Sentences with phrase «good behavior patterns»

It's even easier to initiate good behavior patterns in kittens than to correct undesirable ones in adult felines.
Our Protocol aims to put everything in context; for example, we'll teach you how to teach your dog to sit, and how to use sit to teach good behavior patterns in real life situations!
You'll learn how to use these commands to set your dog up for success, and to develop good behavior patterns.
After we've established good behavior patterns in the dog's home, and the owner is comfortable and confident handling the dog, we take our lessons out into public places.
Big Girls Use the Potty is a colorful potty training book use friendly images and rhyming text to encourage little girls to develop good behavior patterns.

Not exact matches

It's not the best metric of whether you've done something or not, but it shows people patterns and their behavior over time.
Analytics — The organization and evaluation of data in order to identify trends or patterns, uncover opportunities, track progress on goals and performance, and better understand user behavior.
The organization and evaluation of data in order to identify trends or patterns, uncover opportunities, track progress on goals and performance, and better understand user behavior.
Although it may sound strange, developing entire fictional characters with distinct behavior patterns, values, pain points, budgets, and even skill levels can prove a significant help in segmenting your market and targeting the types of visitors, leads, and customers that will best increase your website's economic output.
They can request documents not just about Zervos but about Trump's interactions with other women as well, as part of an effort to establish a pattern of behavior on Trump's part.
On this assumption, the pastor does well to examine not only the initial expression of regret over guilt, but beyond that whatever long - term behavior patterns may follow after it.
Suddenly, Dr. Spock realized that children — especially young children — will pattern themselves after violent behavior just as readily as they will imitate good behavior.
To rely upon activities or patterns of behavior outside the daily work of the scientist as means for expressing a Christian response to God's call would be to abandon the conviction of Reformed theology that any useful work done soberly and well can be a valid means of serving God.
In 1960, Joseph T. Klapper, then the acknowledged leader in television research, solemnly declared «it has been pretty well demonstrated that the mass media do not serve as the primary determinant or even as a very important determinant of any of the basic attitudes or the basic behavior patterns of either children or adults.1.
In terms of observable behavior, the study reveals that for most of those involved the call to the station was not a radical change in behavior, but rather an extension of already well - established behavior patterns.
From this point of view, we can see how personal identity consists primarily of habitual patterns of behavior and, tightly related to this, self - knowledge is concerned with both perceptual, behavioral spontaneity as well as bodily habits.
It's generally accepted that children learn both good and dysfunctional patterns and behaviors from their parents.
It is better to deal with those behaviors right away rather than have that escalate or become a pattern.
If your child describes a pattern of disrespectful and mean behavior from other students, of any physical violence, or bullying from other students, you should bring the issue up to the school principal so that the safety and well - being of children can be improved.
While we recognize the risks, it is also important to acknowledge that divorce may be the best answer for children in cases of domestic violence, abuse or other harmful behavior patterns on the part of one or the other (or both) of the parents.
«When regression does occur, the best approach is to ignore it while praising existing patterns of appropriate behavior.
The child might not immediately register this, but consistent modeling of good behavior and stable thinking patterns will have an uplifting effect on the child's emotional well - being.
The ability to hold, snuggle, warm, smell, kiss, and nurse baby right after birth all stimulate intricate hormonal patterns within the mama that reinforce mothering behaviors and feelings of well - being.
Even better, they've broken us down into conservative and liberal buckets, which is perhaps more straightforward than it sounds, since someone who's a fan of Rush Limbaugh, Mitt Romney and the American Enterprise Institute is probably fairly conservative (this kind of «sentiment analysis» can be a real pain to automate when you're talking about individual social media posts, but I suspect it gets easier when you can figure in someone's overall pattern of social behavior, as Facebook can).
So on the basis of some earlier, shakier research, along with a good dose of common sense, Bailey and Zucker hypothesized that homosexuals would show an inverted pattern of sex - typed childhood behaviors — little boys preferring girls as playmates and becoming infatuated with their mother's makeup kit; little girls strangely enamored of field hockey or professional wrestling — that sort of thing.
