Sentences with phrase «good character at»

The good character at work: an initial study on the contribution of character strengths in identifying healthy and unhealthy work - related behavior and experience patterns.
However, one thing we know for sure is we have to teach our students to lead, act responsibly and respect each other.There are many opportunities for students to gain leadership skills and embody our culture of good character at Beverly Woods Elementary School.
Even on HOTS you can earn gold to buy even the best characters at the rate of one a month.

Not exact matches

There's never been a better medium for reaching so many people at once but with only 140 characters you've got to have a point — and it better be a good one.
But without the kind of imposing presence that Samuel L. Jackson would later capture in his performance, the character felt second rate, making this flick a mediocre outing at best.
Failure can build your character, and make you a better communicator — and, thus, better at connecting with people, building your business, and paving your way to success.
Security experts generally recommend that passwords be at least 14 characters long, have upper and lower case letters and contain letters as well as numbers.
The characters are well - defined and Moriarty is great at building the suspense of the big «who did it?»
Employees at the mill have deplorable working conditions and the main character works to create better conditions through the union.
You're extremely good at creating characters and stories that viewers connect with.
Cantaloupes imprinted with the face of the popular Sanrio character are currently being grown in Furano, Hokkaido, one of Japan's best regions for growing the fruit, according to Rocket News 24 The Hello Kitty Furano melons weigh about four pounds, and with only 300 being sold, they will be priced at 5,500 yen, or just over $ 50.
I think (comics) imagery of that could be damaging and distasteful at best, whereas in there, it worked in context of the character.
The inner and outer character conversations at the dinner table in the movie trailer, as well as the final credits, hint at the reality that we all experience in the business world.
What I tried to do was come up with common characters we face at work — like the «manterrupter» who interrupts you in a meeting, or the office mom who ends up taking on the mother lode of menial tasks — as well as some of the internal barriers, like the feeling of being an imposter, and then digging through the research to find out how you can push back against these things.
BlackBerry's explanation for the design makes sense: The display shows 60 characters of text at a readable size and shows enough depth in a document to get context, making it the best I've seen for reviewing and annotating documents.
Having your description cut off at 160 characters won't always give you the best result.
In so many data points above, decelerating growth to flat at best growth is the character we see.
Before it ends, progress in the gold sector will probably be halting at best, although we remain of course open to gold sensing future changes in fundamentals with a long lead time, which can happen out of the blue — but that kind of character change will definitely be noticeable.
If in the case of the movie Contact again, even if Foster's character stayed with him, bought him presents, took care of him when sick, got him b - day cards or cried at his funeral, someone could always say «Well she could be a psychopath and is just pretending to love him because its expected of her or she expects to get something out it like inheritance.»
Second, if we change our art just to please the producer or the record president, or just to sell more records, whether at the Family Christian Bookstore or at Best Buy, then we have compromised our character and the art we are creating.
This one tells about Mitt's good character (like willingness to drop his regular business affairs to help search for the daughter of the coworker, sounds like he ate the costs of paying several employees to have them aid in the search), and the other side of the spectrum of how at least one Mormon woman felt that Mitt had offended her.
Explorations in Metaphysics: Being - God - Person By W. Norris Clarke, S.J. University of Notre Dame Press, 228 pages, $ 19.95 Selected from forty years» worth of essays by W. Norris Clarke» the Jesuit whose work helped emphasize the «uncompromisingly existential character» of Thomas Aquinas» metaphysics» this volume offers contemporary Catholic philosophy at its best.
Finally, as we arrive back at the comedic end of the spectrum, there are a couple of older, and hugely well - known, characters to mention.
Marvel's at its best when it holds the status quo with an open hand, allowing B - characters like Falcon to step up into the A-list.
The person has not fared especially well at the hands of modern attempts to write about history, which have generally sought to locate historical explanations in the workings of large structures, impersonal forces, and social groups rather than the vagaries and razor - edged contingencies of individual character and agency.
and to those who say that believing in God at worst, costs nothing, well, thanks, but I'm not wasting my entire life ignoring the existing planet in exchange for telling a make believe character how great he is.
Over the last fifteen years or so I have seen (and been moved by) many of the aspirational / inspirational billboards sponsored by The Foundation for a Better Life, an organization that promotes common - ground character virtues while trying at the same time to avoid being a partisan in our contemporary....
It is at best a prolegomenon which seeks to suggest an element in the ministry of Jesus that gives it a constitutive as distinct from an exemplary character, that makes it the supreme action of all history (action that is fully and entirely human, yet unique), action which crowns a ministry in which the ambiguities of human life are progressively articulated, being action in which their burden is endured à l'outrance.
