Sentences with phrase «golden age of the human»

This in turn led to the commonly - held belief that the golden age of human society lay in the past, and hence true knowledge was to be gained by searching for the best that past ages had bequeathed.

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He would travel back in time to make sure no one killed Jesus so he would end up dying of old age just like eveyone else and humans would never have to look upon another golden glorified crucifix again.
This is most certainly part of the New Age Secularism given birth by the excesses of America's «Golden Age» of fantastic prosperity, fed by the «Cheap Oil Era», now fading away leaving irreparable damage and carnage, destruction of the human spirit behind.
Any student of the Græco - Roman world at the beginning of our era who tries to penetrate beneath the surface of the political, economic and military history of the period and discern what was going on in the minds of men, becomes aware of a widespread expectation of a turn for the better in human affairs, even the dawn of a golden age, after the violent convulsions which had disturbed society for a century or more.
By a common feature of human mythical thinking, however, paradise in the end time is thought of as the recreation of a primeval paradise at the dawn of creation, the lost «golden age
The flood and the subsequent new start for the world are thus used as an opportunity to switch from the theoretic «golden age» to the conditions actually obtaining; and one of the saddest features of this change is the degradation of relations between humans and animals from their first created beauty.
We thank the Metabolic Research Unit of the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging for recruiting our volunteers and for performing the human study procedures and David Dworak and Chee - Ming Li of the USDA / ARS Children's Nutrition Research Center for helping to label and produce the Golden Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging for recruiting our volunteers and for performing the human study procedures and David Dworak and Chee - Ming Li of the USDA / ARS Children's Nutrition Research Center for helping to label and produce the Golden human study procedures and David Dworak and Chee - Ming Li of the USDA / ARS Children's Nutrition Research Center for helping to label and produce the Golden Rice.
Fortunately, for these feline golden oldies, which are often cherished family members, it is now generally accepted that «healthy ageing» is achievable; just as it is in humans where the field of ageing wellness is dedicated to optimising mental, social and physical wellbeing and function in older adults.
Since the golden age of bodybuilding, athletes have long known in the power of HGH (Human Grown Hormone).
The Golden Age offers up United States history as only Gore Vidal can, with unrivaled penetration, wit, and high drama, allied to a classical view of human fate.
A scientist during the golden age of Muslim civilization, Ibn al - Haytham was the first to hypothesize that vision occurs when light beams travel through the lens of a human eye.
Just like humans, as pets enter their «golden years» they become more likely to face a variety of age - related conditions and / or diseases.
Unlike humans who are already considered «seniors» upon reaching the golden age of 60, dogs will usually have varying ages for them to be considered in their golden years.
The equine «golden years» are considered to start between the ages of 18 and 20 but, like humans, some horses maintain an excellent body condition and continue to be full of energy, whereas others deteriorate quickly.
Human: The last of Destiny's three playable species, Humans began a period of prosperity known as the Golden Age when they discovered the Traveler (see below) on Mars.
Berserk fans and newcomers alike will experience the series» popular Golden Age story arc, which depicts the meeting between the leader of The Band of the Hawk, Griffith, and the legendary Black Swordsman, Guts, through to the gripping Falcon of the Millennium Empire arc, in which players will experience the group's most brutal and devastating battles against humans and demons alike.
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He is like a resistant left over from the golden age of abstract expressionism, spontaneously expressing his freedom in an ample, generous openness, an openness whose ardor establishes a connection with human emotions.
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