Sentences with phrase «going to hell when»

Wenger and the board are going to Hell when they die because of all the suffering he has caused Arsenal Fan's.
No one wants you just be repeated told they are going to hell when the person telling them can't produce a single good argument as to why.
Believers talk a lot about nonbelievers and unrepentant sinners going to hell when they die.
When people believe that the word anathema, or accursed, means «going to hell when you die,» they think that Paul is wishing he could go to hell if only all his fellow Israelites would receive eternal life instead.
Well if it's slightly more evidence of the existence of a man outside of Italy in the 1st century who was born of a virgin, died for 3 days before resurrecting himself, then explained he only died because of «original sin» which is the idea that a woman ate magical apple given from a talking snake in a garden at the beginning of time which caused all humans to go to hell when they died.
But even Paul was afraid that if he sinned, he would go to hell when he died.
The majority of self proclaimed Christians and Catholics will go to hell when they die, that is the sad truth.
I can cite many more passages that infer a special grace on those who are incapable of knowing right from wrong, but I challenge you to find just one that proves that infants go to hell when they die.
It all started with «I want to do a natural look, just black and white» so I was good with the top and skirt but it all went to hell when it came to the accessories.
In it, the star plays a college student whose life goes to hell when screaming «ENOUGH!»
Things begin pretty innocuously; two American college students on a tour of the English countryside seem to be having a ball, but that all goes to hell when they're attacked by a werewolf.
About a small town that goes to hell when someone starts publicly posting private social - media exchanges and search histories, Assassination Nation looks like an arch, bloody high - school horror - comedy that, sure, could be a Heathers for our age.
As things finally simmer down, everything goes to hell when Scarecrow reveals his plans to cloak Gotham in his fear toxin, making the majority of the city's 6.3 million citizens evacuate.
Despite a solid tutorial that lays everything out in an easy - to - digest format, everything goes to hell when several players start ganging up on one, or when you lose sight of your allies.
One: «生不入官門 死不入地獄,» which can be translated as, «One would not go to court when one is alive, just as one would not want to go to hell when one dies.»

