Sentences with phrase «gold mining companies because»

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This is important because it shows that, although Twitter is predominantly a place for amplification and sharing, there's an opportunity for companies to construct tweets that generate replies, which could be a gold mine of information or feedback.
So few new large mines are being discovered today, Pierre says, mostly because companies have had to slash exploration budgets in response to lower gold prices.
The company emphasizes that the exact amount of gold and the precise location of the proposed mine remain unknown because the referendum result squashed the chance of any further exploratory drilling.
However, don't invest for so called leverage, or don't invest in junior mining companies because you want to invest in gold.
So few new large mines are being discovered today, mostly because gold companies have had to slash exploration budgets in response to lower gold prices.
The large - cap managers stated that they may consider well - diversified, large - cap, mining stocks like BHP Billiton for inclusion in their portfolio, but that they couldn't consider other mining companies solely focused on gold or silver production because their smaller - cap size and share prices didn't meet their fiduciary mandate.
Other investors prefer to invest in gold - mining companies, although share prices have generally done poorly in the last several years because mining costs have risen faster than gold prices.
That's because gold has a particularly strong grip on some investors» imaginations, so they tend to bid up gold - stock prices out of proportion to how much profit these companies can make from gold mining.
A gold mutual fund, like a gold stock, is considered a leveraged play on gold because the underlying mining companies have fixed costs and any increase in the price of gold can increase the percentage of profit quite dramatically.
The reason they are doing this is because the project feels that some companies have become too dominant in the Bitcoin space and they are hoping that by changing the rules in the cryptocurrencies mining it will be impossible for any one company to become too dominant at least in theory on the Bitcoin Gold network.
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