Sentences with phrase «good client communication»

Good client communication skills and a friendly attitude are a must.
It's extremely helpful for us to get to know about the workflow of a clinic, such as how to schedule appointments wisely, and practice good client communication including confirmation of the appointment and call - back on the day following the appointment, etc..
Veterinary technicians are in a unique position to be involved in all aspects of managing these cases, starting with ensuring good client communication at the initial contact, then collecting a complete history, performing the physical examination, and relaying this information to the veterinarian.
Learn how employing a Stance Analyzer can help you in attempting to objectify lameness and enable better client communication.
Building rapport is important to the overall goal of better client communications.
Establishing good client communication is essential to being a good lawyer, but allowing your client to be a backseat lawyer can become very problematic.
The Rules of Professional Conduct say we need to communicate with clients, and intuitively, I think most lawyers see and appreciate the need for good client communication.
Providing better client communication allows you to take your law firm's business to the next level, but it can also be one of the more time - consuming tasks of managing your law practice.
Dr. Shaprut believes strongly that good client communication is the key to a successful outcome in both the experience and the medical outcome of every veterinary visit.
Good Client Communications Can Help Lawyers Avoid Malpractice Claims by Barbara Power with a sidebar by Dan Pinnington: Top Twelve Tips for Avoiding Claims
Good client communication is essential: Start off on the right foot in your dealings with clients.
When I asked Andrew what else makes his firm different, he replied, «Using MyCase sets us apart since most law firms don't have a good client communication system.»
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