Sentences with phrase «godless men»

I'd suspect concrete head sinking as a suspect 100x over more than i would suspect a gas that sinks, occupies.03 % of the atmosphere, and is heralded lauded, preached and otherwise abused by some of the worlds Godless men.
They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.
«godless men» aren't like God.
Unfortunately, godless men who wish to make the act of cold - blooded murder perfectly legal for the sake of convenience and change definitions to protect the guilty make the laws.
No matter what Godless men want to do with their lives and demand that I accept, I have to hold fast to what the Spirit shows me when I pray.
Suddenly, in the last 200 years and driven by godless men we have all sorts of new views being expressed and terms twisted.
This latter day Britain is not populated with the «decent godless men» whom T. S. Eliot describes in «Choruses from The Rock»; it is filled with demons of self - indulgence.
They are godless men, who «''» change the grace of our God into a license for immorality»»» and «''» deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.
There are God - Loving men and God - fearing men and then there are godless men who deny any such ideology of GOD and Gods and godliness.
This leaves us what secular godless men have made up as the first marriage.
You said, «This leaves us what secular godless men have made up as the first marriage.
Some Godless men may look upon the events as chance, coincidence of amazing circumstances, but we know better, and we see God everywhere.
For every Pol Pot whose infamous name is still spoken with horror today, there was a Mengistu, a Bierut, and a Choibalsan, godless men whose names are now forgotten everywhere but in the lands they once ruled with a red hand.
Now check out Acts 2:23 — «this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death.
It was almost painful to watch those who profess themselves to be wise, shown to be nothing more than mere * unwise men * faithfully holding onto the ideas of a godless man.
There will be no human language about God, no human vision of God, no religious awareness of God: in short, it is only Godless man who can truly have faith in God.
The role of Jericho Kane offered Arnie his first stab at grizzled and broken, a godless man up against Gabriel Byrne's petrol - pissing Lucifer, visiting earth to sire a son within the one - hour window circumscribed by Rod Steiger's stoup of mentally ill exposition.

Not exact matches

So, what you are saying is that man continues to exhibit the inability of mans enlightened godless ways to produce anything other than godless results.
Dear Mr Holmes and Staff, This letter has been written to inform everyone as a born again christian that I do not appreciate the man from Godless America spreading his demonic lies about there not being a God in heaven believing in christianty.
Non-believers see a godless world, walk with the things of man, accept only the proof of man, can not see miracles, can not see answered prayer and basically have only the presence and perspective of Richard Dawkins bible.
Shows me he is a mighty man of God when so many godless people make comments.
Please... «study after study»... look at the state - sanctioned «godless» nations of the world... China, North Korea, Cuba... as I've stated... Hitler's regime was based largely on the theory of evolution which led to «eugenics» which led to «building a better man»... they touted their «science» and «reason».
Ro 1:18 - 32 The god - haters and the godless choose to ignore all evidence of God, seeking only to put their trust in their ego and in other men.
A godless society is perfect for the production of Oil of Man.
We must not allow our disappointment in Post-Communist Man, who has turned his back to us, to hastily label him as godless.
A Godless society is the begining of the downfall of man.
Man is summoned to share in God's suffering at the hands of a godless world.26
The man who should have succeeded Tikhon, Metropolitan Kirill (Smirnov), was outraged by Sergi's willingness to subject the Church to a godless state in a futile effort to save the Church as a public institution.
250,000,000 people in the USA and the best two men we can come up with give us a choice of re-electing a heathen or electing a member of a godless sect.
The only thing that a purposive rational mind can fully understand is another such mind, and, therefore, to assert that nature is godless is to deny that it can be intelligible to man.
Secularists succeeded to cripple the unthinking stupid Americans to become godless by causing fear of men for them, but such is the deepest trap for human souls.
«In Judaism,» he quotes Bultmann, «God overlooks the sins of the religious, and this is God's grace; God condemns the completely sinful and godless, and therefore the religious man feels himself fundamentally good» (CPA 104).
If man were capable of right action on his own then Christ died for nothing but that all have sinned and are godless seems to put the right action beyond our ability in our natural state (or fallen state).
The Godless Monster is right, people try and influence, control, manipulate, ect in every area of life when they have a position of authority, thats human nature, or the sin nature of man if you like.Because the church has a lot of organisation, its a hot bed of oppitunity for people with ideas or assperations to lead or control to position themselves, and once there become protective of their role, it gives them a voice.You will find them in schools, governments, offices, everywhere.IT really makes no difference if it christian or athiest place, its people being people
If there is any answer to that, it may well be found by meditating on the third, and most elusively powerful, of Bonhoeffer's ideas, written nine months before he was hanged: «Man is challenged to participate in the sufferings of God at the hands of a godless world.»
So is the natural man, the unconverted man, the godless, loveless man.
A promo poster for Godless features women standing with rifles in hand next to a tagline welcoming us into a «no man's land.»
Without Skyler, Walter is just another small man who thinks he's a big deal when he finds that in a godless universe nothing happens when you sin big.
Lucchini is not an existentialist; the artist is not concerned about man alone in a Godless universe, but rather in the difficulty of living with the knowledge that the dream — e.g. the mountain; the clear blue sky — can never be reached.
While Westerns tend to be male - dominated, the new series Godless, set in the town of La Belle in the 19th century, subverts this tradition by killing off most of the men in the beginning.
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