Sentences with phrase «good dietary»

Deeply familiar with controlling chronic diseases such as MS and Lupus through good dietary habits.
They are also a good dietary fiber.
Proper nutrition is the cornerstone for an active and healthy Vizsla and good dietary management has a profound positive impact for your pal in the long run.
They can be prone to developing impacted anal glands if their diet lacks a good dietary fiber.
It's also got lots of calories and it's a good dietary fiber.
Oatmeal is digested slowly and it's a good dietary fiber.
A good dietary plan is good for their health; however always keep in mind that the rule of thumb is not to over feeding them.
We know that a third of children are now overweight or obese by year six and healthy school meals provide a good dietary balance which helps combat this worrying statistic, and is vital for growth and development.
Roy Ballam, Managing Director and Head of Education at the BNF, said: «It is critical that teachers lay the foundations for children to make good dietary and lifestyle choices now and as adults.
Good dietary sources of selenium include Brazil nuts, crimini mushrooms, cod, shrimp, tuna, halibut, salmon, scallops, chicken, eggs, shiitake mushrooms, lamb, and turkey.
Both forms can be good dietary sources of selenium [3].
Dairy foods, such as milk, yogurt and cheese are good dietary sources of calcium, protein and vitamin D.
«We can eat in restaurants and still maintain a good dietary pattern, but it requires some effort to be informed,» said Dr. Robert Murray, professor of human nutrition at Ohio State University.
On page 76 your table listing omega 6 / omega 3 comparisons in commonly used oils, sunflower oil is noted 65 % omega 6 yet on page 226 sunflower seeds are cited as a source for good dietary fat.
When you light a gas stove, the natural gas burns clean, as does good dietary fat.
Your nutrition plan makes it easy to make good dietary choices, without leaving me feeling deprived and hungry as most «diets» have.
While seeds, nuts, grains and vegetables are good dietary sources of magnesium, active people who include these foods in their diet can still be deficient in magnesium.
Our nights and weekends become packed with holiday parties, family festivities and friendly visitors, but the overabundance of celebratory activities should not invite excuses to lose control of good dietary habits.
Good dietary management should be able to prevent the known link between artificial sweeteners and abdominal obesity from occurring.
In this diet, you will make good dietary choices within different categories of foods.
Something that has fascinated me recently is the beneficial use of GOOD dietary fat in my diet to increase my stamina and well being throughout my day!
Alfalfa sprouts are also a good dietary source of phytoestrogens, which induce similar effects to true estrogens.
Research shows that, in addition to good dietary choices, exercising 1 hour each day and sleeping 7 hours each night may help prevent heart disease.
An animal study conducted by a Chinese - U.S. research team showed that fructus lycii is a good dietary source of xeaxanthin, a carotenoid known to promote the integrity of vision and ocular health.
Eating lots of eggs in as many ways as possible is a good dietary practice given that eggs are one of the highest sources of of sulphur.
This is a particularly good dietary «strategy» for those looking to loose weight.
n good dietary habits..
Unstable Moods: Skipping meals by only drinking juice can make people feel moody, tired, and hungry often sabotaging good dietary intentions.
All beef is a good dietary source of CLA but grass fed beef can have more than twice as much CLA as grain feed beef (source).
Leafy green vegetables, sea vegetables, kelp and especially nettle (in herb form available here) are good dietary sources of magnesium, though if you have a deficiency, it will be difficult to raise your levels enough through diet alone.
Leafy green vegetables, sea vegetables, kelp, and especially nettle are good dietary sources of magnesium, though if you have a deficiency, it will be difficult to raise your levels enough through diet alone.
Stay in good shape: detox yourself of nonsense and practice good dietary choices every day.
Some foods like spinach, which is often suggested as a good dietary source of calcium, are only 5 % absorbable, which make them great for other nutrients but not a good source of calcium.
Good dietary sources of non-heme iron are legumes, seeds, nuts, whole grains, green leafy vegetables and dark molasses.
Good dietary sources of vitamin B5 are cauliflower, corn, brewer's yeast, kale, tomatoes, broccoli, avocado, lentils, legumes, egg yolks, beef (particularly organ meats like kidney and liver), duck, turkey, chicken, sunflower seeds, peanuts, split peas, soybeans, milk, sweet potatoes, whole - grain breads and cereals, wheat germ, salmon and lobster.
Good dietary sources of vitamin K include green tea, beef liver, turnip greens, kale, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, dark green lettuce, and asparagus.
Good dietary sources of selenium include wheat germ, brewer's yeast, liver, fish such as tuna, mackerel, halibut, herring and flounder, shellfish such as lobster, scallops and oysters, butter, whole grains, garlic, Brazil nuts and sunflower seeds.
Good dietary sources of chromium are lean meats, brewer's yeast, cheese, whole grain products, and certain spices.
Good dietary sources of vitamin E include wheat germ, cereal grains, sunflower seeds, nuts, eggs, liver, olive oil and some other cold - pressed vegetable oils, spinach, sweet potatoes, yams, avocado and asparagus.
Good dietary sources of phosphorus are meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, eggs, whole grains, garlic, legumes and nuts.
Good dietary sources of vitamin B12 include shellfish and fish, pork, beef, organ meats such as kidney and liver, eggs and dairy products.
Good dietary sources of iodine include white deep - water fish, shellfish, kelp, lima beans, soybeans, sesame seeds, garlic, Swiss chard, and spinach.
This change means that foods that were usually deemed «bad» like white bread, white rice or pasta have suddenly become a good dietary choice.
However, when it comes to MK forms, we found that dairy items already found in many peoples» refrigerators are indeed a good dietary source for vitamin K,» said Xueyan Fu, Ph.D., first and corresponding author and scientist in the Vitamin K Laboratory at the USDA HNRCA.
«Dairy products a good dietary source of some types of vitamin K: New study adds to knowledge about natural forms of vitamin K in dietary sources, their appreciable presence in commonly consumed foods.»
You are what you eat, as the saying goes, and while good dietary choices boost your own health, they also could improve the health care system and even benefit the planet.
It is necessary to stress good dietary advice so that the child does not develop malnutrition.
Para 17 A nutrition or health claim should not be made if it is inconsistent with generally accepted nutrition and health principles or if it encourages or condones excessive consumption of any food or disparages good dietary practice.
Galactomannon is also reportedly a «good dietary fiber which can enhance digestion and weight reduction.»
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