their church clothes on «church day,» go to the church building.
It is commonly heard in books, and on blogs, and even from pulpits nowadays that one does not «go to church
More than happy to go to a church service.
What a lot of skirting around the real reason that young people do not go to church.
If you want to go to another church because the pastor wears blur shoes instead of brown and he smiles more... then go.
So even though many of these church people may be the most involved, generous, outreach - focused, Jesus - loving people you'll ever meet, they generally don't «get it» when a church planter tries to do the things that are necessary to plant a church for people who won't go to church.
I was raised Catholic, still go to church semi0regularly but identify as an independent Christian
- no one cares if, when or where any of these candidates go to church.
I go to a church woman's prayer group.
They ask you where you go to church and and your response is that you don't go.
I've sometimes heard people say the awful words, «I couldn't go to church because I'm not good enough.»
It is Sunday go to church.
If you want to grow in faith, go to church.
So let them go to church, let them have their conservative lifestyles, but steal their time, so they can't gain that experience in Jesus Christ.
If the Church had had it's way we'd still be treating women as second class citizens and all of you Christians would not own a bible but rather would have to go to the Church to hear what it had to say on the matter.
Not just an abstract thing where you believe and might go to church here and there.
He also relates how he had to grapple with important lifestyle questions even at a young age: «At about 13, 14 years old, the question arose: Can I actually kick on Sunday morning, even though I was supposed to go to church?
In fact, right now, I am trying to decide if I even want to go to church there in the morning.
It is time for all the lying atheists who go to church, lie at work and to their families and friends to stand up and be accounted for.
If you do not believe there is absolute truth — if you do not believe that some people are right and some are just plain wrong — then it would be hard to go to church.
When asked why they go to church, many people say that there they meet the kind of people they really like (people like themselves) or that the church helps their kids learn morals.
And yet, so often thats all there is... we go to church and all there is is fluff and we need to hear from God NOW.
Did you and your family go to church, mosque or the temple?Can CNN find qualified journalist to serve America?
Why is it that we are «made» to go to church when we are younger?
As the article said, it's about a block away from the White House — it only serves a few blocks; most people don't drive into town to go to church on Sunday.
PS - I am a Catholic and religious person... and as a family member of two abuse victims I will no longer go to church.
We don't go to church for more of the same.
Go to church, Sunday brunch, stop by the store and pick up those 40 - watt fluorescent light bulbs you've been needing (you really should consider some softer lighting, though), head home and watch Netflix like you always do on Sunday.
I would say, be their friend whether they go to your church meetings or not.
So no one forces one to go to church, and yet you immediately bring up the spectre of what's going to happen when I die....
Question: When you or a family member or co-worker or friend go to church of a Sunday, are you «parading yourself as being a Christian» or are you just... oh,..
No one forces anyone to go to church in this country.
If he isn't the church going type then by all means worship at home but don't publicly go to church as a reminder to the American people that your still a believer.
They will go to church on Sunday and pray for their team to win the Superbowl, but they spend 0 hours a week actively helping the poor and they believe it's ok to kill a man.
If I were Obama I would refuse to attend church again until after his term, saying «Whenever I go to church it upsets the American people so severely, I feel badly about it — I don't want to do that.»
Sure... I go to church twice a year and still believe in God.
Its a bless for to see President Obama and his very Loveing family to go to church together.I Seen them on World News.
They don't want to go to church because it's obviously fake, based in emotional manipulation, and a steaming pile of lies.
I read a while back that UK Catholics were being asked for donations to finance the trip, so I figured that at least * that * money wouldn't go to the Church as regular «Sunday» donations; but whatever part of it that the UK has to pop for is, I suppose, an issue between the populace and their gov «t.
You can go to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day Saints website"» for answers to your religion questions.
I rarely go to church and yet have a deep Christian faith.
Fishtown mike - its not that he does nt go to church it that he choses to suddenly start going right before elections.
Though I do not go to church or practice a particular faith I have many close friends that do.
If I want to find a hypocrite, I'd go to a church.
We don't go to church every week, we have better things to do.
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