Barnard and his team predicted how SoCal's shores would evolve from 2010 through 2100 by modeling the factors that influence beaches — estimates for sea level rise as well as wave and storm behavior and predicted climate change patterns if the world eventually stabilizes its greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century, then starts reducing them.
«Although running induces both substantial changes in number and morphology of young neurons as well as significant changes in learning behavior, this does not prove a causal relationship,» noted Professor Bischofberger, «Nevertheless, our results, together with previous findings, suggest that the enhanced pattern separation during memory testing is most likely mediated via running - induced increase in adult neurogenesis.»
The supplement examines the issues surrounding distracted driving by teens, exploring developmental states and changes that are associated with adolescents» distractibility and their relation to driving, examining patterns of distraction among newly licensed adolescents as well as brain function, considering the potential role played by parental modeling of distracted behavior while driving, accounting for the role of technology and the influence of peer passengers and society norms, and investigating policy, legislation, and intervention.
The authors argue that resources could be better spent getting good information to the public and collecting more data on the numbers, patterns, and behaviors of both sharks and people.
Making alloys like steel stronger often involves making their crystalline patterns smaller and smaller, meaning their behaviors are better and better described by the anticrystal.
By joining American Gut, your sample and diet and lifestyle data will be merged with thousands of other folks and will allow us to explore population - level patterns that will hopefully lead to a better understanding of why we carry the microbes we carry and what aspects of our behavior and disease state drive these microbial patterns.
The students primarily worked on analysis of anonymized user behavior data as well as data usage patterns to identify relationships and trends in OpenTopography system use.
it can be more centered, less reactive and over time develop patterns of behavior that serve us better.
The kid calm helps my daughter both with her behavior, sleep better and improves bathroom patterns.
These five group qualities were so pronounced that Lowen and Reich would challenge any psychologist to bring them any patient and within minutes they could hand them back a detailed history of this person's life challenges, long - term behavior patterns as well as why they presented with the specific neurotic tendencies they had.
A person's clock - hour schedule of bedtime and arise time as well as nap behavior; the sleep pattern may also include time and duration of sleep interruptions.
, healthy snacks, a stock of wonderful recipes for menus, a better understanding of «why» I eat the way I do, and how to understand and reshape some of my ancient negative patterning around food and behavior.
I also try to research and understand consumerism to better control my own behavior and spending patterns.
Get them to tell you stories, and listen for recurring patterns of behavior, both good and bad.
to modify discriminatory social and cultural patterns of behavior as well as derogatory.
If you're going to study the behavior patterns of unicellular protozoans and predatory pseudocoelomates in a microscopic 3D environment, you might as well have a little fun with it.
Education Week found such a pattern of behavior in an examination of thousands of pages of correspondence and official documentation obtained through open - records requests, as well as interviews with education officials across the country.
Children look up to the adults around them for guidance and, good or bad, accept those adult behaviors as the standard, and pattern their own speech and actions after those adult models.
To look for patterns of behavior that may explain achievement, a careful analyst examines subjects across the distribution — middling and poor performers as well as those at the top.
He has been tracking sleeping patterns of 250 children as well as their IQ tests, performance on standardized tests, their grades and behavior.
This means that learning to handle emotions well is especially critical during adolescence, when the behavior patterns for an individual's entire life are being formed.
Over a number of years this establishes a pattern of responsible financial behavior which can lead to better interest rates on bigger loans such as a home mortgage or automobile purchase.
Why Zendrive is Best in Transportation: It uses the sensors on a smartphone to measure and improve driver behavior, capturing your driving and analyzing the patterns you follow.
That's good news - the faster you can establish a pattern of good credit behavior, the faster your credit score will be on the mend.
The credit bureaus typically want to see patterns or good behavior or activity before they will change a score upward.
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