Sentences with phrase «golden plates»

He claimed to have experienced a number of visions, including one in which he was directed by an angel to a buried book of golden plates.
Their prophet read golden plates by putting them in a hat with some rocks and then sticking his face in the hat.
Nevertheless, in the midst of his reshaping still lies the central story at the heart of the (original) Book of Mormon — that a 19th century treasure hunter called Joseph Smith claimed to have discovered a new revelation of Jesus appearing to South American tribes inscribed on golden plates which only he could translate, and became the self - appointed prophet of a new religious movement (and yes, that whole story comes in for a lot of ridicule along the way).
Magic Time Machine's whimsical theme and quality food earned the company the International Food Manufacturers Association's coveted Golden Plate Award as «Foodservice Operator of the Year.»
The top edges are also refined with golden plates with eyelets.
Christians believe a man getting swallowed by a giant fish and surviving is acceptable, while a man translating golden plates out of ahat is just plain silly.
Smith founded this sect of Christianity in the early 1800s, when he found golden plates containing divine revelation and claimed to be a prophet.
Jessica kind - of forgot to mention Joseph Smith's golden plates which he claimed led to the Book of Mormon.
«The sacred Book of Mormon is alleged to have been found on ancient golden plates buried in a hill in upstate New Year, just outside of Rochester.
I have absolutely no problem with Poligomy it is the whole «an Angel gave golden plates (which have never been seen) to Joesph Smith» thing plus the whole women as subserviant to men aspect of LDS and the «inner circle of MEN only in the temples running everything» that make it hard for me to accept.
there is nothing as a miracle as golden plates with inscriptions... what is so miraculous about that?
You are the magic underwear wearing, golden plates believing, Moroni Baloney eating, Jospeh Smith fluffing fluffers you appear to be, no more study of you is required (though I have actually studied the Mormon faith).
If you believe these are the literal words of God, what prevents you from accepting Joseph Smiths golden plates?
Lin Sea, all of those not related to Smith that saw with their «spiritual eyes» the phoney golden plates left the church.
It was at this point that Joseph Smith arrived in camp with a «White Man's» hat and some magic golden plates!
The appetizers were placed on small golden plates that were connected with strings to the golden helium balloons.
Golden Plate Award and Guest of Honor, International Achievement Summit, Academy of Achievement
Weather you believe that Moses received stone tablets from a bush or Joseph Smith received golden plates from an angel.
The preposterous notions of golden plates, and translating non-existent hieroglyphs that have been proven false, and all his other crap allows no rational person to accept Mormonism.
Many people may have known that Joseph Smith said he found golden plates, but probably only a handful knew whether or not he actually did.
For example: • The Mormon religion contains the magical golden plates, the magical angel, the magical seer stones, the magical ascension of the plates into heaven, etc..
Meanwhile this entire history had been kept on golden plates by the Nephite prophet Mormon and given to his son Moroni to complete and to hide in the earth, which he did.
does it mention your belief in that Jesus walked the America's or your belief that God spoke to Joseph Smith led him to two golden plates which your church has since shyed away from??
Moses had stone tablets, Joseph Smith had golden plates.
Joseph Smith's golden plates were conveniently taken back to heaven so no one could check the translations; outsiders are not permitted in Mormon temples after the temples are consecrated; outsiders may not witness marriage sealings and posthumous baptisms.
Golden plates, underwear, visions in America... those things are super weird, but parting the Red Sea or someone living in the belly of a whale, now that's normal.
BTW, Joseph Smith translated the golden plates (which were written in what he insisted was «reformed Egyptian» hieroglyphics - something no other linguist in history has ever heard of) behind a curtain while dictating the translation to a secretary on the other side of the curtain.
Magic hats, golden plates and magic underwear.
Anybody who believes in angels flying into a backyard, wearing magic underwear and baptising the dead (including Hitler and Stalin), seer stones, golden plates and such nonsense from a con - artist named Joseph Smith is neither realistic nor stable and pragmatic enough to run a country.
Yesterday I uncovered some golden plates that debunked the «Book of Mormon».
Jesus brought us all the rules of the Mormon church, but people killed Him and the rules Jesus taught were lost for 19 centuries until Joseph Smith, Gods new appointed savior, could find the golden plates (that nobody ever saw and all 6 people who claimed to see them later recanted and said they were lying).
If someone isn't even bright enough to realize that Joseph Smith was a con man, and invented a bogus religion with magic underwear, golden plates, polygamy, racism, and Gods living on other planets, then you're just not smart enough to be President.
Whether you believe Joseph Smith received Golden plates from an angel or Moses received stone tablets from a burning bush, you are all crazy.
He established the church in 1830 after translating the Book of Mormon from golden plates that he said an angel revealed to him in New York State.
«Magic Underware» «angels» «golden plates», anyone who is posting these comments and is a «Christian» really needs to go and read the Bible.
For at least some of the earliest translation, Smith said he used «Urim and Thummim», [39] a pair of seer stones he said were buried with the golden plates.
The carny, Joseph Smith, had never met a Korean or a Mexican, but apparently enough slaves as to have an «Angel Moroni» and the golden plates moment with the original testament.
And, I simply can not trust anyone that believes in magic underwear or Joseph Smith and his delusions of Moroni, seer stones and the golden plates.
The golden plates that make any pasta dish shine like a thousand suns and taste of holy cream sauce ambrosia!
they saw the golden plates..
To my knowledge, the golden plates were the miracle that was observed.
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