Sentences with phrase «goal of this exercise»

Make sure it doesn't detract excessively from the primary goal of the exercise e.g. perform deadlifts on a 3 inch fat bar; you'll severely limit the weight you can use to the point where you won't get nearly as a big a training effect.
The ultimate goal of these exercises is to get the glutes to fire properly, build a strong backside, prevent lower extremity injuries, and maintain proper alignment and biomechanics.
Adding a lateral sandbag drag allows you to maintain and further develop the connection of the lats, core, and glutes, which is the real goal of the exercise.
Spinal flexion is the major goal of this exercise, not hip flexion.
The overall goal of the exercise was to collect measurements of snow and ice along the Thule Air Base survey track for validation of NASA Operation IceBridge airborne radar systems.
It's easy to get so mired in the minutia that we derail, delay or compromise the bigger goal of the exercise.
The goal of this exercise is twofold: to help you identify inefficiencies and strengths.
The goal of this exercise was to attempt to forgive the people and begin to let go of the pain on my list.
the point and goal of the exercise?)
In addition to making dietary changes, Nick and his Joliet family now have a goal of exercising 60 minutes a day, and it's making a difference.
The goal of the exercise was to understand how joggers stabilize their heads and torsos — part of the distinctive human balancing act that puzzled Bramble years ago.
The goal of exercise should always be to feel good in your body, rather than look good in it.
Insulin sensitivity, a goal of exercise to avoid the current epidemic of pre-diabetes, increased the same amount in both exercise groups.
One hard work set is the goal of every exercise.
The goal of these exercises is to enhance stability at the lumbar spine, whilst creating movement at the thoracic spine and hips.
Generally, the goals of exercise are to prevent or limit the progression rate of the curvature in the spine, alleviate pain, and improve muscular and postural imbalances.
The goal of this exercise is to be able to maintain belly button spine connection while you breathe.
The goal of these exercises is to stabilize your core while performing unilateral movement.
As well as developing a clear understanding of what would constitute an answer to the question in the context from which it came, the goals of the exercise must also be expressed in clear mathematical terms.
The goal of that exercise is twofold: to identify areas of the curriculum that need to be improved and to identify the strong and weak students in each class.
The goal of the exercise was to make sure observations result in similar scores for the teachers, regardless of who is observing them.
The goal of this exercise isn't just to potentially hit bestseller status, but to surge your book within the Amazon machine.
The goal of the exercise was to see if investors would succumb to a smooth - talking, good - looking salesperson and hire him as a financial advisor.
The goal of the exercise is to make one realize which relationships require more attention and which should be ended because they add little value.
The goal of this exercise is to segment work by value drivers and complexity which leads to the creation of a right sized, virtual law department comprised of defined skills and capacity with appropriate use of technology / automation.
The goal of the exercise if to have the student gain proficiency several key skills including:
And isn't that the goal of the exercise?
The goal of this exercise is to help a child think more accurately during their anxious experience.
The goal of this exercise is to deepen your experience of pleasure and sexual fulfillment.
The goal of this exercise is to disrupt your usual negative and destructive pattern with your partner and create an opportunity for you to reset and enable better communication with your partner.
The goal of an exercise such as this is to move from a halted sense of a labor imbalance to a dialogue about how you and your spouse can support one another in a manner that both of you perceive as fair.
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