Sentences with phrase «going to bed early»

My mum always wondered why I was so tired as she was certain I was going to bed early enough....
After dinner, we recommend going to bed early to make the most of the next day.
I swing precociously from energetic wild child who decides to jump out of planes, move countries and travel solo to grumpy old person who likes nothing better than quiet time with a book and going to bed early.
Generally speaking, going to bed early and waking up early makes you more productive, so clearly we can use the power of consistency to our advantage to develop the powerful habit of getting enough sleep and having more productive days, all by going to bed at a consistent time each night.
Going to bed early doesn't earn you any points in life.
I think I still need a good 4 more hours of sleep & will definitely be going to bed early tonight!
So we end up going to bed early and turning up the AC and the radio to try and block out the noise.
If that means going to bed early on a flight, or pushing yourself to stay awake once you arrive in a new city (even though all you want is a nap), it's worth it as it'll go a long way in helping you enjoy your time on vacation!
Going to bed early is the best!
To optimize sleep, you also need to make sure you're going to bed early enough, because if you have to get up at 6:30 am, you're just not going to get enough sleep if you go to bed after midnight.
I am particularly concerned that the under - recovery that some amateur athletes experience can often be due to simply not eating / hydrating properly or not going to bed early enough (e.g. recovery techniques that don't require marketing dollars), and compression garments can seem like a way to compensate for it.
Some validate ways of speeding up your metabolism are going to bed early, including more proteins in your meals, consuming spicy food, drinking a lot of water and eating food which is rich in fibers like oats, raspberries, carrots, chia seeds etc..
I am mostly known for being a science nerd, going to bed early, loving animals and going on adventurous travels.
The proper lifestyle activities including good sleep cycles (going to bed early and waking up early) and high intensity exercise are key for healthy hormones.
Consider going to bed early and sleeping in later in order to obtain the full benefits of the Raw Till 4 diet.
Mine looks a little something like this: It actually starts with going to bed early the night before so that when Trevi wakes me up at 7 am, I'm not feeling exhausted and annoyed.
Going to bed early when possible and getting between six and nine hours of sleep each night can help reduce nighttime hunger and calorie intake and is beneficial for weight loss.
And now is the time to mention the importance of going to bed early.
Now I need to work on going to bed early enough so that I get plenty of sleep.
This means that those that went to bed later at night were still reporting the same overall amount of sleep as those going to bed early.
Night owls» — people who like to stay up late and have trouble dragging themselves out of bed in the morning — have a higher risk of dying sooner than «larks,» people who have a natural preference for going to bed early and rise with the sun, according to a new study from Northwestern Medicine and the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom (UK).
Napping well during the day and going to bed early at night can help with this.
For you, find some strategies to get rest, like going to bed early a few nights a week, laying down to nurse your baby, and napping when your baby naps.»
6) Just plan on going to bed early.
Your baby will know when he or she is hungry or tired, and if allowed, will set his or her own routine very quickly and going to bed early and taking your baby with you is the best way of getting a good night's rest for both of you (and probably your husband too.)
I think because I was starting a new habit (waking up early, going to bed early) my game was off.
I love going to bed early.
Before high school, a child is not likely to fully appreciate that if she plays on a select team she may often be practicing or going to bed early, worn out after a hard day of exercise, while her classmates are watching TV or socializing, or she may be getting up early, while others are giving their growing bodies the rest they so desperately need.
She is a graphic / web designer turned insurance expert who loves people watching, eating popcorn, and going to bed early.
If this persists and the entire family is waking early, you can try to make sure that everyone in is going to bed early.
They also point to how well - behaved their child is, especially compared with out - of - control, disrespectful and tantrum - prone youngsters whose parents keep threatening them with «time - outs» or «going to bed early» without changing the behavior.
Try to eat dinner early if your baby is used to going to bed early as it's important to stick to their schedule as much as possible.
That way, you've added a direct consequence (i.e., going to bed early) for the bad behavior (i.e., the lying).
Reducing stress, taking naps, and going to bed early are harder said than done, but it's so necessary.
Outside of a night shift on the feeding, you might try sleeping in another room, taking a nap on your lunch break, or going to bed early when possible.
Going to bed early tonight so I can get some sleep ahead of the President's Cup.
I'm going to bed early on Wednesday.
He just has to start going to bed early before important games, on his own I mean!
It actually starts with going to bed early the night before so that when Trevi wakes me up at 7 am, I'm not feeling exhausted and annoyed.
and I was too scared to do it overnight w / going to bed early!)
So, assuming I survived being on the slopes with them all day, I'm thinking whatever we have will be around 5:30 or 6 pm, and we're all going to bed early
Now I need to work on going to bed early enough so that I get plenty of sleep.
and going to bed early.
Maybe if these doomsday sayers drank some cool - aid before going to bed early at 5:00 pm they wouldnt have had to wake up and be ashamed by their foolishness.
You really have to be deliberate about going to bed early.
Even if you went to bed earlier on Thursday, there's a good chance your energy will dwindle over the course of a Friday.
The kids went to bed early, and my wife Nancy and I found ourselves alone.
It is, of course, always possible to go to bed earlier, get up earlier, and thus make time in the morning for unhurried prayer.
Push yourself to go to bed earlier.
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