Sentences with word «gobbledegook»

Following the path beaten out by the Plain English Campaign (now in its 30th year) and their Golden Bull Awards, organisations such as the Local Government Association (LGA) and the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) have been expressing their frustration at the proliferation of gobbledegook in public life.At the end of 2007, the LGA released a list of 100 words local authorities should not use, such as conditionality, coterminosity and contestability.
In his latest New Statesman article, it seems a freak tornado has torn through the library of the Fabian Society, scattering technical gobbledegook across Westminster.
Never mind that it is a very cherry - picked and misinterpreted bit of gobbledegook, nevermind that Chad has absolutely no credentials to show why 99.9999 % of the scientists in those fields are wrong and he is right, no, just savor the happy goodness of a guy whose evidence shows no signs of god or the supernatural.
Continue reading «A freak storm strikes the Fabian Society library, scattering gobbledegook in its wake - it's David Miliband's Wonknado»»
Without going into the mathematical gobbledegook, the VIX index is considered as good a gage of investor anxiety as any.
There is no internal science at play... pseudoscientific gobbledegook is spat out (by Richards usually) in an attempt to pretend at some sort of sensible progression, but these jumps are often ridiculous and usually without basis in any available evidence.
You come out with gobbledegook math without even taking into account the different trends that occurred during the times when the consoles released.
It's bizarre — more than bizarre — that a person who has defended Zbigniew Jaworowski's gobbledegook alchemical claims about ice core CO2, as you have in posts elsewhere, would think he had any credibility in criticizing climate science.
If ransomware is turning all of your data into inaccessible gobbledegook, it's wise to prevent the digital contagion from spreading to connected machines.
If only we had running commentary on every new channel, to debunk progressive policy gobbledegook.
After the 2010 general election, right - wing Tory MPs decided they lost because they were straddled with Big Society gobbledegook to sell on the doorstep, instead of firm lines on immigration and benefits.
Have students hum the tune over and over again, or even sing gobbledegook!
This reader is also perfect who just want to read and don't need a ton of distractions with games, lights and all the other gobbledegook.
A farmer's son from northern Germany, Bock studied a curious amalgam of art and economics in Hamburg, and is as well known for his incomprehensible, gobbledegook spoof lectures as for his filmed performances and the objects he makes.
Some of this stuff is pretty funny, in a Douglas Adams kind of way, and some of it bludgeons the viewer with pseudo science, like the technical gobbledegook characters in science - fiction movies have to spout, without giggling, when the warp drive's on the blink.
I went to the FTP service, but the files can be anything between 3 - 300 megabytes for each day, and look like gobbledegook -LRB-.
It's not an opportunity for talking heads to jabber at each other or trade digitized gobbledegook, but to converse with each other.
As for the phrase «multisyllabic gobbledegook,» yes, that's perfectly descriptive what you wrote at the end of your post.
Without going into the mathematical gobbledegook, the VIX index is considered as good a gage of investor anxiety as any.
His book Heaven and Earth, which purports to destroy the science of climate change, contains page after page of schoolboy errors and pseudoscientific gobbledegook.
Do you feel all the technical gobbledegook surrounding eBooks is not something you want to deal with?
«Chuka Umunna, «the unions» representative in Parliament», hits choppy waters Main A freak storm strikes the Fabian Society library, scattering gobbledegook in its wake - it's David Miliband's Wonknado»
I honestly don't know what all the Z - theory posts mean if they're not just an experiment to see how people respond to gobbledegook.
Instead of the gobbledegook you preach at the press conferences try it.
Encryption should sometimes be avoided, says Hassan Khan at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, because the gobbledegook it creates is a dead giveaway: it shows someone might have something to hide.
They seem to be speaking in tongues, but I'm sure I heard a slow - mo version of Gangnam Style among the gobbledegook.
Also, could you be more specific on which part of my post do you consider as «multisyllabic gobbledegook», other than declaring this monosyllabically?
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