Sentences with phrase «good basic information»

Get directions and locations information: Most fairs provide maps, and good basic information about getting there, parking, accommodation, and booth locations.
Good basic information for those of us that have been out of the dating scene for decades.
Why we like it: This app provides good basic information that would be valuable to a college student who is just learning about managing finances.
But Stone, who is technical manager of the National Advanced Robotics Research Centre in Salford, says that the lack of good basic information could be stopping academics from taking VR seriously.
The Extension is known for their focus on food safety rather than nutrition, but it should have some good basic information.
The California Courts website has some good basic information about dividing debt in a California divorce.
Many people like to study this list before coming to look at dogs because it gives some good basic information about each dog.
Although you can find this on numerous sites, a good place to start is with your state commissioner's website which will give you some good basic information, tailored to your state.
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