Sentences with phrase «gobbling gas»

GOBBLING gas from a neighbour should make neutron stars spin faster, but sometimes the exact opposite happens.
An international team this week released unique footage of Scorpius X-1 gobbling gas from a companion star and then spitting out gigantic blobs like so many watermelon seeds.
Black holes are antisocial: Not only do they gobble gas from the stars that orbit them, but according to theory, they also kick one another out of their homes.
That, others would say, is too much for an old - fashioned car that rides like a marshmallow and that gobbles gas at the rate of 16 miles per gallon in the city.

Not exact matches

All the while, the industry thrived financially under a combination of high oil prices, low natural gas prices (a major input cost), recession - induced relief from cost inflation and a reduced cost of capital as majors and foreign national oil companies gobbled up wobbly juniors.
To grow to 109 solar masses, a black hole seed of 10 solar masses would have to gobble stars and gas unimpeded at the Eddington rate for a billion years.
Taken with the orbiting Chandra Observatory, it shows the hottest, most violent objects in the galaxy: black holes gobbling down matter, gas heated to millions of degrees by dense, whirling neutron stars, and the high - energy radiation from stars that have exploded, sending out vast amounts of material that slam into surrounding gas, creating shock waves that heat the gas tremendously, generating X-rays.
Supermassive black holes lurk in the cores of most galaxies, and when they gobble up matter they also heat the surrounding gas and expel it from the host galaxy in powerful, dense winds [2].
Direct collapse black holes, gobbling up dense gas clouds in the early universe, could fit the bill.
By the time that happens in the inner part of the disk, most of its gas has been stripped away, either gobbled up by the star or blown away by its stellar wind.
During a period of frequent, violent collisions among the protogalaxies, their resident black holes experienced rapid growth spurts by merging with one another and gobbling up new supplies of gas and dust.
At various points in Earth's history, dust fell into the ocean and fed algae, which gobbled up carbon dioxide and sank to the bottom of the sea, taking greenhouse gas with them and cooling the world.
Basically, the oxygen gobbles up all the bad atoms off the surface of the niobium, and afterwards everything gets pumped out as a gas,» Jones said.
As gas swirls even closer to a black hole, forming a pizza - shaped disk whose innermost parts gradually get gobbled up, it gets extremely hot and gives off copious amounts of radiation.
The methane discrepancy could be explained if the living moss plants gobble up the gas as it's produced.
The large amount of star formation and the «beads on a string» feature in the core of SpARCS1049 +56 are likely the result of the Brightest Cluster Galaxy in the process of gobbling up a gas - rich spiral galaxy.
Energy - gobbling buildings, air - polluting cars, sprawling suburbs, carbon - spewing power plants — cities account for more than 70 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions and two - thirds of the world's energy use.
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