Sentences with phrase «go to school no»

The 8 year old little girl who wants to «just be normal» and go to school but instead spends her time in the cancer ward wracked with pain while her parents just pray over her and refuse to let the doctor actually do his job?
Go to church you learn weird stuff, go to school you reach the age of reason...
Go to school, get your PHD, come up with you hypothesis, collect and analyze your data, write your paper proving evolution is complete BS, collect your Nobel Prize...
His daughter, Scout, now in her mid-twenties and visiting home from her erstwhile and vaguely described life in New York, finds Atticus at a meeting where a professional scaremonger warns the sympathetic audience that their concern is «not the question of whether snot - nosed niggers will go to school with your children or ride in the front of the bus... it's whether... we will be slaves of the Communists» and «nigger lawyers.»
I go to school about half an hour south of San Francisco, but I'm a native San Diegan (that's what we call it by the way).
Go to school, hang out with pals, play basketball, and hope some girl finds me appealing.
The children were able to go to school for free — unlike the rest of Haiti — because of Jean - Alix's work already.
I am waiting and hoping the the administrators will let her go to another school where Jasmin can feel safe, and forget the nightmare she has lived from the beginning of the school year to this day.
The exciting part about Zari is that she is modeling for young girls that it is wonderful to go to school and that it's ok to dream about having a career.
we said ATHEISTS themselves did it... get out of your mommas basement and go to school to learn to read
You go to school, and the students sit while the teacher stands.
However, such ideological differences don't matter to a middle school child who is afraid to go to school.
Because life in America «should be» that you go to school, get a job, and be happy, these same people are preaching to do so when an expensive investment like college is NOT getting you jobs or any guarantee.
In the fall of 1987, Ricky Ray, aged ten, and his two younger brothers, all hemophilic children from Arcadia, Florida, who tested positive for the AIDS antibody, tried to go to school.
The father said he talked to his daughter all the time — he told her when to get up and go to school, when to do homework, when she needed to get a new jacket.
let's be ignorant, why in the world do we need to go to school?
How about let them go to school on other holidays so they can be off without consider being absent when their Holidays come.
You know who also has to go to school on their holidays... Jews.
Just don't go to school on that day or keep your kids home that day.
The construction of our mosques is protested, our communities are profiled, and our children have to go to school on their holidays.
If you want your children go to a school complying to the religious doctrines, then choose a religious school in the first place.
@ Jacquest Strappe, World Famous French Ball Juggler lmao yes i did go to school and no they never said how the world was created so you tell me since you know the answer and i don't?
Being an American - born muslim, I've always felt cheated when I had / have to go to school on a scared day like the Eid.
Go to school free anytime with the Historyscoper and master the key facts at
Being a hindu with 330,000 deities, we would never have to go to school.
Julie in Austin, (I actual used to go to school at the Jewish temple in downtown Austin) «In other cases, it assumes (as often do the arguments of Atheists) the very conclusion it is trying to reach».
If we will accomodate all religious observance of all religions and those without religion there will be fewer and fewer days for students to go to school and learn.
Finally, if we started to celebrate every religions holidays, we'll never go to school or work.
Do you think students don't go to school on Sunday by chance?
No one is pointing the gun to take exam or to go to school on muslim holiday.
As a Christian who grew up in Kuwait, I had to go to school on Christmas (unless it fell on a Friday) and Easter and it was counted as «unexcused absence».
When will kids ever go to school?
The US is quick to jump on Iran or Pakitan, but in those countries women can: Go to School (including university), Get a job, Vote, Drive Cars, DO NOT have to wear a Burka (hijabs are RECOMMENDED NOT ENFOCED), do not have to be accompanied by a male reletive.
Geo, on the same note, if you want to go to school and have No Muslim days off, then go study in a country that does not have so many Muslim students, period.
Mainly, because in all the verbiage about freedoms of beliefs there is something so important, so blatantly acute yet everyone do not even mention it, except - oh genial me: Why would anyone in the whole world support any type of creed / belief / religion where a whole lot of humans — as in millions of human women — are not allowed to go to school, to even just read and write - less become a teacher, doctor, lawyer, president of their own companies, their own countries, mutilated by the millions when they reach puberty, WHY is this allowed?
When they go to school.
Angel — WHERE did you go to school??? Cause they most certainly don't teach Creationism where I went!
In the 1965, you could go to school, get an education, and the worst you could worry about was talking in the halls, gum chewing, or running in the halls.
Go to school and obtain an education and then come back here and tell us something worthwhile.
Because I have seen over the years how children who have had an opportunity to go to school now have a change to help themselves and others too.
Go to school and learn those things..
the females need pads for when they have periods the kids still go to school even though homeless so book bag is handy.
We all go to school, only life's school is for adults.
School phobia, the child's refusing to go to school, is an example of extreme fear which interferes with functioning; parents should seek help at once.
After starting the day with a home - schooling session (the family is part of a co-op, so the kids go to school twice a week and Mary teaches on those days), the assembled throng departed for swimming and the library, leaving me here.
Our children began to go to school in the late 60s of the twentieth century.
the earth does what it does and we go to school to understand why.
this one more emotional than yours: «Son if you want to go to school — I'll pay for it.
I have 2jobs and I go to school, its a little tough.But I know God won't leave me.Their is nothing he can't handle.He already took care of it.Amen God bless
They do not go to school.
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