Sentences with phrase «goals of policy»

This leads to outcomes directly in opposition to articulated goals of the policies.
Reduction of the spread of income between the richest and the poorest seems to many to be a proper goal of policy.
A primary goal of the policy is for teachers to align their instruction with state standards.
The secondary goal of your policy is to replace your paycheck if something were to happen.
Our results suggest that despite some reservations, cautions, and concerns, the majority of teachers and principals supported and endorsed the general education goals of the policy ending social promotion.
The first goal of your policy is to give your family the money that they need to pay off your mortgage, car payments, student loans, and any other major debts.
If the proper goal of policy is to increase total production, then the extension of markets free from governmental interference should be consistently supported.
The primary goal of your policy is to pay off any debts or unpaid expenses that your loved ones would be left with if you passed away.
The secondary goal of your policy is to help your family replace your source of income.
In addition, because this type of policy can essentially be considered as part insurance coverage and part savings vehicle, it can be used for many different savings goals of the policy holder such as college planning, estate planning, and supplemental retirement savings.
The suffering endured by the people was often times not merely an unfortunate consequence of misguided U.S. policies but was in fact the actual goal of those policies.
The overarching goal of the Policy Center is to help decision makers understand and anticipate the impact of 21st century biology, and where appropriate, devise policies to enhance positive and avoid negative societal outcomes.
The stated goal of the policy is to reduce the number of traffic injuries in the city, ultimately reaching zero traffic fatalities by 2025.
The next question you'll want to ask is, «how many of my loved ones rely on my salary», this is because the other goal of your policy is to help your loved ones replace your income if anything tragic were to happen to you.
For monetary policy to be effective, it is important to have clarity about what the FOMC can be clear and consistent about — its manner of responses to mitigate the potential harmful effects of disturbances and the goals of policy.
This highlights the importance of articulating the goals of policy as clearly as possible, so as to give expectations an anchor.
The goal of the policy, of course, is to stop companies from using tax havens or transferring pricing rules to avoid paying taxes.
According to this principle, the goal of policy is to improve the lot of some without harming others.
This means that goals and values, largely assumed inside the discipline of economics, become operative as the goals of policy makers.
One crucial facet of the problem involves what has come to be known as «public diplomacy»» which is to say, the government's responsibility to identify the goals of it policy, to explain the strategies and tactics (military and nonmilitary) deployed to achieve those goals, to make the case for the moral probity of its goals, strategies, and tactics» and to do all of this both at home and abroad.
I think the goal of the policy is quite good, but that there are probably better ways to spend # 17 billion.
The goal of a policy deliberation is for a variety of stakeholders (i.e., people with a vested interest in a topic) to exchange views about science policy.
«This research tends to show that environmental policies work, if the goal of those policies is not only to improve the environment, but also to improve health,» said H. Kim Lyerly, M.D., professor of surgery, associate professor of pathology and assistant professor of immunology at Duke.
The goal of the policy forum is to study how to harmonize joint and efficient scheduling, operation and interoperability of the various MW / MM telescopes.
The goal of the policy is to assure that no school deviates by more than 15 percent from the district's overall racial composition, which is 60 percent minority (African American, Asian, and Hispanic).
The goals of the Policy Associate and Policy Fellow program include 1) generate new, written content addressing critical policy questions impacting education leadership before local, state and federal governments, 2) amplify the voice of UCEA and educational leadership researchers among key policymakers and 3) develop a human resource structure which allows UCEA to respond to emerging policy topics in a policy - relevant time frame.
But, in fact, when thought about rigorously, each concept carries different assumptions about students and the goals of a policy outcome.
In actuality, despite the label, the goal of the policy is to create multiple avenues to ensure that children do read on grade level by the fourth grade, the time in education when students transition from learning - to - read to reading - to - learn.
To help ensure the health and well - being of each student attending KIPP Austin Public Schools, and to provide guidance to school personnel in the areas of nutrition, health, physical activity, and food service, the governing board encourages teachers, principals, and food service employees to recognize the lunch period as an integral part of the educational program of the district and to work to implement the goals of this policy.
The goal of our policy work is to ensure that teachers have a voice in the public policy decisions that affect their classrooms.
The goal of this policy is to give consideration for early entrance to children who have missed the birth date cut - off by two months or less (Sept. 2 through Oct. 31), and who demonstrate superior potential readiness in intellectual, social, emotional and physical areas.
Sometimes I think that the Keynesian and Austrian Schools of economic thought can be merged into a consistent synthesis that would disagree about the goals of policy, but largely agree on how economies work.
Sometimes I think that the Keynesian and Austrian Schools of economic thought can be merged into a consistent synthesis that would disagree about the goals of policy, but largely agree on how econo...
Life insurance is usually chosen depending on the needs and the goals of the policy holder.
L: models could take account of that if they wanted to — depends what you think the goals of policy are.
The goal of the policy is steady and predictable dividend payouts each year, which is what most investors seek.
The goal of the policy is to gradually reduce outdoor cat populations while avoiding widespread euthanasia policies in animal shelters.
The goal of this policy is to ensure that all kittens are neutered prior to adoption so that future unwanted litters are prevented.
The President believes that it's an American way of life, that it should be the goal of policy - makers to protect the American way of life.
If the Liberal Party forms the Government after the 2015 election, it seems reasonable to assume that the goal of the policy resolution and the Supreme Court of Canada decision will be reflected in legislative action by the Government.
The goal of these policy changes is to affect wider, fairer auto coverage for all and to introduce and encourage systemic change in the auto industry in Ontario.
However, when situations arise that call for enforcement actions at or near a sensitive location within the immediate vicinity of the international border, including its functional equivalent, agents and officers are expected to exercise sound judgment and common sense while taking appropriate action, consistent with the goals of this policy.
So in Ron's case the goal of this policy is to build cash value and take an income stream.
Depending on the goals of the policy owner, the policy can be designed to accomplish maximum protection, maximum cash value accumulation or a combination of the two.
You need to start by asking yourself, what is the goal of this policy?
The goal of this policy is to provide minimum coverage that the state requires.
In fact the goal of the policy owner is to fund the policy sufficiently by paying more than the cost of insurance each year.
Of course, it is the goal of the policy shopper to get cheap auto insurance that will provide enough coverage in case of accidents and other car related incidents.
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