Sentences with phrase «god job of»

* The first is that Dr Mann's graphic (as do many of the other paleos) make a pretty god job of picking up the relatively limited temperature variability we can observe over a 40/50 year or longer period.
Cameron did a god job of banishing the impression of him as a policy - lite vacuum.
With defense being his strong suit, Dier has done a reasonably god job of covering the back four.
Overall, I think that NR and Veljko did a god job of bringing in the pieces that we need and retaining the players that were important.

Not exact matches

God forbid your car breaks down, you lose your job or you have an expensive home repair... and without an emergency fund, you'll feel forced to take it out of your retirement account.
I think they are doing a great job of showing Gods love.
You are right, it is the same thing — neither one of us know the answer, but instead of stopping and giving up and saying «its god», science's job is to keep asking until it finds an answer.
Your mean God is not going to come after us in the end, because we are doing a good enough job of finding way to make each other miserable without his help.
«Here's the big thing with me: I believe that God gives each one of us a gift and it's our job to do our best with whatever He gives us,» Jenson says.
In short, all these self - proclaimed Christians are doing a really poor job of emulating the son of their God.
And if no God then your disapproval is merely your DNA doing it's job, a series of chemicals, nothing worth talking about, no different then what happens in the most disturbed minds on the planet... it's all the same... just natural reactions.
Preparation — Inviting God's presence in a new season of life (be it marriage, a new job, the loss of a loved one, relocation, etc.) 3.
The first part of Job is where Satan is claiming he knows the future and what Job will do if Satan can do his worst, and God cleans up on that too, telling him he's wrong as well... God again ending up right.
Few can match Job for pure misery, a man who went from immense personal wealth and happiness to utter nothingness in a matter of days, and fewer can match him for stony faith — a resolute, steely trust that God had an answer, even if that answer didn't really make sense from an earthly perspective.
It's funny, I was chatting with god the other night, you know about girls and money and basically life in general, and then from out of no where god was like, «Yo, Chuckles, I have a job for you, it's very important that you do it, I need you to go and vote this upcoming election and I need you to vote for Rick Perry, he seems a little crazy, but don't worry, he's all good in my book».
Jerry... your job is to preach the good news of the Kingdom of God... NOT to condemn people to hell.
Let God deal with Gays if its a sin, he does a much better job at it then a mere mortal of Hate and Fear.
I most certainly do want any part of the mercy that god shows... why cant god do his own jobs anyway... is he so shy?
The veses prior to God speaking up, is where Job and his friends trying to console him, are saying things they mis - understood about what God did, based on the understanding of the day, then.
Despite everything, Geoff still recalled moments when God seemed very present: «On this particular day, I don't know why, but I was one of the last of the day shift to leave the job.
The first chapter of Job tells us that Satan appeared in a conference with God, and told God if He would lessen His protection Job would curse Him to His face.
But in the end it was not Job's innocence that was important but rather the majesty and mystery of God, before which Job bowed down and became silent.
But for one who wants a deeper understanding about God and the nature of the relationship between Him and His creation, the origin story does a good job of explaining that.
Of a test of any human being, Job is one of the greatest demonstrations of faith and obedience to His will, save for God's only Son, Jesus ChrisOf a test of any human being, Job is one of the greatest demonstrations of faith and obedience to His will, save for God's only Son, Jesus Chrisof any human being, Job is one of the greatest demonstrations of faith and obedience to His will, save for God's only Son, Jesus Chrisof the greatest demonstrations of faith and obedience to His will, save for God's only Son, Jesus Chrisof faith and obedience to His will, save for God's only Son, Jesus Christ.
It is not the job of the faithful to convince the faithless that God exists.
so this new job came up, i was bitterly disappointed, god waving it in my face, me not being qualified but 15 years of experience in the business and this new ground floor from scratch spin off that will eventually get spun back in, and the job is a lateral move technically, but in reality i was the top of the old ladder, and the lateral move would be to the bottom of the next higher up ladder.
And God's great purpose in the utter decimation of Job's life?
They are social workers, menatl health workers and counsellors across many human service professions in millions of jobs across the globe even in god «less communist countries.
And God, like He did with Job and Elijah, speaks in a different tone of voice — a bigger picture, steady and non-anxious voice.
In an earlier writing Milosz had shown himself to be aware that this was the key insight of Job, even if, in the poet's version of the story, God says things that are rather more severe than anything to be found in the book of Job.
As mentioned to you that Mr.Stephen Hawking had kept invoking God to get him recovered from illness but seeing no appeal was answered had him to feel that he had to set him self to go as universe is going... ------[21:83] And Job implored his Lord: «Adversity has befallen me, and, of all the merciful ones, You are the Most Merciful.»
Don't forget that God killed all of Job's family just for that bet between him and Satan too.
The best we can do is to remember the mystery that God chooses to call * us * to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ (a person whom Kerry neglects to mention in her heartfelt, but incomplete, accounting of the role of the Christian chaplain), and our job is to point the way to him; but this, and I think Kerry would agree, is best done through our loving actions and not, as the professor or «Nancy» above might suggest, through our fancy words, theology, or persuasion.
good job assh * le you couldve been praying for all the dying starving children of the world but instead you wasted god's effort on some rain.
I feel sorry for you and I do hope your god «saves» you or whatever, because you are not doing a very good job of it by yourself.
A few others to let the zealots know King is not one of the Borg: «When his life was ruined, his family killed, his farm destroyed, Job knelt down on the ground and yelled up to the heavens, «Why god?
Horrible things happened to Job and God did not do one of them.
I think his job description puts a premium on the will of God.
God did HEARTLESS and HORRENDOUS things to the family of Job.
However, if one reads the story carefully, Job, his wife, and his friends all clearly acknowledge God as the source of Job's woes.
Most importantly, note this: I am a Christian, I'm gay, I'm a recovering alcoholic, I believe in Evolution, I believe the universe is 13 billion years old and that the Earth is 4.5 or so billion years old, I believe man evolved from lower primates and that Adam was the first man who God gave a soul and sentience, I do not believe in hell but I do believe in Satan, I do not believe the Bible is a book of rules meant to imprison man or condemn him but that it is rather a «Human Existence for Dummies» guide, I believe Christ was the son of God but I do not believe Christianity is the only «valid» religion, I do not believe atheists will go to hell, while the English Bible says God should be feared, the Hebrew word used for fear, «yara», such as that used in the Book of Job, actually means respect / reverence, not fear as one would fear death or a spider.
While it's true that mega churches do a good job of creating excitement and enthusiasm, even they admit they don't do the best at developing devoted followers of Jesus who are able to spread the Kingdom of God.
The Bible says that the number of God's years is «unsearchable» (Job 36:26).
Job went through some intense doubtfulness and God loved and listened to him every step of the way (see Job 42).
On both counts, the Bible was far ahead of its time, for the Author of the Bible is the «One who is stretching out the heavens like a fine gauze», Jehovah God, who revealed this to both Job and Isaiah.
The difference is we change company to «church» and suddenly our job is a holy calling, and when we leave the little church that doesn't pay much to go to a bigger church that pays more we can say «God is leading us» instead of I am taking a better paying job.
Returning to Job, the traditional reading of this story assumes that God delegates power to Satan and allows him to persecute Job by divine permission.
Don't you think that if a god had a hand in it, such a powerful creature would do a better job of making sure that such an important message could not be so open to such varying interpretations?
This doesn't always happen, because we live in a twisted world (cf. the book of Job), but when we experience pain and suffering, it is never because God is punishing us for some real (or imagined) sin against Him.
The Bible establishes why Job was able to say this with accuracy: «All Scripture is inspired of God
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