Sentences with phrase «goes against the prevailing trend»

Marzio said Law sometimes collected works that went against prevailing trends.

Not exact matches

So, if I read this correcly; after an inside bar, the trade can go one of two ways — either with the prevailing trend or against it?
Contrarian investors go against the prevailing market sentiment or trend.
A contrarian goes against prevailing market trends by buying good stocks that are presently performing poorly but have potential to perform well.
The human rights group says a structured sentencing framework would produce injustice, prevent optimum sentencing outcomes and could even result in an increase in rates of imprisonment: «These proposals go entirely against the prevailing trend of government criminal justice policy in recent years in relation to violent and sexual offences: that is, an emphasis on the individualised risk posed by the individual offender towards a member or members of the public.»
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