Sentences with phrase «good dialogue with»

Its a free world, but for once I like to have a good dialogue with climate contrarians willing to yield to correct science (they are rare if non existent), it must start with a consensus of facts.
«I had very good dialogue with the previous administration and the incoming one,» said Tehrani, who was appointed by Bharucha.
«Because [socially responsible investing] is such a big and complex area, it takes some good dialogue with some solid research on the investment side to sort out exactly what the next steps should be.»
«Good dialogue with Russia must be maintained and strengthened» told Bente Haug, Deputy Chair, Finnmark County Council us.
«You would obviously try to avoid that happening in the first place, you would build up a good dialogue with Russia to ask them and support them in respecting borders.»

Not exact matches

If the actor's having trouble you know with a dialogue it just sounds clumsy, ah it sounds better maybe if you take it out.
It all started with this simple question: if a company is wholly good and engaged in sincere, ongoing and proactive dialogue with its stakeholders, then to what extent would they require the counsel and services of a public relations firm?
Create an open dialogue with your lenders, business partners and financial advisors to ensure you make the best choice for your future.
«But I have to say, genuinely, he's always been very open with me, open to suggestions, and we've had good dialogues
Also on Wednesday, Starbucks announced that it had reached an agreement with Nelson and Robinson that will include an undisclosed financial settlement «as well as continued listening and dialogue between the parties and specific action and opportunity.»
Acting on this interest in expanded dialogue between Canadian millennials and our peers in Asia will provide us with the types of soft skills that will make us more effective learners in the classroom, better negotiators in the workplace, and more informed citizens.
A fresh perspective from millennials who are keen on developing relations with our Asia Pacific neighbours is the best way to start engaging in constructive dialogue.
With the US military reaching out to establish a better military - to - military dialogue with China, for example by including China in the well - established semi-annual RIMPAC naval exercises (in which Canada and a number of other countries also participate), Canada's initiatives should have a positive impact on US - China military relatiWith the US military reaching out to establish a better military - to - military dialogue with China, for example by including China in the well - established semi-annual RIMPAC naval exercises (in which Canada and a number of other countries also participate), Canada's initiatives should have a positive impact on US - China military relatiwith China, for example by including China in the well - established semi-annual RIMPAC naval exercises (in which Canada and a number of other countries also participate), Canada's initiatives should have a positive impact on US - China military relations.
I think (having) political differences is great... but I think that the best way to deal with that is through intelligent, thoughtful, respectful dialogue and debate.
ABLAC gathers a C - suite group of business leaders in Asia and Canada to provide a forum for an open and candid dialogue on how Canada can realize the full potential of its business and economic engagement with Asia, as well as providing...
ABLAC gathers a C - suite group of business leaders in Asia and Canada to provide a forum for an open and candid dialogue on how Canada can realize the full potential of its business and economic engagement with Asia, as well as providing strategic policy advice informing the development of an Asia Strategy for the Government of Canada.
«With a provincial election in the spring, what better time to showcase the best ideas and chart a path forward for a progressive British Columbia,» Rick Smith, Executive Director of the Broadbent Institute said of today's proceedings at SFU's Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue in downtown Vancouver.
Lead nurturing best practice # 1: Understand and segment lists The two - way dialogues enabled by an AI persona with a human touch are great for real - time engagement with new leads, lead nurturing, engaging leads your sales team can't reach by phone and re-engaging stale or gone - quiet leads in your database.
It's a good bet Bernanke and the Fed got a bit more than they bargained for with May rumblings of tapering and the actual mid-June Bernanke tapering dialogue in terms of interest rate movement recently.
For these types of meetings, Glass Lewis may engage with an issuer or shareholder during the solicitation period, if such dialogue will lead to a better understanding of a party's position regarding certain issues, thus enhancing our report.
John McAteer's study of ambiguity in narrative along with Phil Tallon's witty dialogue between three fictional characters on a Tarantino set illustrate this ambivalence quite well.
That's the whole point of this dialogue and I think it worth looking into with some real depth — and not just for some «routine answers» to the question — there aren't any good ones.
Good luck with the phony quest for dialogue.
At all Faith groups and events we welcome non-Catholics who are sincerely seeking a deeper vision of Christ and encourage respectful and informed dialogue with all men and women of good will.
Rather than viewing Moltmann's thought on play as developing chiefly out of a dialogue with American theology, it would be better to conclude that (1) his systematic interest in exploring the various ramifications of a theology of hope led him to investigate ecclesiology, which he found playful, and (2) his desire to counteract the seriousness of student revolutionaries, both in Germany and in America, led him into a consideration of play as an antidote.
