Sentences with phrase «gods father»

He is the Father who married the Mother and fathered Jesus the Son Individual human beings can aspire to become other Gods the Father holding sway over their own swaths of the universe.
There is no such thing as a creator in evolution, who are gods father and grandfather, do they have names?
In the beautiful expression of St. Ignatius of Antioch, the bishop is typos tou Patros: he is like the living image of God the Father
Before the «Dispensation of Grace» of God, by which we are saved through «Faith in Jesus Christ» as Lord and our personal Savior, Jesus Christ fulfilled the «Law of God» on our behalf during His ministry on earth, died on the «Holy Cross» for the «Remission of Our Sins» once and for all, descended to hell and defeated death, then rose from the dead on the third day bringing us «Eternal Life» and «Reconciliation» with God the Father!
But he states expressly that three distinct Persons dwell in that same single divine essence, namely, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Vitz observes that, doctrinal objections aside, it is «bizarre to the point of pathology at this time in our culture to be trying to remove God the Father from our theology.»
I can't say my faith is «unwavering,» even Jesus asked God the Father why He had forsaken Him.
Without sugar coating and straight from the heart with the Bible and God the Father as their guide.
So we all, even Osama, will be saved from physical death, but Jesus Christ — the atoning one, and only one capable of being the mediator between us and God the father — can only save the repentant from spiritual death (faith and works meet for repentance are necessary).
«In Early Christian art and Early Medieval art it is found in both the East and Western churches, and represents either Christ, or sometimes God the Father as part of the Trinity.
«The deity of Christ, His death, the atonement of sin, the resurrection, my standing with God the Father because of what Christ has done — it's just not a question,» he said.
So as Chirstians when we ask Mormons if they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, that they believe Jesus died and rose again on the third day to take away our sins and they say yes, they are not saying that they believe by confessing this that they automatically will live in the mansion where God the Father and Jesus Christ are and when they acknowledge our faith they don't believe that we will automatically be there based only on the blood of Jesus alone either.
Jesus was the brightness and express image of God the Father.
Christians, on the other hand, believe that we will be in the presence of God the Father and Jesus Christ solely by our faith in Christ and what He alone did by dying on the cross and rising again on the third day, so we believe it is a free gift of God and it doesn't just come after all we can do as Mormons believe.
Glen Beck is a Christian if you believe that saved means that we get to live in the afterlife with a chance to have eternal life in the mansion where God the Father and Jesus Christ are if we are worthy enough by doing good works to progress to be there and that God's grace comes after all we can do.
Reality, This is precisely what Scripture reveals about Jesus: «He is the image of the invisible God, the first - born of all creation» (Colossians 1:15)... which fits nicely with what you said the Saint Ignatius of Antioch said, the bishop is typos tou Patros: he is like the living image of God the Father».
Rather, what we are asked in baptism is whether we believe in God the Father who created us, in God the Son who redeemed us, and in God the Holy Spirit who dwells in us and who is the Lord and giver of divine life.
@ everyone else who really wants to know the truth and meaning if life: read the Gospel of John but first ask God the Father to help you understand what it means.
Old testament scripture shows us that God the Father hated homosexuality so much He destroyed two entire cities because of it.
Mormons believe we all just have a chance to be there by our faith in Christ but if we aren't worthy enough, then we will still live in a lower heaven but eternally out of the presence of God the Father.
And God the Father did not look again on Jesus until it was finished.
But, jesus is the son, then there's god the father, and that there holy spirit.
God the Father turned His face away from His Son when He suffered on the cross (which was the worst type of death, reserved for the worst sinners in those days), when Jesus carried the curse of all of mankinds sins (past, present and future) and wrath of God because of those sins.
God the Father sent His Son to the cross — to redeem us from the second death (eternal separation from God)
Galatians 1:1 «1 Paul, an apostle (not sent from men nor through the agency of man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised Him from the dead), 2 and all the brethren who are with me,»
Rather, the temporal Temple was a dwelling place for the Spirit that now rests upon those who believe thus the rending of the veil in the temple and the subsequent near - razing of the temple at Jesus» death (how is that for confirmation by God the Father that it was His initiative and in Jesus was there the finality of the Great Work of Saving Power upon the latter's resurrection).
The main point is that these poeple know Christ and are assured eternal life in heaven with God the Father.
God the father, God the son Jesus who walked among us, and God the Holy Ghost or spirit who is always with us.
All this to suggest that maybe, just maybe, God the Father is not best understood through the lens of Aunt Jemima.
The Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law on our behalf, died on the Holy Cross for the remission of our sins (became sin and curse for us) descended to hell and defeated death (keys of which were held by Satan,) rose from the dead on the third day bringing us eternal life and reconciliation with God the Father, then ascended to Heaven promising us the Holy Spirit and preparing the place for us.
By God I mean Yahweh, or I Am or God the father.
I do find it hard to believe that God the Father would welcome Judas into Heaven with a «Your work is done» - type welcome, but I am looking at it with my human mind, which is perhaps incapable on any level this side of Heaven to understand the limitless love of God and Jesus Christ.
They believe he is the Son of God, a separate being from God the Father, but divine and godly nonetheless.
God the Father eternally knows Himself, and continues to know Himself, and thus continues to bring forth the Son.
Jesus and God the Father are equal and all in one, they just have different functions related to their respective positions or roles.
Both the Son and the Spirit recognize God the Father's role and they are in subjection to that role.
I find it endears me even more to God the father and Jesus his son.
because of this passage: «Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.»
It seems, then, that the LDS Church is still proclaiming publicly that God and man are of the same species, and that both God the Father and Jesus the Son, who are separate beings and Gods, were once men like us.
Looking at the bigger picture though, it was required, just as Jesus being nailed to two pieces of wood was required to connect us with God the Father.
All this imagery illustrates the trinity of the family, just as God the Father relates to the Son and the Spirit.
Their god the father is a physical being as is god Jesus.
CONFESSION OF SINS AND ASKING FOR FORGIVENESS March 12, 2000 The Holy Father: Brothers and Sisters, let us turn with trust to God our Father, who is merciful and compassionate, slow to anger, great in love and fidelity, and ask him to accept the repentance of his people who humbly confess their sins, and to grant them mercy.
If a spirit is a being without a body (See Luke 24:39), why do Mormons teach that God the Father has a body of flesh and bones?
Actually you did claim that basically God the Father and of the Bible as well as Jesus Christ you did not believe in which is why I went by you not believeing in such a God.
God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost make up the Godhead.
That God the Father is the father of Jesus.
For she or he who believed in Mighty God the Father should let him be the judge.
rather than act in accordance with the temptation to escape the cross, He reaffirms the will of God the Father.
I am a determinist, in the line of Calvin, in the line of Augustine, in the line of the apostle Paul, in the line of Jesus, in the line of God the Father.
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