Sentences with phrase «good about their beliefs»

Nobody cares (or should care) what you believe, so what's the point in gathering up a group of like - minded people unless it's to make you feel better about your beliefs?
Other people have to die just so these religious people can feel good about their beliefs.
This may well leave you feeling better about your beliefs, but it doesn't change God's words on the subject, nor will it stop the Holy Spirit's conviction of sin.

Not exact matches

In other words, it's about figuring out what to believe, and doing so by determining what beliefs are backed by good reasons.
Limiting beliefs can also affect your business: «You can read all of the best books by the best strategists, but typically the reason you're not implementing these best practices is because you have some limiting belief about your business,» says Bill.
Whatever industry your company operates in, if your employees are passionate about it and if their personal beliefs support the organization's mission and values, you're well positioned to deliver an awesome employee experience.
And I said, «Well, if you're discounting the number, what does this say about your belief in the people?»
Zuckerberg carefully negotiated a clause that would allow him to take a leave from Facebook to serve in public office or government, so presumably he has some sort of political beliefs — if not outright political ambition — as well as some core ideas about what's good for society and what's not.
A well - phrased series of Socratic questions challenges you to think about why you believe your «answer» to be correct, and to supply some sort of evidence to back up your beliefs...
Fox hosts are on very different pages about the Giuliani revelation - «They better have an explanation» - «No one cares about Stormy Daniels» - «I sort of knew that the president knew it and paid it back» - Giuliani's story is «is unworthy of belief « 4
It's about solving for the customer and having the belief that aligning your customers» interests with yours (and even, reasonably, putting them ahead) leads to better outcomes, even when it may not make (economical) sense at the moment.
It's not fun to fail, and I don't recommend it:) But 80 % of startups die and one of the best things about tech is the belief that failure isn't fatal and is often the best way to learn and live to try again.
Whether it was a cousin bragging about buying it more than a year ago, or your uncle adamantly steadfast in his belief that the whole thing is a bubble, there's a good chance someone mentioned it.
«This is a wonderful match for us, as MEP and Stepstone share common beliefs about how best to take care of the consumer, educate the community and serve our referral partners.»
FLANNERY: I think, fundamentally, you know, my belief is over time, people are rational about what is in their collective best interest.
@Yakobi try again,... how about 1/3 fallen angels (now called demons) making up religions / as well as belief of atheism to be worshiped directly / indirectly as God?
Modern science is the cornerstone of your belief system, as ancient writings that I consider to be God given, holy inspired and very relevant to modern times (as well as every society that ever was and will be) is the cornerstone of my belief system, because everything about this book has been accurate in every way, unlike modern science.
But in the real world, I think atheists and people of varying faiths probably work together on various things for the good of mankind — often not really knowing fully about each others» beliefs, yet still accomplishing good things together.
what you believe is not «biblically based», it's indoctrination about ideas that came from warping and exagerating ideas that existed in «pagan» (not actually the correct term but good for this purpose) mythologies, and the evil imaginations of men like Dante and those who desired to see those they considered inferior in doctrine, belief, religion or culture in torture.
``... as ancient writings that I consider to be God given, holy inspired and very relevant to modern times (as well as every society that ever was and will be) is the cornerstone of my belief system, because everything about this book has been accurate in every way, unlike modern science.»
In order for our witness to mean anything to ourselves, our kids, or anyone who might darken our doors, we have to think about the culture we live in and what makes it particularly hostile to orthodox belief — as well as ways in which people around us might be uniquely susceptible to aspects of our faith that are true.
I do my best to never mistreat anyone because of their beliefs, but I do enjoy talking about Christ, as I believe he can have a great and positive impact on others.
Not all Jews believe this, BTW, but in Judaism I have yet to run across someone who believe that G - d would punish anyone for their «beliefs» and not their «deeds» (take a good look at the Tanach... the contract with the Jews (known as the «teachings of G - d», not «the law») is all about behaviour; and while many Christians have been raised to view «the teachings of G - d» (the law) as something to be «freed» from... one has to ask the simple question..
Gospels (the «good news»... by definition self - admitted biased materials) are statements of beliefs for believers about what they already believe.
I guess those who do not believe in God have nothing better to do than spend their time writing negatively about God and those who believe in God in a blog called «belief».
Well, you know, this «is» a discussion board about «beliefs» which are definitely open for discussion and debate.
We interviewed Scott Derrickson in our latest issue and the movie explores many of Derrickson's own beliefs about the nature of good and evil.
Good job on being the first to tell him how blasé you are about his beliefs.
i am not above stereotyping, however i did say most monotheistict beliefs... some don't preach that they are the best, infact those that don't preach it ask that the followers go and learn about other faiths in order to better understand there own.
I find it interesting that the apparent atheists who feel the need to make themselves feel better by criticizing the bible and Christianity with snide little comments would even waste their time reading a blog — about belief.
*********************************** One would hope that voters were casting their ballots on the basis of what they conclude is best for a civil society and a pluralistic population, not on the more egocentric opinions they may have about right or wrong that are derived from their religious beliefs.
The political process is about people finding the representative that best represents them and their values and beliefs.
But if it makes you feel better about your magical beliefs to pretend that they are similar, then go ahead with your analogy.
You a-people (a-theists, a-gnostics, etc.) are all really good at telling people what you don't believe or why other peoples» beliefs are wrong, but I don't really get to hear what you DO believe about things.
The thing that makes me uneasy about having elected officails from certain religious groups is that, being female, I'm not sure a person who suscribes to a set of beliefs that does not permit a woman to occupy the highest leadership posts in the organization is going to promote policies in my best interests.
And to live in society and even just have friends one must prove he or she is a «moral» person, this morality is just a morality that lacks gods, such as a belief that what is good is what brings about the most happiness or freedom or whatever your ethical system supports.
I am an Athiest — if you want to put me into that check box category, but if you want to come and speak with me about my set of beliefs you will discover that I have a world of thought that extends well beyond the stupid confines of an Athiest check box.
If you require evidence as strong as the extraordinary claims merit, then you will be in the best position to arrive at a justified belief about God.
are people so simple they crave the misguided beliefs of others to feel better about themselves or are we triing to understand the lunacy of our citizens to believe something as pathic as a 3000 year old IDEA in order to act properly when voting in those who will run this country for the next 4 years a.k.a. voting in one who using rational thinking and logic to make choices!
Osro, I live in Birmingham... I wish they would stop posting every single story about the devastation in my state in the belief section as well, but the fact is, this is the Bible belt, so yes there are going to be a lot of religious stories from here.
It's not your belief that makes you a better person, it's how you treat people and right about now, I'd say you're quite the ass!
If you don't care about the veracity of your beliefs than I can only wish you well while you play in your sky castles.
Finally a well written and concise article about the LDS Church and it's beliefs.
Where we will likely always disagree is our differing beliefs about how to make it a better world.
I do my best to warn people about the sweet smelling, pretty veneer that Christians use to hide their true intentions, behaviors and beliefs.
How about belief in people and good will is the answer.
As well, If being a Christian is largely (if not primarily) about a belief in the life and ministry of Jesus, then we must ask: what were that life and ministry about?
If you are concerned about someone not being a good fit, it isn't probably helpful to ask them their beliefs, so much as to state yours, and ask if they are comfortable working with you in the framework of your beliefs.
As described in my article on The Judeo - Christian Origin of Science» [1], science is based on specific fundamental beliefs about the natural world, namely that matter is good, rational and contingent and open to the human mind, and that any discoveries that may be made should be shared freely.
We may have no beliefs in common about God, Bible, and Christian morality, but what's a church for if we can't still have a good time together?
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