Sentences with phrase «goal of education»

Raising standards should be the primary goal of education reform.
Furthermore, the traditional salary schedule has no element directly linked to raising student achievement, the main goal of education reform.
In a world of increasing and rapid change, the ultimate goal of education should be deep, authentic learning that prepares students for life in a global, high - tech society.
This begs the bigger question: What is the real goal of education?
Those are some of the most pressing goals of education policy makers.
This is similar to the thesis that the proper goal of education is conversion from the life of self - serving to the life of devotion.
The narrow focus on math and reading may goose math and reading test scores in the short term but at the expense of the longer - term and broader goals of education.
We believe that the highest goal of education is to become good, intellectually and morally.
A core goal of education is to create lifelong learners.
It speaks to the highest and most noble goal of education — self - improvement and knowledge for knowledge's sake without being hampered by barriers of money, location or other access issues.
In consideration of the online driver's education, it is important to meet the objectives and goals of the education provision.
They insist that the acceptance and understanding of one another as diverse individuals with differing abilities is one of the primary goals of education.
The standards were an effort to better articulate the proper goals of education.
We believe the highest goal of education is to become good, intellectually and morally.
«This report makes it apparent that Relationship Education programs are a personal development strategy for young people that corresponds with the most fundamental goal of our education system — and with the goals of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act [Title IV SEC. 4108], to devote funding to activities that support safe and healthy students.
Javier Collado Ruano: And what do you think should be the fundamental goal of education for children?
Thank you, Wendy and thank you, Jonathan for all that you do in support of the noble efforts of teachers, school administrators, paraprofessionals, and all who promote the true goals of education as one of the most important institutions in a civil society.
Relationship Education programs are a personal development strategy for young people that corresponds with the most fundamental goal of our education system
First, they contend that these exams detract from the larger goals of education by encouraging teachers to «teach the test.»
We need to clearly understand our mission in terms of the larger goals of education, and be able to demonstrate our unique contribution to student achievement, well - being and personal and social growth.
Bradley Scott, Ph.D., (director of the equity assistance center at IDRA) has developed the following six goals of education equity as a framework for school districts.
Here is the Foreword I wrote for the book: The most important goal of education is to give a student a framework for understanding reality.
LaFollette explores how scientists, journalists, and the conflicting goals of education and entertainment interacted to shape the content and format of science broadcasts from the rise of radio to the early days of television.
Providing students with math and reading skills that are useful in the workplace is a worthy goal of education, but so is helping students become good citizens — cultured, tolerant, self - disciplined, and creative.
Unfortunately, even when it comes to some of the narrower goals of education, there is no evidence that standards deemed to be higher quality are effective in producing higher levels of literacy and numeracy.
Every country needs to meet the target of education receiving 6 percent of gross domestic product, and we need to reach the overall goal of education standing at 0.7 % of official development assistance.
Under the banner of the UN's plan for sustainable development, this was a key opportunity to bring together world leaders, civil society, private foundations and enterprises, in demonstration of a commitment to the common goal of education for all.
The overarching goal of the Education Redesign Lab at the Harvard Graduate School of Education is to develop and implement personalized systems of learning and child development that will improve academic and other outcomes for all students.
But only by returning to basics can we hope to achieve what must always remain the essential goals of education policy: to provide all children with the knowledge they must have to be informed American citizens, and to give them the skills they will need to compete in tomorrow's global economy.
Schools should set goals that go beyond the current national goals of education to address the broader growth and development of students, preparing them to assume responsible roles in the work force and society.
For the judge, the State spent enough money on schools, but the State failed to compel everybody to implement the basic goals of education: kids passing basic reading and math tests.
Thinking — strategic, independent, and inquisitive — then becomes a topic of classroom discussion and an explicit goal of education.
A crucial goal of education, especially in a town like Gary, is teaching students to pursue higher education and career development beyond their time in high school.
Local languages can complement and support EMI in the classroom; partnerships are required to achieve both learning and language goals of education.
The primary goal of the Education Technology Grants program is to improve student academic achievement through the use of technology in schools.
If the vision and goals of our education system (s) are some version of Fullan's six C's, dynamic leadership will mean purposefully engaging many others in a spirit of «innovation, risk - taking, commitment and problem solving» (Fullan, 2013, p. 9).
The ultimate goal of education, for Locke, is the generation of businessmen and scientists.
With these lines we intend to show the prevailing need to establish a required voluntary service that facilitates from the humanistic education to a professional sector included in the social and human sciences, but that unfortunately most of their training is based on conglomerations of theoretical contents within the four walls of a classroom, isolated from the real and away context from the real goal of education.
Many of Dewey's more overtly political followers have therefore emphasized the importance of «social reconstruction» or «social responsibility» as primary goals of education.
By Daniel Willingham In her February 2 Op - ed piece in The New York Times, Susan Engel of Williams College celebrates the current administration's goal of education reform, but cautions that reform may not mean much unless the curriculum is changed.
Despite the city's optimism, the prospect of more tests, particularly ones that will have a direct influence on teachers, is causing dismay among those who believe that students already spend too much time preparing for exams and not enough on the broader goals of education, like social and emotional development.
Six Goals of Education Equity Every child in each school district, of any background, should have the chance to excel.
Schools and educators have their own ideas about the proper goals of education and little can be done to force them to change their practice.
The fact that Obama felt obligated to say anything at all is not due to an epiphany regarding the true goals of education.
In the broadest sense, refinement is the fundamental goal of all education.
But Hala comes back to the goal of education, outreach and spreading goodwill.
The goal of education is the formation of good character, whose measure is the habit and attitude of devotion.
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