Sentences with phrase «godless world»

At the Vatican Museum, an armless plaster figure made by Marino Marini in the immediate aftermath of World War II is rife with ambiguity — did the artist mean it to be a circus performer, as the title claims, or a disguised, desacralized Christ for a godless world?
She has written widely on Bacon, including her monograph Francis Bacon: Painting in a Godless World (2012), which was long - listed for the William M.B. Berger Prize for British Art History in 2013.
She has written a number of articles on different aspects of Bacon's work and is the author of Francis Bacon: Painting in a Godless World (2012).
The worldless, God of the one and the Godless world of the other, the faith without hope of the one and the hope without faith of the other, mutually confirm each other.13
All the ideas with which Muentzer had become acquainted in his search for inner certainty had now become the ammunition for his war against a godless world.
Arguments from evil take us beyond the position of our objector who claimed only that a Godless world is also possible.
No, the world is just a Godless world in which all beings are surpassable.»
I am assuming of course that the objector means to insist (among other things) that in the Godless world no individual possesses omniscient awareness.
If there is any answer to that, it may well be found by meditating on the third, and most elusively powerful, of Bonhoeffer's ideas, written nine months before he was hanged: «Man is challenged to participate in the sufferings of God at the hands of a godless world
Acting out what Ivan had intellectually advocated, Smerdyakov has killed old Fyodor in a dreadful demonstration that, in a godless world, absolutely nothing is forbidden.
A worldless God is on the same footing of absurdity as a Godless world.
But (for some of us) it is a reason why the idea of a Godless world is unacceptable.
It is no exaggeration to say that, rather than values, they are «anti-values»; concretely, the three spirits of a godless world listed in the Bible: the concupiscence of the eyes, the concupiscence of the flesh, and the pride of life (cf 1 Jn 2:16).
The body, of course, is God's — God is found dead in the culture, and the theologian must determine how to do «God - talk» in a godless world.
But they wanted people to face up honestly to the logical, ethical and cultural implications of a godless world.
This means that before you get too comfortable with the godless world you long for, you will be required by the logic of any consistent skepticism to pass through the disorienting wilderness of nihilism.
There are other interpreters of the contemporary theological scene who maintain that it is process theology which offers the most viable solution to the problems of a Godless world.
There is no right or wrong in the godless world.
This is a solution to a Godless world, but is it a viable one?
Man is summoned to share in God's suffering at the hands of a godless world.26
A Godless world lead by atheists, be curious - Please read and pass it on... Blessings DT
That's the way it is when God tries to bring His message of love and forgiveness to a godless world that just won't have Him.
As opposed to — get rid of God, hopefully have some empathy in a Godless world, no hope for my human condition...
In the godless world, there really is no reason to help anyone else.
There are no morals in the godless world.
Now, if you want a godless world then anything goes and all is «normal»»
What seems paradoxical to the Christian if not to the Jewish mind, and paradoxical in a nontheological and nondialectical sense, is that Rubenstein has found a religious way that can be lived at the center of a Godless world.
Once faith is grounded in the dawning of the Kingdom of God, there can be no true openness to a God or Lord standing outside of the world and time, and hence no openness to the reality of God in a Godless world.
Perhaps because he was forced to exist for so many centuries as an exile in alien religious worlds, the Jew has been prepared to live in faith in a Godless world, and therein to preserve the name of the Lord, even if that name must now be named as no - thing - ness.
Therefore, when the Christian acknowledges his own existence in a truly Godless world he must repudiate both the name and image of God.
Nevertheless, if the Christian recognizes the good faith of the Jew in preserving the divine name in a Godless world, he must acknowledge his own bad faith in attempting to exercise the same vocation.
Another stark reminder of a Godless world trying to alienate themselves from a theocracy.
Non-believers see a godless world, walk with the things of man, accept only the proof of man, can not see miracles, can not see answered prayer and basically have only the presence and perspective of Richard Dawkins bible.
-- In their everyday lives people see that atheism does not explain the fundamental questions and a godless world doesn't make us happier or even more questioning.
We deny a being which can cure us of our selfishness only because we fear some suffering in this godless world.
You said, «now you are speculating that a godless world will produce Christ like character.»
You have no clue as to what a godless world would look like as the world has never known such a way of life with the exception of localized pockets.

Not exact matches

Insofar as it attempts material constructs, university theology characteristically is moved by the secularism and godless maturity of the university to turn to «God the problem,» and to offer itself to God to help him with his problem of finding a place in a world which has no place or need for him.
@catholic engineer, the world has always been «godless».
I don't have a «world view» Godless Monster, I'm not sure what that is.
I see your argument as being there's an even deeper human condition that the arts can't ignore, no matter how much the artists want to, even if the spiritual world they are picking up on is godless or serving a different god.
In this picture God is worldless and the world is Godless: the world is empty of God's presence.
Please... «study after study»... look at the state - sanctioned «godless» nations of the world... China, North Korea, Cuba... as I've stated... Hitler's regime was based largely on the theory of evolution which led to «eugenics» which led to «building a better man»... they touted their «science» and «reason».
There would be no way we could any longer see God as worldless or the world as Godless.
Growing up I learned that the biblical creation narrative is meant to be a scientific explanation for how the world came to be, that the earth is 6,000 years old, and that evolutionary theory is a bogus idea invented by godless scientists.
We have no history or clue as to what the world would be like if we allowed godless carnal animals to run wild without restraint.
As people begin to ask whether our beautiful but fragile world is part of a godless and random universe, on course for an inevitable extinction event, how can we show that it is in fact held in the hands of a sovereign and loving God?
Only in a world having become godless, there is malady.
= > the world of the godless can not dictate anything to God.
Give out the secular godless «equality» marriage slips they are meaningless tokens of a secular world where marriage rates continue to drop year after year.
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