Sentences with phrase «gonadal steroid»

I study the gonadal steroid regulation of neural circuits that control reproductive behavior, and the physiology and function of steroids made in the brain (neurosteroids).
Bloch, M., Schmidt, P. J., Danaceau, M., Murphy, J., Nieman, L., and Rubinow, D. R. Effects of gonadal steroids in women with a history of postpartum depression.
In fact, gonadal steroids have been suggested to play a modulatory role in animal [55] and in human compulsions [56], where premenstruum, pregnancy and post-partum have increased risk of onset and deterioration of the OCD [55], [57].

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The SRY (sex - determining region Y) gene on the male's Y chromosome orchestrates the formation of the testes, while the gonadal precursor will differentiate into an ovary by default (in the absence of the steroids produced by the testes).
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