Sentences with phrase «gobbledy gook»

Oh, I'm so confused... gobble, gobble, gobbledy gook.

Not exact matches

The ability to look at a page's source code and understand what the gobbledy - gook means can help you figure out what to fix.
I don't care what Dave Lewis gobbledy - gook legal reasoning he cooks up, you can not assign a title to someone if legally they do not possess the title in order to pay them the salary affixed to the title.
Wondering what all that gobbledy - gook is on the admin panel of your Facebook author page?
Keywords will appear at the top of the gobbledy - gook code in the META NAME = «Keywords» tag, as shown below.
Publish any pseudo-scientific gobbledy - gook you want.
Number three: Demand that a true copy of the actual in - house policy, in all of its convoluted, gloriously legalesely inspired paragraphs of notwithstanding confusion producing exercises in headache inducing gobbledy - gook - double - negative explanations of «non» coverage scenarios escape clauses, is deposited with you at your residence for at least a few days prior to your expected signature on the contract.
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