Sentences with phrase «godless states»

Note: I guess, longterms the pope and Muhammad will increasingly get displaced by the Beast (a community of godless states, ruled by the Arch-Blasphemer).
Note: I guess, longterms the papacy and Islam will increasingly get displaced by the Beast (a community of godless states, ruled by the Arch-Blasphemer).
Bottom line... a godless state and the abolition of Christianity ARE integral parts of China and Maoism, and you can not deny that.
The man who should have succeeded Tikhon, Metropolitan Kirill (Smirnov), was outraged by Sergi's willingness to subject the Church to a godless state in a futile effort to save the Church as a public institution.
Being an atheist is only a more pronounced godless state but not the actual lacking itself.
I'm not even sure if the modern western christian interpretation of hell, with its simplistic and narrowed down explanations of the various descriptions of afterlife and godless state, even make much sense to me!

Not exact matches

A godless Soviet Union and its puppet states faced a God - fearing America and its allies in the causes of freedom and democracy.
herbert Juarez stated «@calgary We regularly kick the snot out of «atheists» on Bible knowledge.In [sic] fact the youngest believer has the ability to show the godless, where [sic] the bear does his business in the buckwheat.If [sic] you are Canadian [sic], as in Calgary [sic], don't you have your own news network?
gosh these new yorkarinos are such a bunch of godless jackaninnys, its no wonder the state of the country, god has all but disappeared from one of the most influential states its just a shame shame shame.
I first heard that God had gone missing from the Democratic Party platform from a Facebook friend who rejoiced in a godless platform as a triumph for the First Amendment and the separation of church and state.
Please... «study after study»... look at the state - sanctioned «godless» nations of the world... China, North Korea, Cuba... as I've stated... Hitler's regime was based largely on the theory of evolution which led to «eugenics» which led to «building a better man»... they touted their «science» and «reason».
This means that the State will become increasingly godless, not just concerning morality but also in actual wisdom in its decisions.
Last year in Ireland, a police file was opened on Bishop Philip Boyce after one of the country's leading secularists, John Colgan, complained about an «offensive» homily in which the bishop stated that the Church is being «attacked from the outside by the arrows of a secular and godless culture.»
When one contrasts outcomes in the United States with those in Europe, one is tempted to conclude that the «godless» Constitution and the reticent constitutionalists helped make possible a «godly» people.
And when its your turn to speak, you can freely state you are godless heathen whose own notion of a higher power is keeping you sober one day at a time.
But as the author and former preacher Dan Barker states in his book «Godless: How an Evangelical Preacher Became One of America's Leading Atheists»:
If man were capable of right action on his own then Christ died for nothing but that all have sinned and are godless seems to put the right action beyond our ability in our natural state (or fallen state).
What becomes of someone who lapses into a deep coma after 30 years of godless living, remains in that state for 10 years, then dies?
While Madison did call for a centralized, «godless» state to protect minority groups and individual rights, he did not foresee the consequences of a political culture in which there was no intermediary between the individual and the state.
Winner: Northwestern State - While bears are godless killing machines, I don't think they can defeat a demon.
Winner: N.C. State - As we know, bears are godless killing machines but even that can't withstand an attack by a pack of wolves.
Godless was just one of two Bulgarian films about modern - day crime and corruption in the post-Soviet state, with the other, Slava (Glory), from Kristina Grozeva and Petar Valchanov, who had impressed with Urok (The Lesson, 2014).
Hey, folks, we're making a movie here: When this movie was in production, the American Right thundered that it was being made by Godless liberal communists in Hollywood financed by the Democratic National Committee as a propaganda piece to re-elect that Kenyan who usurped the office of President of the United States.
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