Sentences with phrase «going through the motions of»

With the slicked back hair and pale white skin, Bentley goes through the motions of a temperamental teenager with daddy issues.
«It's the difference between someone who understands what they're doing and someone going through the motions of performing something.»
But, let's be honest: there are definitely times when you've already made up your mind and just go through the motions of asking for other opinions.
Supervisors in organizations waste a lot of time and energy going through the motions of recognition and might even stir up negative reactions (cynicism and apathy) because their actions are not viewed as genuine.
Steve noticed this overly pedantic approach when some students in his classes would go through the motions of customer development without understanding the purpose behind it.
Pure Barre challenges you to not just go through the motions of the workout, but to really connect your thoughts and focus to each and every tiny muscle you are working.
Plus, you will have wasted a lot of time going through the motions of doing something you resent, instead of building an empire based on something you love.
Someone with a nice chunk of capital doesn't want to go through the motion of picking individual loans, any more than many investors don't want to go through the process of individual stock picking.
Going through the motions of attending a church and even set devotions is no guarantee of holiness: one must participate with the heart not go through the motions.
But that consolidation needs to happen first: and there are already accusations (which I very much hope are untrue) that the English hierarchy - having gone through the motions of welcoming this courageous new enterprise with open arms - are as much set on undermining it as certain members of the Anglican hierarchy, notably Richard Chartres, Bishop of London.
Unfortunately, church musicians often merely go through the motions of Sunday mornings and the festivals of the church year without sensing their order and relationship and without drawing on their tremendous potential.
Then there is the «mission stiff,» a man who lives for years by exploiting one mission after another, becoming very skillful in going through the motions of a conversion.
But Bible thumpers will twist any atrocity, like toying with Abraham to get him to go through the motions of killing his own son, into a virtue.
Further, we wonder, are we constantly to go through the motions of asking — when we know we can do for ourselves?
There's a lot of this going around (i.e., Christians looking at their faith, at their Church and at their local churches & recognize they can no longer keep going through the motions of Business As Usual).
So, for love and a desire to be with the one she loves, she «converts» just as publically as she denied it all and goes through the motions of belief.
Until the late 1990's, they actually made everyone go through the motions of slitting their own throat and disembowling themselves to get the point across of the seriousness of these «sacred» vows.
/ Now list the religious beliefs, attitudes, and practices which no longer seem valid or important, even though you still go through the motions of paying them lip service.
There is a world of difference between seeing this teaching lived out with generosity and grasping the difference it makes and, for example, being told by a tired, cynical RE teacher: «Well, no one believes it anyway but we have to go through the motions of teaching this.»
Unless a maturing faith is found, the person either leaves the ministry or by middle age is like a salesman going through the motions of peddling a product in which he does not believe.
Did he only go through the motions of being a Christian?
By five months, the baby is sucking its thumb, punching, kicking, and going through the motions of crying.
In the weeks following, we went through the motions of eating many casseroles, but there wasn't a lot of hope.
A young man may coerce a girl to go through the motions of lovemaking: what he can not do is to force the girl really to love him, responding to him as a free human person and participating gladly in the enterprise we call lovemaking.
I was still going through the motions of religion, but yet something struck me as odd at that church.
We go through the motions of marriage — have for a long time — in a kind of empty, shallow way.
But the message for Mack is clear: All his life, he has gone through the motions of religion without genuinely entrusting his soul to God.
Uncle Joe may have gone to church faithfully every Sunday, marched against gay marriage and did all the other things people are supposed to do within his Christian community, but he could have secretly been a serial killer, or just going through the motions of keeping up appearances.
He talked up the team, waxed poetic about Curry's greatness, bragged about the hard work his teammates had put in to get to this point and picked at his afro while going through the motions of making a quick exodus out of the locker room.
Clay, who hung around Liston's gym while the champion went through the motions of preparing for Patterson, heckled him relentlessly.
Landry Jones is barely better than Osweiler, but can at least go through the motions of running an offense consistently.
The fight was stopped in the fifth round, not because Frazier had done great damage to Wipperman, but because Wipperman demonstrated a growing disinclination even to go through the motions of fighting.
From the game's opening drive, the Jets» defense was barely going through the motions of coverage, and Luck picked it apart.
I get the feeling that wenger is fishing for a new striker without any bait or real intent... He is just going through the motions of casting out and reeling in an empty line.
I still go through the motions of trying to watch Arsenal, but it doesn't bother me any more if I miss a game.
A Swiss mountain cabin is a wonderful place to go through the motions of sleeping without actually sleeping; there are few circumstances where such uncomfortable conditions are so comfortable.
«Niceness is politeness, niceness is going through the motions of kindness.
Elisabeth is especially gifted at getting parents to tap into their own inner child, so they can do more than just go through the motions of parenting.
You know there's a thriving, happy, loving person hiding somewhere inside of you, but you can't find her anywhere because you can barely keep your eyes open — you're just going through the motions of the day like a robot.
Just going through the motions of life and feeling nothing.
I think kids have to be ready to use the toilet, and be developing a natural sense of independence where they want to dress themselves, learn the right way to put on underwear (for us that means the bow goes in the front) and go through the motions of taking care of themselves.
I can tell you that some babies, particularly brand new babies learning to breast - feed, may go through the motions of a feeding, and the clock says they've had a feeding, but the scale tells us they've taken a teaspoon or two.
and go through the motions of getting the room ready for bed: «See, we close the curtains... we turn on the white noise... we put your blanket in the crib...» then we turn off the lights and say, «Oh look, it's still safe in the dark!
Then, as more teeth develop, it's a good idea to introduce a toothbrush and go through the motions of brushing together.
I couldn't calm my heart rate all morning as I went through the motions of homeschooling and play time, nursing my baby, and preparing lunch.
It's best to take the night rituals slow and steady rather than quickly going through the motions of a bedtime routine.
Only a woman who has been there and experienced the joys and fears of motherhood, who will have an understanding smile when seeing a mom going through the motions of motherhood — whether it's pregnancy or a toddler tantrum.
Sen. Gillibrand shouldn't go through the motions of being the high and almighty and continue to ignore Ms. Goode.
Cameron's speech goes through the motions of avoiding confrontation with European leaders.
Instead, the various sides seem to still be going through the motions of negotiative posturing and officials are still shooting at each other.
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