Not exact matches

When your business fails and your life goes to hell in a handbasket, you think depressing things, from «Where did I go wrong?»
On the other hand, never forget that it's equally important to get the hell out of Dodge when stocks go the wrong way and hit your stops.
And when you make more than $ 105,000, you are going to look at your ROTH IRA amount, with absolutely not that much to help in your retirement and wonder, «why the hell did I lock that money up and waste my time!»
If you're anything like me, you're going to have a hell of a time choosing your next iPhone when September rolls around.
You may inflate your way out of your debt problem but you're not going to grow your way out of the debt problem, so let's get behind that and if the dollar got too strong then the impotence from the white house would be to have more tariffs because they are hell bent on shrinking this trade deficit so when Kudlow discusses that, he ought to be very careful about where he is going because this white house, Peter Navarro and Wilbert Ross will push for a weaker dollar because a weaker dollar is Mnuchin and Wilbert Ross both said in Davos, is sending soldiers to the ramparts in the trade war that exists every day.
I don't take a bath every day when I'm on my period, should I go to Hell for that?
For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment; if he did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a herald of righteousness, with seven others, when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly; if by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them to extinction, making them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; and if he rescued righteous Lot, greatly distressed by the sensual conduct of the wicked (for as that righteous man lived among them day after day, he was tormenting his righteous soul over their lawless deeds that he saw and heard); then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment, and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authority.
Here are three of many reasons I would never tell anyone they re going to hell: — I have no right to judge * anyone's * heart therefore I don't know where they are going when they die.
to know how fellow [past tense] churchy people think about me, or judge me, to know im not loved when i go home into my church and — fucking hell, my family!
I am offended when human beings, such as Pastor Dan, believe they have some special authority to know who would go to hell if it existed.
christians today think when people are not living according to the bible then they have the authority to cast hell on whomever... its sickening... and can someone tell me that if a kid was gay and he was a full hearted christian that there preacher would look them in the eyes and say give up ur going to hell
Unfortunately in my case, I've probably gone to excess the other way... after 43 years of being (in my view) threatened with hellfire for every cotton - picking thing (including the «sinfulness» of being born in the first place because it's a well - known scriptural fact that every human is born sinful and separated from G - d, with a heart that does nothing but desire evil and no way to please G - d even when righteous), threatened with being «left behind» in the rapture (should I fail on some doctrinal (belief) point at the crucial moment)... I refuse to consider ANY possibility of hell at all.
Also a personal pet peeve of mine is when people suggest that suicide is a sin which implies that person goes to Hell... I believe someone who is at the point that they take their life is already in Hell... I can not believe in a God who would do that.
lol... you making up a load of BS that's not even part of our beliefs... when we prayer... we ask that God gives you wisdom and insight... you still have a choice in the matter... so really you got nothing on us... you wan na avoid prayer cause it seems you think it might be real and it might make you go to hell if you don't heed... sorry... that don't change abit
Cicero might legitimately be cited in a «conservative» context because he lived in a moment when everything was «going to hell» and he was trying to preserve traditions under siege at the crashing of his own civilization.
and were does your free will go when your sent to hell?
No, I don't feel persecuted when I'm told I going to hell.
Ok... do you feel persecuted when someone says you deserve to go to hell or says you are involved in evil or that you follow Satan?
It is simple when you die... you go to this other side and this other side has rules BAD you do to a place called HELL, Good you go to where HE went after he was crucified and then resurrected.
We have to remember the challenge we are dealing with when assessing narrative — never do the Gospel writers directly say that Judas goes to hell.
so we can use that term «persecution» when believers go off the deep end about how everyone is going to hell if they don't believe and shout «repent repent repent» to everyone?
My community is so religious that when they tell me I am going to hell, I reply with, «I'm already there.»
Yes, ironic... ironic that the fellow who is on the slow train to hell, who she was warned by the pastor not to get involved with because he was an atheist, the fellow who has never had anyone in the church leadership say more than a sentence to when he did go with her to church, is the minister behind the minister of coffee.
When they grow old, Do they go to Hell?
Thats another thing that Urks the hell out of me... Why do they make it a point to go to the farthest places in the world when we have people starving in our own country?
When sinners die and go to Hell, God will be glorified by his justice, righteousness, and holiness.
The atheists will never be able to withstand what God has planned for them, when they enter hell, they will be dragged on their faces, they will be chained like animals, hot boiling water will be poured on all their bodies, every time their skin gets burned, God replaces their skin with new skin so they can get burned again, they will drink hot boiling water and the puss that comes out of their burning skin and body, they will eat from a tree that when eaten causes their stomach to burn in flame, their will be tough strong huge angles that will have no mercy and they will torrcher them without feeling sorry for them, i ask you, do you want to go to a place like this that the atheist will end up in
When people question why some of the rules don't make any sense, tell them that the imaginary guy (god) that you made up to scare them is so smart that you can not ever understand him, and if you question him you are going to that scary place that we actually can not ever deliver on (hell).
SisterChromatid - your missing my point I am not trying to trample anyone else s free speech, I just personally think it could have been said differently, what they said makes them appear like the self righteous ones and that helps no one, as someone who is spiritual and gay I have been judged by both Christians and atheists alike, one says I am going to hell the other says I'm a nutjob, when does it stop?
How did God manage to let His church go hundreds of years without direction and then need to be «restored» when He said not even the gates of hell would prevail against His church?
Years ago, Pearson believed he heard the voice of God reveal to him that there was no eternal hell where unbelievers would go when they die.
Every time I hear this passage preached, the application is the same: «If you don't tell people that they are going to hell, when they die, God is going to hold you responsible!
``... Borders soft with refugees Streets a» swimming with amputees It's a Bible or a bullet they put over your heart It's getting harder and harder to tell them apart Days are nights and the nights are long Beating hearts blossom into walking bombs And those still looking in the clear blue sky for a sign Get missiles from so high they might as well be divine Now the wolves are howling at our door Singing bout vengeance like it's the joy of the Lord Bringing justice to the enemies not the other way round They're guilty when killed and they're killed where they're found If what's loosed on earth will be loosed up on high It's a Hell of a Heaven we must go to when we die...»
But for those who choose to follow evil and to follow the ways of Lucifer, then when you die, you will go to hell, and shall be cast into the lake.
This type of reasoning has been tossed out on these boards before with a lot more sarcasm, but I want to hone in on the sadness emotion that is always prevalent at a funeral when as a christian the only time there should be any sadness is if the dead person is a suicide and is guaranteed to go to hell., right?
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