Sentences with phrase «goal of understanding»

As a scholar in the study of groups for over 35 years, I believe we can draw upon the diversity of perspectives to reflect the shared goal of an understanding of the basic and applied features and processes of groups.
My style of counseling is cognitive behavioral therapy with the goal of understanding each person as unique and having different life experiences.
The goal of understanding is wonderful.
Dr. Shelley Hymel's research addresses the interface of social and academic functioning, with the goal of understanding social developmental processes in order to support children and youth in school settings.
These sensors would be capable of real - time electrical communication with the goal of understanding how the brain processes and decodes spoken language — a brain process so complex and automatic that aspects of it still elude researchers.
Their objectives are part of an overall teamwide goal of understanding the intertwined dynamics of long - and short - lived emissions, both in the environment and in the world of policymaking, led by principal investigator Jennifer Burney of University of California San Diego.
So when it comes down to the scientific goal of understanding temperature over time through the Hollocene, I think we've got a graphic that shows different proxies «taking over» for relevant eras in which they are more robust, rather than being spliced or graphed onto each other.
She has conducted extensive research on the two largest masses of ice on Earth — the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets — with the goal of understanding how these entities are shrinking and contributing to sea level rise as the planet's climate warms.
The study explores teachers in the context of the four clusters identified among the Museum's general visitor population, with the goal of understanding teachers as important partners and supporting them more effectively.
The two - day conference brought together close to 150 decision makers from major cities in Asia with the same goal of understanding what opportunities in the hospitality sector the Indonesian market has to offer.
Every year, new components of the research are added while the overall goal of understanding the natural history and population dynamics of these large, migratory rays remains the primary goal.
That said, even if the Shiraseru Am doesn't fulfill its main goal of understanding your pet's emotions, it's still a pretty nifty gadget that helps to measure your furkid's temperature to avoid heat exhaustion, analyse its calorie intake and loss, as well as keep track of its movements.
If you've slogged through the first four installments of my 5 - part series on boosting your FICO ® credit score, you're 90 % of the way to the goal of understanding how what you do affects your credit rating (and your credit rating is a big deal, even if you've no plans to borrow money).
Furthermore, several district and school websites were investigated to find available information about their special education programs with the goal of understanding the information or lack thereof that families have available to make their school choice decisions.
For example, Mr. Sinclair's building of community emphasized activities that helped students see each other as individuals with the goal of understanding across racial / ethnic, gender, and socioeconomic boundaries.
Organizational researchers study teams with a goal of understanding the conditions that foster effective meetings and, more broadly, effective collaboration (see here for a review).
With such structures in place, even a first - year teacher like Gary can feel comfortable sharing the uncertainties inherent in teaching with the goal of understanding how best to support his students» learning going forward.
The National Center for Literacy Education (NCLE) recently conducted an online survey of teachers, with the goal of understanding the commonalities in schools that experienced success in implementing new literacy standards.
Suppose a third - grader has been studying the Vikings with the goal of understanding where they were from and what they did.
The group was able to meet the goal of understanding some of the challenges, achievements, and opportunities facing schools and school children in Puerto Rico.
Dr. Shelley Hymel's research addresses the interface of social and academic functioning, with the goal of understanding social developmental processes in order to support children and youth in school settings.
This is about the communication, the shared experience of reading, all of us working toward the goal of understanding the text.
Teacher education should supply this experience if teachers are to be equipped to help students progress towards the goal of understanding these ideas.
This latest team will enter with no more knowledge than the previous groups, but the same goal of understanding the event, its purpose, and how to prevent it's spread.
Many researchers at NIH, universities and medical schools are looking for antibodies that act on a broad range of flu strains, with the goal of understanding how they attach to the viruses and then designing vaccines or other flu therapies that produce a similar effect.
Our researchers have made key discoveries of the specific gene mutations and proteins involved in both syndromic and non-syndromic congenital sideroblastic anemias, and we have an open research protocol that is helping us to reach our ultimate goal of understanding the genetic basis of all types of CSAs.