was at its funniest, and it made the season - two finale, when our characters were on the brink of passing their goodness test and making it to the Good Place, feel exciting.
I now understand better the conservative character and structure of the church, having been working within it (or at its edges) as a priest for about 16 years.
It insists on maintaining at the same time its own identity — that is, if the characters do speak the lines of the theological drama, they also continue to speak their own lines as well.
The possibility of radically different behavior due to completely novel characters or circumstances is taken into account by the very fact that any predictions about the future are regarded as at best probable.
Jeremy i was stumped to on this one as well so i asked the holy spirit to help me i looked at alot of different possibilitys commentarys really werent any help apart from the background.Thinking that Jesus was somehow implicated with satan in any way seemed to be a contradiction of who he was.The holy spirit revealed that to understand these types of passages we can fully trust that God is who he says he is he he does nt change his character or who he is.He is almighty holy trustworthy faithful and more.
Thus, for the African newly chained to the deck of a ship anchored at a West African harbor, the meaning of liberation and the character of the struggle are very different from that of the African - American who, three generations later, like Frederick Douglass and William Wells Brown, must consider how best to conduct an abolitionist campaign.
Gods came to set the captive free.God is always in control he calls the shots not Satan he is in control his motives and purposes we can not understand but we do know his character is always for good and he always has a plan.It is spiritual lesson from a real life situation.I am jumping way ahead here but at the time the people sent Jesus away the demoniac man was sent back to his family when you read later because of his testimony the next time they visit years later to those towns many people are saved because of him so again yes some pigs died one man was set free but that man went and told his story and many were saved and added to the kingdom so to God be the glory.brentnz
Well that is something about character but at the same time I would vote for an Atheist if he or she could lower unemployment, keep our military strong, and educate our kids.
«Good and evil appear to be joined in every culture at the spine,» she observed, and violence is «strangely capable» of returning her characters «to reality and preparing them to accept their moments of grace.»
«Good... retains the character of direction at both stages,» writes Buber, indicating clearly that there is a good for the second stage even as for the fiGood... retains the character of direction at both stages,» writes Buber, indicating clearly that there is a good for the second stage even as for the figood for the second stage even as for the first.
«Its happy optimism, its gaiety, its love of good - natured fun» has been overlooked by most of its commentators, he says: «They have invested the Song with a serious edifying character which does not fit it at all.
The communists absurdly boast of their material success; at one point, characters describe shoebox Eastern Bloc cars as the world's best, and Bucharest as «one of the most modern cities in the world.»
They entertain personal hopes that it may be averted or that it will work for good in an Israel that loves God, but this affects not at all the uncompromised character of the negative proclamation.
Obviously these dubious characters must have liked his company a good deal better than they would have liked that of his critics, even if these had not held them at arm's length.
It's a strange line of reasoning, given that studies show women make up half of the gaming community, female characters are at the forefront of some of today's most interesting and exciting video game titles and, notably, the new game takes place during the French Revolution, home to the best - known real life female assassin of all time, Charlotte Corday.
William Abraham spoke for many postconservatives when, after writing that Carl F. H. Henry's God, Revelation and Authority is «the monument of a generation's work,» he added: «Yet given its barren orthodoxy and turgid character, it can at best inspire mediocrity.»
Here we see unknown writers in the hills of ancient Judah, seated in simple homes that from the point of view of our present - day luxury might be regarded as little better than hovels, surrounded with furnishings more bare and austere than those of a medieval monastery, equipped with simple reed pens and rolls of papyrus, or perhaps with broken sherds of old pots, as they slowly indite in awkward, ancient Hebrew characters, words that have run like fire and are potent at this distant day.
At the very least, Lenny Belardo is a fascinating character study, demanding to be better understood in his unpredictability.
«If you believe that government has the responsibility to promote the common good and general welfare and moral good of the society and it's ordained by God to do that, then for me, I would probably want someone with character and is interested in those questions at least,» he said.
One Day at a Time has indeed made magic in how it's brought a streaming generation back to a time that might even remind you of an after - school special but told in the most sincere way possible, made possible by only an entire cast that makes the characters feel... well, simply real.
At any rate, the messianic character of Joseph's life is absent; here he is acknowledged by the other patriarchs as a model of virtue: «Now Joseph was a good man and had the Spirit of God in him» (Test.
The intellectual Colbert serves the one - on - one setting for visiting politicians and leaders well, but the «character» of Colbert would have a blast at a debate.
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