Sentences with phrase «gonadal steroids»

In fact, gonadal steroids have been suggested to play a modulatory role in animal [55] and in human compulsions [56], where premenstruum, pregnancy and post-partum have increased risk of onset and deterioration of the OCD [55], [57].
Bloch, M., Schmidt, P. J., Danaceau, M., Murphy, J., Nieman, L., and Rubinow, D. R. Effects of gonadal steroids in women with a history of postpartum depression.
I study the gonadal steroid regulation of neural circuits that control reproductive behavior, and the physiology and function of steroids made in the brain (neurosteroids).

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The SRY (sex - determining region Y) gene on the male's Y chromosome orchestrates the formation of the testes, while the gonadal precursor will differentiate into an ovary by default (in the absence of the steroids produced by the testes).
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