Sentences with phrase «goal of reform»

I believe we can achieve the same goal of reforming tax credits, saving the money we need to secure our economy while at the same time helping in the transition.
In preparing teacher leaders, experienced practitioners noted the importance of developing knowledge and skills that are aligned with the focus and goals of the reform effort they will help lead.
I too went into the ministry, along with other young men and women, with lofty goals of reforming the church.
It is important to stress that the main goal of our reform plan was not to question the role of private saving in Chile.
«I believe we can achieve the same goal of reforming tax credits, saving the money we need to save to secure our economy, while at the same time helping in the transition.»
Another major goal of the reform was to allow postgraduates to work more independently from their academic tutors in an earlier phase of their career.
The primary goal of reform efforts should be to make it easier for problem solvers to gain access to and traction in the system, coupled with thoughtful public oversight of results.
The committee then turned to the ultimate goal of the reform proposals, the adoption of a market - based system where legal aid rates would be determined by competitive tendering for block contracts.
As MPs returned to Westminster following the summer recess, Mr Clegg confirmed the Bill had been withdrawn but hoped the process had «inched us forward» towards his goal of a reformed Lords.
The goal of the reforms is to push back the influence of the state in every respect; the stronger influence of the economy and society is in part striven towards, in part taken into the bargain.
Smarick's article explores how the goal of reform was displaced by the goal of job and program preservation.
Hargreaves reminds us that these arguments may lead us to forget that the end - goal of reform is to prepare students to thrive professionally and personally in a world in which knowledge and technological literacy are at a premium.
These researchers have argued that using Web 2.0 technologies in science classrooms supports the «intersection of the goals of reform - based science goals and the meaning - making practices enabled by newer technologies» and allows for easy viewing and creation of content that allows others to interact with the content created» (Luehmann & Frink, 2012, p. 835).
The goal of reform is not to improve schools; the goal is have schools improve communities.
He added, «The mayor really needs to get education back on track and to focus on the goals of the reforms in a fiscally constrained environment.
Everyone involved in education reform would be well - served to remind themselves of the goal of these reforms — to serve the nation's students.
Promote Stability: A goal of the reformed system should be to promote stability in housing finance.
In 1903, Hoffmann and Moser founded the Wiener Werkstätte as a fine - arts society with the goal of reforming the applied arts (arts and crafts).
The response asserted that controlling costs is not, in and of itself, the goal of the reform programme and that «the aim of improved efficiency and better control over spending is, ultimately, to ensure that more people can be helped by legal aid within the resources available, without any reduction in quality, and in a way that contributes to, and benefits from, improved efficiency in the wider justice systems» (para 33).
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