Sentences with phrase «good debrief»

Often a good debrief is required before the individuals can fully make sense of what to do with his or her strengths.
In a way, it feels like having a really good debrief.
Best Debriefs: Peter Enns with «Inerrancy and the Recent Non-Apocalyptic Discussion at the Annual ETS Meeting in Baltimore» and Michael Bird with «Reflections on ETS and the Conference Theme of Inerrancy»

Not exact matches

We're talking about discipline (or the lack of it), church today, new friend debriefings, the book I'm writing, the school he's trying to finish (still) and how frustrating it is to work and work and still feel like you're just barely making ends meet because I do a lot of things really well but unfortunately, none of them make us much money.
As is Chef Keller's custom, late in the evening of last year's party, he held a debriefing with his culinary team, reflecting on best ideas and areas for opportunity for this year's event.
Earnhardt and Letarte began to sit in on Johnson's postpractice debriefings with his crew chief, Chad Knaus — in which Johnson and Knaus would painstakingly review notes on the car's balance, the preferred line around the track and the locations of the best passing zones.
Another must - have element of your job talk is the passion that you demonstrate for your subject matter, as I was reminded when a client recently debriefed me on two good job talks.
Daily exercise is also critical for stabilising hormones, and debriefing about feelings over a coffee with a close friend can help women feel better and supported.
After the date, debrief to discuss what worked well for each of you.
In the good - looking opening sequence, filmed by Ellen Kuras, they're intercut with dancers at a club, get into a fight, and then find themselves being debriefed and lectured by Capt. Greer (Dennis Farina), who orders them to stand up when they talk to him, quit sitting on his desk, etc..
Switch the observers with the tower builders and see if they can do better, then debrief again.
He and I met before and after each class to debrief and figure out how we could improve the readings, manage the discussions, and better massage the questions we asked.
Once a teacher can debrief a lesson with an administrator or fellow teacher using a well - designed rubric, meaningful conversations about improvement can begin to occur.
Your conversation will include a debrief of your lesson demo as well as your past teaching experiences.
During our debrief last year, participants told us that «I think this should be a required program for all new Principals» and «The program provided me with everything I needed to get off to a good start.»
Before the walks, the group sets norms to decide what they are looking for, and debriefings include sharing takeaways and discussing how to implement best practices.
Likewise, the university field experience director believed that debriefing the observation was critical in helping the teacher candidates understand «the planning of the lesson both from a curriculum and a delivery standpoint, the assessment of the lesson, and the accomplishment of student learning [as well as] how the lesson relates to the state's standards and district benchmarks» (Mrs. Huey, follow - up interview).
Give teachers time to learn about the technology, plan how to use it together, check in to see what is going well - and not so well - and debrief with adaptive planning.
Those delivering professional development should debrief with school leadership about their investment to determine how well their teachers are implementing this in the classroom, how often they're being coached and what further support coaches may need.
In summary, collaborative learning is a powerful learning tool for staff as well as students when we are specific and focused in our planning, teaching, debriefing and is driven by on - going assessment.
«When we use Vyew well, we can observe, debrief and change practice very easily.
areas of evaluation for each teacher, and later expanded to requiring multiple classroom observations of each teacher as well as post-observation debriefs.
Indeed, the Restorative Questions function well as collaborative and content reflective questions to debrief many Tribes strategies.
In a debriefing session that followed this particular videoconferencing session, a discussion ensued on the social issues that arise when people see little hope for the future, as well as the ways social, political, and economic forces work together in negative ways that can exacerbate tensions in distressed communities.
I meet with the budgeting operations team to debrief the budget book process and identify opportunities to align next year's process with the Government Finance Officers Association's new set of best practices in school budgeting.
Afterward the teacher and coach debrief on how well the lesson helped students learn the content, and then they discuss strengths and weaknesses in the lesson.
Once you've completed the second draft of your manuscript, Jenna will once again read through it and provide feedback in the form of a report, as well as a debriefing session via Skype.
In the debrief, Steph gave me some good comment about my performance; I did help her in the water and made one good demonstration.
We always have a debrief after these simulations, so that they can tell us what we could have done differently, as well as what we did right.
I have decided to help in debriefing efforts for long - term rebuilding and hopefully apply what I am learning at well - being facilitation workshops I have been attending — the same workshops I mentioned in my first 2013 blog entry, which I chose to attend regularly instead of traveling long - term this year.
Chris: Good point, and a comment like yours is why I'm looking to do these debriefs.
Although the post offered a number of examples - ranging from a possible new best - of - three set - up for Strike mode to increased firepower for the First Order Flametrooper - the bulk of DICE's beta debrief is dedicated to the issue of loot crates and progression, offering some clarification on how these will work in the final game.
The smaller tactical debriefs and audio are handled in a unique way as well being shown as smaller boxes prior to starting.
To get a sense of our current situation, we first debriefed to discuss our current and past efforts, as well as what did and didn't work.
Too many lawyers still fail to exhibit even basic good manners (like thanking clients for their business) or good marketing sense (conducting debriefings after cases / deals, or learning enough about their clients» industries so that they can proactively analyze potential service opportunities).»
opinion there is nothing quite as useful as a project debriefing to document what went wrong, as well as right.
It's a good idea to make sure that someone is with you for support, debriefing and a «reality check» the first time you get access to sensitive records.
I also learned how to adhere to a code of ethics and received coaching both from CDC Mentors and peers, as well as undergoing in - depth discussions and debriefs.
All read and signed an informed consent form and were given a debriefing form afterwards to notify them of the purpose of the study, as well as contact information for any further questions or concerns.
«When we use Vyew well, we can observe, debrief and change practice very easily.
I debrief all my wins and losses to add what works well and modify what needs to be changed, adjusted or dropped completely.
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