Sentences with phrase «going through the motions rather»

Structure is helpful, but if not implemented strategically, it can stifle creativity and require students to go through motions rather than investing themselves in creating something.
The lack of challenge lowers replay value and makes it feel as though you are just going through the motions rather than striving to achieve a goal.

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How should we make sense of these cases, and what if the Servant, the nurse or the clerk were «going through the motions» at the point of a gun, rather than merely (as in the condemned Servant view) in fear of their jobs or an «angry look»?
This season is going to peter out with us finishing 6th or 7th because we have a manager who can not seem to motivate his players to at least look as if they are trying rather than just going through the motions.
It's best to take the night rituals slow and steady rather than quickly going through the motions of a bedtime routine.
That is not for want of Oppositions trying, but rather because all the cards are stacked overwhelmingly in favour of Governments so that they have merely to go through the motions to get their way.
By using a full range of motion on the right exercises, guys who go through my Chest Sculpting training, not only end up with bigger muscles than most other guys who lift weights, they also end up with better shaped bodies — with a wider chest and narrow waist for that V - taper, and better shaped muscles — with good thick muscular development from origin to insertion, rather than just a fat round muscle belly.
The first great way to kick your training up a notch is to add in some half reps. To perform this protocol, you'll move all the way through the full range of motion of a movement, but then rather than coming all the way to the top, you'll come halfway up, take a brief pause, and then go all the way down.
«Rather than hooking up with him immediately, I go through the motions of teasing him first.
Max Von Sydow is the husband who goes through all the right motions, but seems rather emotionless toward the wife he claims to love.
Hell, I'd rather be chased by Ghostface across the quad than endure McCarthy going through the motions one more time.
One could go on to discuss the committed and rather spectacular performance that Miles Teller gives in the role Pazienza, or the cool aesthetic that matches the time period in small, effective ways, but despite the casts best efforts and writer / director Ben Younger's endeavor to paint more a portrait of a man determined to overcome the odds rather than going through the motions of another redemptive sports tale, Bleed for This unfortunately ends up reducing itself to just that.
In the end the film suffers from having to spend its runtime rather than giving us something interesting just going through the motions.
The problem with «X-Men: Apocalypse» isn't its familiarity — that's to be expected with most superhero movies these days — but rather that it simply goes through the motions.
Rather than submit something that's an exercise in going through the motions, students should have opportunities to create work that allows them to investigate issues that feel meaningful to them.
Nowadays technology offers many ways to help people really understand and learn, rather than simply going through the motions of learning (and sooner or later forgetting) training material.
EW: What needs to be done to help children become fluent readers, rather than just going through the motions to answer questions?
This led to staff feeling like they were «going through the motions» rather than having any ownership or control.
That could suggest British Airways is planning to phase out this discount rather than go through the usual motion of extending it year after year.
Despite its own rather repetitive nature the many varied locales manage to keep things fun even though you're going through the same motions, and it has a strange, compelling rhythm that kept me playing for hours on end.
Generally, there is no room for freedom in the way you approach each level, and it can feel like you are simply going through the motions, rather than being able to explore the game.
Parties also report that the element of compulsion makes them less likely to settle at mediation, or prepare fully for it, because they are going through the motions and information gathering rather than genuinely wanting to mediate.
Finance has the advantage of being a transferable skill which is required in almost any industry or sector, so try and find out what is meaningful to you rather than just going through the motions
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