Sentences with phrase «good drop»

I'm not saying yes or no but if we are talking about dropping a player for a few mistakes then we might as well drop half of the squad.
You also get good drop protection for falls from up to 6.6 feet (2 meters).
When the loan is paid off, you lose the above advantages, and so your credit score could very well drop.
The supply could well drop from more than seven months at the end of 2006 to six months by the end of the first quarter of 2007.
You can tap the screen to speed the fighting, or move the cloud around to try and engage multiple enemies for better drops.
We love our furry children so much that when they are not feeling well we drop everything to tend to their needs.
While glass is used on the front and back, this latest version is designed to provide better drop protection.
I was missing out on better drops because I didn't have the right thing in the right spot.
If you are insuring an older car you may as well drop collision and comprehensive coverage.
Much like other MMO games; you will find yourself playing through missions multiple times in order to get better drops, increase your equipment levels, and work towards completing longer quests.
«Focusing on sensations that feel good drops you into those areas of your body that are being touched, and thus gets you out of your head,» she says.
regular doctors would not finding out that i was positive for chronic lyme disease without this place id proubly be on my deaty bed and severly over weight they provide a hcg treatment that works so well i dropped 30 lbs in 2 months.
This is without a doubt Australia's best drop zone and experience of your lifetime.
In a single player game, it might be less obvious why it's a problem that I won match 1 because of a crazy good item drop and lost match 2 because of the lack of good drops.
While a lot of people like to farm events with good drop rates or any tempered investigation, you're honestly best waiting for the ability to farm elder dragons.
That's a pretty good drop -LRB--62 %), due to a variety of factors: good word of mouth, general interest in the Nintendo Switch, the public holiday on Wednesday, and pay day.
With around 5 months left on his deal, Taiwo's valuation could well drop further before the month is out, and as a consistent deliverer of solid performances he will have plenty of admirers across Europe.
It would be harsh to drop him just coz its walcotts tenth year at the club, wouldnt do campbells confidence any good
The Trojans might very well drop out altogether if they fail to beat Oregon in the second Pac - 12 semifinal.
If «votes» mean somethingj then Wenger had better drop Coq immediately.
Patients randomized to the gastric band showed a significant and pretty damn good drop in their fasting blood sugars.
Never hear a driver complain about Road Atlanta and well dropping Petit is truly shooting yourself in the foot.
Might as well drop all the enduros.
Or you may find yourself falling headfirst down the Destiny hole, constantly being on the edge of getting the next good drop, and always feeling that success is just around the corner.
A.M. Best dropped Colonial Penn from an «A» to an «A - ``, which is now it's only remaining rating of «A» or better.
This rugged case also provides good drop protection.
Konami's attempt to keep the Metal Gear series active is still holding rather well itself dropping only to third place.
Since 1929, investors have grappled with 20 bears — defined as a 20 % - or - better drop in stock prices — according to Yardeni Research's Market Briefing: S&P 500 Bull & Bear Markets and Corrections.
This place saved my life when no other doctor would push to find out what was wrong dr. Morningstar ran tests that regular doctors would not finding out that i was positive for chronic lyme disease without this place id proubly be on my deaty bed and severly over weight they provide a hcg treatment that works so well i dropped 30 lbs in 2 months.
This is without a doubt Australia's best drop zone and experience of your life...
High rank begins once you hit the 6 - star missions which means you'll be fighting tougher versions of the monsters you've already fought, including Anjanath, and you will be getting better drops as a result.
Pep is fiercely ambitious and is not going to drop out the fight for 4th without a lot of noise and IF Mourinho beats Wenger again when we play Man U later in the season we could well drop out of the top 4.
Halo Wars 2 just makes the list as well dropping from 11 to 20.
Months later The Division has changed a lot, including daily challenges, better drop rates, set pieces and other nice things, but will the first expansion add a lot to the game or just be a tedious waste of time?
Would we feel better dropping these «obligatory» points to the bottom 10?
We might as well drop it from the catalog of useful entities, cut it with Occam's razor, and stick with a million photodiodes.
Internationally renowned whisky reviewer Jim Murray has labelled Limeburners» Darkest Winter whisky the best drop in the Southern Hemisphere.
Now that you're armed with plenty of top tips for finding the best drop shipping suppliers on AliExpress, it's time to start sourcing great products for your own ecommerce store.
A casual reader flipping through the pages of Obsolete Objects might well drop the book immediately upon finding sentences like this, on cabinets and attics in Kafka's The Trial: «Their symbolic value, which I identified as exceptions to the worn - realistic, would suggest a sinister - terrifying superimposed on the desolate - disconnected, if only hallucinatory objectivity were not different from metaphorical subjectivity.»
My family recipe (and therefore mine) is a rolled out dumplings one so I have been looking for a good drop dumplings recipe.
Wenger could just be playing the we don't need a striker so you better drop your asking price card too.
And now since Arsenal is doing well, I think its best you drop the sarcasm and be true to yourself and be part of the good days we are enjoying currently.
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