Because it focused internally upon reform and adaptation, and externally upon dialogue and interaction with other churches, its thrust can best be described as forward and outward.
Through his dialogue with process philosophy, Clarke opened an innovative philosophy of divine knowledge, as well as proposing some significant revisions in the Aristotelian and Thomistic metaphysics of both existence and relations.
Art is one of the great facilitators of human dialogue, and it provides us as well with....
All liturgical renewal, all changes in the education and way of life of priests, all adaptation of the religious orders to contemporary conditions, the activities of mature laymen as well as the frank dialogue with the present world, all these must only serve the love of God and one's neighbour in the unfeigned faith which will always be foolishness and scandal to the wise and prudent of this world.
Though we started off with this disagreement, we came to better understand one another's points of view through patient, honest dialogue.
I could easily commend the syllabus, lecturers and course leaders, the flexible study modes (I opted for three years part - time), the range of optional modules, the extraordinarily helpful librarian and IT staff, the well - designed virtual learning environment, opportunities to dialogue with staff and fellow students, pastoral support — and much more.
The thorny issue of eucharistic sacrifice is integrated by Jenson into the anamnetic theory of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, which agrees with the best results in ecumenical dialogue.
Because he has earned the respect of religious leaders on just about all sides, Canon White has been able to promote dialogue and mutual understanding in a region where the best efforts of our most skilled diplomats have not met with success.
Physics - lite @ CN77 & Andrew Andrew's Quote «It's not all that pointless, see while you would never be convinced that your bronze age mythological beliefs about the creation of the universe are wrong, since I can rebut (with peer reviewed journal articles no less) any claim you make, in rather stunning detail, those who are not so well versed on the subject who read the dialogue could be swayed to the side of science.
Vocational advisement, if it is to be of real educational value, should consist not in one or a few interviews on entering or leaving school, but in a continuing dialogue between the student and his parents and teachers in all fields as well as with professional guidance officers.
Here again we are faced with the realization that evangelical theology is at its best an «art»; it is an entrusting to words what has been creatively perceived in the dialogue among Scripture, church, and world.
For all I know his family came over on the Mayflower, but the fact remains that issuing press releases and flooding the internet with condemnations of those with whom one disagrees is not the best way to nurture a constructive dialogue.
And more mystifying still, while the one (the necessity of a Christian Word to a culture in mortal distress) seems to call for a sure, a clear and a well - founded Christian theology of history, the other (the necessity of dialogue with other religions) seems to relativize, though it can not in the end dissolve, any particular religion's answer to culture's problems.
Nor were they particularly interested in dialogue with the non-Christian religions, although some of the leaders expressed high regard for theologians Stanley Samartha and M. M. Thomas, both now retired, who have written carefully and spoken widely on these questions as well as on Dalit rights.
For eggheads, the best intro to Stott might be his various NT commentaries, or his dialogue - with - a-theological-liberal-Christian book Evangelical Essentials.
Instead, they might make good candidates to join the «pluralistic rationalist» community of theists & atheists, conservatives & liberals, and others with disparate beliefs and backgrounds, who espouse «transbelief reasoning dialogues» and practicing a reasoning lifestyle.
When that happens, I try to bring our dialogue back to a true relational discussion, but if they are unable to move beyond judgment, I respect that, wish them well, and continue on with life.
In the early years of their long - running dialogue, Stout might well have expected Hauerwas's Christian virtue ethics to fit well with his own account of democratic virtues, the two value systems cooperating to sustain a secular democracy without yielding to the secularism of Rorty and others.
This has everything to do with the well - known problem of «reception,» the huge gap between official theological dialogue and the actual faith and life of the churches.
But the question of how to interpret the doctrine of the universality and unsurpassability of Christ in the context of inter-religious dialogue is now with us for good, and the fact that it will not go away means that we may be at least a little closer to an answer than we were before.
In her view, congregation al studies are important for seminaries because the seminaries are accountable to the church, and important for congregations because understanding themselves better will enable them to hold up their side of the dialogue with seminaries and other church agencies.
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He added: «The most effective way to deal with it is to accept that it is there, to educate ourselves as best we can about both the benefits and the risks of online activity and to seek to engage our children and young people in meaningful regular dialogue about those issues.»
An invaluable gathering of fourteen essays, with multiple responses, by Jewish and Christian scholars, this book represents the very best in contemporary Jewish «Christian dialogue.
It emerges out of Birch's own dialogue with the best of contemporaly science.
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