Sentences with phrase «god of any sort»

I have for many years looked to the medical professionals, particularly doctors, as healing gods of some sort.
And by the time he would eventually be granted bail, he had become a tin god of some sorts.
I thought a miracle was an act of God of some sort, yes?
But anyway, Stephen Hawking explicitly rejects the concept of god, even an abstract impersonal god of the sort Deists believe in.
I would just like to say... «God doesn't make mistakes» if you believe in God of any sort.
I don't know steve, 95 % of the world's population believes in God or a god / gods of some sort.
The fact that they believed there was a god of any sort goes against your mythical man statement).
There are a lot of ways that religion affects society that even non religious people who still acknowledge a God of some sort don't notice.
@Peter F — Your Jesus is A) dead and B) not a god of any sort unless his «soul» is in some different dimension where such things actually happen.
I was talking to this one guy who claimed he was an atheist, but, on further examination, he did believe that their is a higher power or god of sorts, but, none of the religions humans follow have actually gotten what that power or god is right so far.
The sooner that we discover that there is no God of any sort, only ourselves, and that the only time you have is here on the earth, the sooner we will try to help our fellow earth dwellers instead of preaching volumes of hot air.
Of those 13, probably 6 were atheist, 3 were wishy washy and 4 did belief in a god of some sort.
The Big Bang Theory does not suggest the existence of a god of any sort.
The writer also failed to take into account that most narcissistic people such as our president think they ARE a god of sorts.
However, you still believe in a god of some sort.
You're incorrectly implying that Buddha is a God of some sort, not true.
You can't even prove there is a god of any sort floating around in your empty head.
There is no indication that there has ever been a god of any sort in the past, no indication of one now, and I expect it to continue this way.
Surrendering to a God of sorts is like softening to the universal.
Along the way, there's some funny bits, especially involving C - 3PO, whom the Ewoks think is a god of some sort.
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