Sentences with phrase «good analogy when»

A bridge is a good analogy when trying to connect two divorcing people separated by sonflict.
«It was very useful to revise other people's abstracts because it made me realize how important it is to have a good analogy when you need to explain fairly complicated research in plain language,» said Cath Gilchrist, a 32 - year - old biology / medical research postdoctoral fellow from Australia.
The parable of the wineskins is a good analogy when it comes to whole - brain preaching.

Not exact matches

An analogy that works well is that when an actor takes on a role, that role is described to him or her.
I'm really at my best when I am at 3 pages or less in final content (about 1500 words) and I try to stick to one subject — even by analogy.
With your Bill Gates analogy, anyone can do better when they give, thats a fact.
The pattern is clear in the Epistles to the Romans, Galatians, Colossians, and Ephesians, and when it has been recognized in these clear examples, it can be traced by analogy in other epistles, where it is not so obvious at first sight; not only in epistles written by Paul but in those written by other authors as well.
When he says that the higher levels are more causally «real», the Catholic philosopher may well recall the concept of the analogy of being, which we have mentioned in this column and elsewhere in previous issues of the magazine.
Analogies work well when trying to convey a new concept, and for me, these reminded me of a savoury pancake.
Here's a better analogy: It's like when one's guests eat up all the food at the kiddush (baby empties the breast and continues to suckle)-- next time you know to make more.
From the start, Brown trips over her own analogy when she writes, «Dani Tobey figures she did a good thing by cashing in her 401 (k) last year to invest in something that, well, wouldn't go down the toilet.»
Steve: You draw the analogy, well, at this point native populations of the New World, what they had to deal with when they were confronted with the diseases that the Old World peoples brought over and the sort of a behavioral analogy.
To use a medical analogy, there is not much we can do about pathogens such as bacteria or viruses already in our environment, but we can take steps to boost our immune system so we can better resist these pathogens when we come into contact with them.
Replace «lemons» with «pants» and... well, my analogy breaks down, but my point is that when the thrift store throws premium denim at you, you say thank you very much, and you buy it.
When you walk down a street, the first thing you notice about people is their appearance and this analogy holds true in the digital world as well.
To say that «Black Panther» is as imprecise an analogy for oppression and revolution as «Star Wars» and «Star Trek» isn't a slam against this film, or any Marvel film; it's an acknowledgment that genre movies tend to work best when they're anchored to emotions and big personalities, and run into trouble when the filmmakers or the audience try to map a geometrically precise relationship to the world beyond the screen.
Sometime during these waking hours, however, in the slight fog of Flexeril (taken as part of my ever - evolving experiment against migraine pain) I had a rather huge idea for a new website: an online database of the world's best similes, analogies and metaphors, that authors could use when they get stuck.
Still within the same analogy, when the car is first sold, money goes directly to the maker (actually more complicated than that but good enough for our purposes).
Terrible analogy aside, what good are shiny spaces when the limitations of our interaction are pressing «X» or ooh» ing and aah» ing at the scenery behind invisible walls?
And people downloaded it like... well I'll tell you what that analogy is when you're older, kids.
Similarly, the concept, Analogies & Dichotomies, can be applied to each painting on view, but is understood best when the entire exhibition is considered as a whole.
To give an example, a political science professor that I've communicated with believes that a good analogy for climate science and the «Kyoto clique» is what happened in totalitarian communist Russia when they accepted the theory of «Lysenkoism».
An analogy is: when you go through school, you initially assume that your teacher and the textbook writers know best and you simply take their word.
The name Climategate derives from Watergate, which is a good analogy for this discussion: when a recorded voice conversation reveals nefarious activity, further conversation will not «correct» or «fix» what was revealed.
Looking at how variant research programs arose, we can even draw an analogy with sexual reproduction, for many of the best ideas came when a research program picked up an idea or tool through intercourse with other programs.
# 369 takes us even further afield, underlying my earlier point that analogies are rarely a good thing when presented to a large, diverse audience.
A bouncing ball absorbs and re-emits energy... so the analogy is pretty good... when the balls hit the earth they bounce off in different directions... but they do bounce off... all the greenhouse effect can do is slow down the speed at which the balls bounce off through the atmosphere of the earth... a bit like wind resistance... the balls do not endlessly bounce backwards and forwards between the earth and the atmosphere... the balls just bounce off the earth through the atmosphere at a slower speed... so basically the greenhouse effect is just balls...
If you want to relate that analogy to New Orleans: it would be more like knowing full - well you were likely to have a serious accident on your trip but not bothering to tell the wife and kids to put their seat belts on until right before the accident when it's too late, then being unable to administer life - saving first aid to your dying wife and children because you threw your kit out the window a few minutes earlier (you counted on the ambulance and hospital to fix everything).
The best analogy to prefab houses is the Mini Cooper — mass produced but with enough options to let the owners feel they have a custom automobile...» Michael Pyatok, FAIA Pyatok Architects Berkeley, Calif.»... As long as housing is treated as a commodity in a capitalist system, the technological advances that occur more often help the production end rather than the consumer end, and when they help both, it usually means a portion of the labor market somewhere has been hurt...» Mark Simon, FAIA Centerbrook Architects and Planners Essex, Conn. «This is an issue of class and perception.
Your plane analogy argues in favor of the precautionary principle: Better be safe than sorry when we risk missing the runway.
For your analogy to hold, you are arguing that a hypothetical Star Trek near - instantaneous scanning will take place on the complete assembled structure, of complete depth at a very fine resolution, from which your definitive calculation can be made with the complete and precise understanding of the exact physical properties of such an assembly and everything in it... With the result being only good for when it was scanned.
He brings out a well - worn analogy about defence lawyers that circulates among Crowns: If the Crown's case is like a car, the unnecessarily aggressive defence lawyer takes a baseball bat and smashes in the windows and doors and smashes out the headlights, but when they're done the Crown gets in it, turns the key and the car starts.
When we start any lawsuit in Pasadena, TX, we have an idea of what is likely to happen or what the most probable outcome is, but personal injury cases have a way of often being unpredictable because of a variety of circumstances and lesser experienced law firms or attorneys can find themselves in a situation like an experienced sailor in rough seas, to use an analogy, where they are lost and unsure of what the next step is at a time when decisive actions are required to reach the best possible outcWhen we start any lawsuit in Pasadena, TX, we have an idea of what is likely to happen or what the most probable outcome is, but personal injury cases have a way of often being unpredictable because of a variety of circumstances and lesser experienced law firms or attorneys can find themselves in a situation like an experienced sailor in rough seas, to use an analogy, where they are lost and unsure of what the next step is at a time when decisive actions are required to reach the best possible outcwhen decisive actions are required to reach the best possible outcome.
Is there an analogy to a political lobbyist's seeking a change in the law for his / her client, by providing: (1) campaign funds to the politicians in power; and, (2) very good paying executive jobs when those politicians retire?
The best analogy I can use is that when central air conditioning came along, a lot of owners said they wouldn't bother with it.
An analogy might be trying to teach someone how to engage in a good handshake, when their own is limp, flaccid, or even over-gripping.
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