Revive & Restore partnered with San Diego Zoo Global to study the genomes of four unique Black - footed Ferret specimens with the goal of understanding the extent of the genetic diversity problem and whether existing genetic resources could inject new diversity into the ferret population.
Dr. Cole's project, «Mechanistic Derivation of Germ Line Mutation by Genome - Wide Mouse Tetrad Analysis,» will help define the global patterns of de novo germ line mutations and the frequencies at which such mutations occur in mice, with the long term goal of understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying germ line mutagenesis and developing strategies to prevent or treat disorders caused by such mutations.
Amber Miller leads the Columbia University Experimental Cosmology group, dedicated to studying relic signatures from the Big Bang with the goal of understanding the origin and evolution of the universe.
The Chen Institute at Caltech involves faculty from across Caltech's six academic divisions, creating a campuswide interdisciplinary community of neuroscientists, biologists, chemists, physicists, engineers, computer scientists, and social scientists, all with the shared goal of understanding the fundamental principles that underlie brain function.
My advice is to keep pushing towards the goal of understanding, and to stay positive — try not to let temporary frustrations get in the way of that.
If we're hitting those benchmarks at 10 years, we are progressing toward the ultimate goal of understanding the brain.
«We are delighted to announce the award of Recovery Act funds to many dedicated, hardworking scientists committed to advancing scientific discovery into Alzheimer's disease and cognitive impairment,» said NIA Director Richard J. Hodes, M.D. «Over the next two years, the recipients will use this unprecedented boost in research funds to help reach our ultimate goal of understanding age - related cognitive decline and reducing the individual and societal burden of this devastating disease.»
Most vertebrate fossils are known from a very limited number of places on Earth, so Christian's goal of understanding the geographic complexity of extinction and recovery is a big one.
This center fosters collaborations among researchers at MD Anderson Smithville, in Houston and with other instutions in central Texas to reach the goal of understanding how environmental exposures influence cancer outcomes in the human population by identifying new targets and strategies for cancer prevention and treatment.
The trio of orbiting probes was launched in 2013 with the goal of understanding more about Earth's magnetic behaviour.
Neuroscientist Mu - Ming Poo discusses the China Brain Project and its goal of understanding brain diseases in the most populous country's aging public.
According to Paek, «Genome - wide transcriptome analysis using drought - tolerant or - susceptible variants is a promising method to reach the goal of understanding drought tolerance».
And his nerve condition has certainly not kept him from his goal of understanding aging.
The newly discovered black hole is in a galaxy, NGC 1600, in the opposite part of the sky from the Coma Cluster in a relative desert, said the leader of the discovery team, Chung - Pei Ma, a UC Berkeley professor of astronomy and head of the MASSIVE Survey, a study of the most massive galaxies and black holes in the local universe with the goal of understanding how they form and grow supermassive.
Arama and team hope that further research will help shed new light on a variety of issues pertaining to paternal mitochondria, with an ultimate goal of understanding mitochondrial turnover and male fertility.
«As the largest and most detailed study of its kind, these results will be invaluable in future research, and it's a great milestone on the road towards our goal of understanding and treating all forms of dementia.»
«We need an eight - year mission to reach our goal of understanding whether there are other worlds out there like Earth.»
The project studies water resources in the Phoenix area with the goal of understanding decisions about scarce water resources and their impacts: How do water managers think about climate uncertainty?
Client A decides to come to me with the goal of understanding, overcoming and eliminating any issues within her control, that may be hindering her success.
64 In this communion of horizons the dialectic of interpretation attains for a short moment the goal of understanding; then the horizons shift, our self - understanding and world change, we see the past in a different light, and the process begins anew.
These goals, I have argued, are different: The central practices of Christian congregations are ordered to the end of worshiping God; the central practices of a theological school are ordered to the goal of understanding God truly.
We must simply abandon the goal of understanding in any broad or inclusive sense.
The study looks at a range of incubators and accelerators, with the goal of understanding why these startup hubs are overwhelmingly white and male, and what can be done about it.

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In his book Synchronicity, Joe Jaworski explores the positive outcomes of openly sharing structured goals and visions — people begin to understand your aspirations and priorities and how they can contribute to your success.
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