Sentences with phrase «going person th»

We live in a credit - driven world, even if you're a pay - as - you - go person.
Everywhere I go people are wearing bands.
Almost everywhere we went people asked us about Jesus.
Note too that the ancient Greeks were, like the English, sea - going people, aware of the wide world so far as was then possible.
Also, Christians, it's these petty, ridiculous arguments that turn church - going people Atheist.
We have everything from active pastors to church - going people to those who've left the church to agnostics to atheists... all at our table!
He made no secret of his disregard for religion and seemed (to the family) to delight in criticizing church - going people as hypocrites or duty - bound slaves to habit.
Just as there are so many different «Christian» denominations in the Body of Christ so goes each person's opinions and interpretations of scripture.
No matter what you think of churches, their outreach programs DO do some good to less fortunate NON church - going people.
Zimmerman will live his life with the death of a kid hanging over his head forever and will never truly be free, no matter where he goes people will recognize him and hate him.
Most church - going people assume that the word «saved» almost always means «get forgiveness of sins so you can go to heaven when you die» even though it rarely means that.
It's taken a while because I used to be such a get up and go person and found it hard to appreciate baths but now soaking in a salt water once a week is part of the curriculum!

Not exact matches

Working in groups is «the most important thing,» says her teammate Adelina Corina Cozma, 15, whose computer - based communication system for people with autism went on to win several awards at the May event.
For one thing, it's based on self - reports, meaning that only people who were experiencing problematic symptoms and went to a doctor to seek help were included.
Automotive engineers say «they're asking questions about automotive safety — how foolish of these peoplego and get a degree!»»
Sure, if you run a retail or service business, there's no way to chuck employee schedules, but if your team is doing office - based work, you might consider tossing your set hours and letting your people come and go as they please.
«A lot of people put me into a box, which is what a lot of veterans face when they go into the civilian world,» said J.R. Martinez, one of the best - known veterans of the second Gulf War.
(There's an SNL skit where cast members joke that the best thing you'll learn at a fake internet college... is to not tell people that's where you went.)
Roar would set up at wellness events, as well as provide free rides to people going to and from parties.
Would like to see no women or people of color — heck, maybe white men too — accept jobs at Facebook until Thiel is gone.
«How you let people go makes a world of difference in how fast they can get back on their feet,» she says.
If past is prelude, it's not going to be this widespread devastation that a lot of people predict.
«Despite all that's going on people are still looking to have fun judging by sales of our Durex Play products that help people have better sex, and our branded condoms like Performa, which by slowing the man down makes the fun last longer.
«There's an opportunity to tell more stories, because that's what really moves people, within photography, and we really want to go into the depths of that when it comes to people of color,» Kissi says.
Unregulated digital entities, created by just about anyone out of nothing, that assume some value denominated in fiat currency simple because they're being traded between anonymous people or bots whose only desire is to make prices go up, on unregulated opaque exchanges where everyone thinks price manipulation is good as long as it pushes up the price....
Many people have commented on the difficulty of knowing, in advance, what sorts of behaviours prosecutors are going to decide to take a swing at, whether in applying the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act or deciding when CEOs have neglected their duties to shareholders.
So it helps when it is the decision makers that we are talking to, and we don't have to go through three or four layers of people to get a decision made.
To scale your business, you are going to need to hand off responsibilities to other people.
Tesla (TSLA), aiming to meet lofty sales goals, went on a hiring spree (and eventually amassed a staff of 600 people), opened stores and service centers, and began an aggressive rollout of its network of free fast - charging stations known as superchargers.
It's heavy, it's passionate, and it's a name that no matter where you go in the world, people know that word, so in the beginning when we were nobody and nobody knew who we were, people would go, «Oh, Kiss, I've heard of you,» because it's just a word you hear all the time.»
«Because the silencing of voices has helped perpetuate sexual harassment, the country should guarantee that people can go to court to ensure these concerns can always be heard,» Brad Smith, Microsoft's president and chief legal officer, said in a blog post announcing the changes.
The best way to market on a budget is to go directly to people and sell them your product or service.
«People said Moon Express was a crazy idea, and we're within months of going to the moon for under $ 10 million,» he says.
Ours is showing you good people for you to meet regardless of whether they're down the block or across the city, and because of the accountability and transparency that's in Hinge — we show first name, last name, where you work, where you went to school, all these different aspects — it's much more geared towards quality interactions.
Scarcely any Chinese person under the age of 40 goes a day without using WeChat, and they often leave home with only their smartphone, since there's no need to carry a wallet.
Because obviously the more success people have on it, the more they're going out and meeting new people as a result of using Hinge, the more they talk about it, and the more it spreads.
Publishers and brands who used to connect to people via their Facebook pages need to re-think how to engage with people on the platform going forward.
Bill George writes in «Finding Your True North,» «Rather than letting the expectations of others guide you, you must be prepared to be your own person and go your own way.»
We lack social awareness because we're so focused on what we're going to say next — and how what other people are saying affects us — that we completely lose sight of other people.
«Bond dealers are simple people; they like simple round numbers and they're going for 3 percent because it's there,» Donovan told CNBC's Squawk Box Europe Tuesday.
Now I do count myself fortunate to be called a thought leader, because it means that person thinks I'm a go - to expert in our industry.
«When we went to those states, the people thought we had horns in our heads,» Armoyan says with a laugh.
«You love your company, you think your company is great, but if you're not around, what are people going to be able to remember?
What's surprising isn't that people use ad blockers, it's that people continue to go to websites that offer such a painful experience.
People went totally crazy when The Sunday Express reported that the country's single prince was dating American actress, philanthropist, and blogger Meghan Markle.
For us because timing isn't really of the essence, it's not because they're nearby right now, the question is how can we help facilitate people getting conversations going and moving offline after you just match, so I think that means some sort of follow up where you can continue to communicate with your matches almost en masse to say, «Hey i'm free this week» or «Hey check out this Instagram photo.»
For example, an experienced media sales person selling to property developers may not find it as easy to get to grips with banks and financial institutions, or a B2B company that expand from the automotive industry to transportation logistics, may find their sales professionals struggling to understand what goes on.
All too often, organizational cuts go too deep, taking out linchpin individuals and keepers of institutional memory, as well as unsung individual contributors who do the job of multiple people.
«At a fundamental level, you're gonna strip people of their power, prestige, money, whatever over a vote?
«It's companies that have decided, «we would prefer to pick and choose when we'd like to pay people for certain services, and we're not going to have them on as full - time employees on a regular basis,»» she said.
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