Sentences with phrase «god status»

Like in the previous games, gamers will try once again build their rock god status, and play at small clubs to large arenas around the world.
The idea that we can submit God to a series of laboratory - like experiments is so arrogant and misguided as to end our search before we begin it, because we are already denying God his status as God by setting ourselves above him.
Too right muff — but people who swear by Costa will have to explain his elevation to football God status in the context of 120 career goals in 305 games, a player who is 27 this year and was not even noticed until last season, who has flopped in UCL this year, dud for Spain, where only 2 of his 17 league goals have directly effected the result and goals generally dried up.
Discover the best chest exercises for building a chest worthy of Greek god status.
Skip deals with skateboards, and the boys all ride them, but none of them takes skateboarding very seriously, until a guy (the late standup Mitch Hedberg, fast approaching Bill Hicks - like god status) comes into his shop with a new type of wheel that enables the kids to «climb walls.»
But it was not until he teamed with Yardbirds guitarist Jimmy Page in 1968 that his ascension to rock - god status truly began.
Once the hero and her cause is established, Lucy then becomes the race of a human trying to evade murderous henchmen, while on the mental path to achieve god status.
How can someone who u attribute a god status to not know that the earth is round??
Exalting man to «god status» is apparently alright, but Jesus Christ is not acknowledged as the eternal Son of God in the Mormon church.
This is what they should be concerned with: Romney's religion believes blacks are cursed, and most importantly, it believes that people can work their way to god status, and rule over their own planet.
Religion forces nice people to do unkind things and also makes intelligent people say stupid things — C Hitchens — obviously, you have no understanding of how theocratic dictatorships come about (Stalin)-- Czars were elevated to God status — they were no secular — just as N Korea is secular — they are one short of the Trinity — all hold God status — including the the late Kim Il's father — you need to bone up on some truth
The man has a god status at the Emirates.
He is the undisputed king of the fasting protocols, and has slowly grown his following to near demi - god status.
Enabling demi - god status to a leader who promises all and delivers nothing but repression for one group at the exprense of another is an easy way to preserve one's own status.
With the release of Modern Warfare 2 the hype was unbearable and Infinty Ward has alot to live up to with gamers everywhere expecting something approaching demi - god status.
Despite his legendary status as a pioneer of positive psychology (e.g. as the co-creator of the VIA Inventory of Character Strengths along with Martin Seligman), he somehow eschewed the rock - god status that others in positive psychology seem to relish.
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