Sentences with phrase «good enough job»

We just haven't done a good enough job of extending the opportunity.»
Since the fall, we've seen a calculated effort by the US and its allies to vilify and isolate Iran — as if that country's mullahs didn't do a good enough job of that on their own.
Maggie Koerth - Baker, author of Before the Lights Go Out: Conquering the Energy Crisis Before It Conquers Us, says utilities simply haven't done a good enough job of explaining the idea.
«I don't think we've done a good enough job communicating that to customers.»
Another 16 percent say they don't have a «good enough job» to be able to save, which presumably means they aren't earning enough.
If the case makes it to the appeals court and the Supreme Court thinks that the appeals court did a good enough job making a decision, then it would probably leave the case alone.
If my team doesn't know the differences between each new service — and they're the ones helping me build the programs — I sure as hell haven't done a good enough job explaining the differences to you.
Your mean God is not going to come after us in the end, because we are doing a good enough job of finding way to make each other miserable without his help.
I do not feel as though we are doing a good enough job on either of these fronts.
As for gay people — the only thing you think they are destroying is the sanctity of marriage — and they don't even need to be involved in that conversation — straight people are doing a good enough job in that department (50 % divorce rate)... marriage is taking a hit in the respectability department... but it's not because of gay people.
While i hope i did a good enough job raising them that they will be able to see religion for what it is, if they made the choice, I would respect it.
There has always been criticism of seminaries for not doing a good enough job teaching specific pastoral skills.
I fully agree that the Church has not done a good enough job informing its followers of the rules.
Do they think their god didn't do a good enough job with it the first go around that they need to dive into it and figure out what he meant to suit their needs better?
But arguing that President Obama hasn't done a good enough job cleaning up GW's deregulated economic blunder isn't good enough.
But were we doing a good enough job?
even the first game I felt like we scored enough, and he did a good enough job on DRZ that I was «ok» with his garbage scoring output.
He still has the issues with quick guys shooting the gap next to him and I think he still doesn't do a good enough job of transferring power from his lower to upper body.
The suit argues that Sarkisian was doing a good enough job coaching the Trojans and should have been allowed to return to the head coaching job after he received treatment.
He has not done a good enough job IMO.
Do you think the board could sack Wenger if Wenger wasn't doing a good enough Job?
We at Sports Insights delved into some thorough research a couple of weeks back and although oddsmakers were making an attempt to stop overs from hitting, they weren't doing a good enough job.
Now he'll find out if he did a good enough job
Yelling instructions during the match (esp the first half when our defensive set was in front of our bench and the instructions were non-stop) is a sign that you haven't done a good enough job of preparing you team during the week — which I think is true.
Sirknight: Agreed, but we do a good enough job of beating ourselves up without the help of the media.
Coach:... but we, as coaches, haven't done a good enough job of putting you in position to make even more plays.
The question is, has he done a good enough job?
Blind was tasked as United's chief ball recycler in front of the back four but did not do a good enough job.
Is Martin O'Neill doing a good enough job?
Do you think O'Neill is doing a good enough job?
To me it screams that she's a control freak and she doesn't trust that her managers can do a good enough job management remote employees.
Ask your pediatric dentist for their assessment of whether you're doing a good enough job or where you need to improve.
My son just wasn't doing a good enough job of removing the milk from the breast on his own, thanks to the tongue tie and how he was sucking, so he wasn't getting enough food and wasn't gaining weight.
The terrible rape case in Steubenville has captured the country's attention, mostly because of the tireless efforts of Anonymous, who believe that the local police are not doing a good enough job seeking justice for the victim.
Having found that the communities on Facebook and Instagram didn't do a good enough job sharing of happy moments, Nataly and her team created the Happier App specifically for sharing what lifts us up.
Prime - time TV doesn't do a good enough job of portraying situations where work and family obligations collide, says the Partnership for Women and Families.
Does she, sometimes, question her parenting abilities and wonder if she is doing a good enough job?
There's also the fear that many mothers have — that they're not doing a good enough job.
I think that the education system and the schools we have, as a whole, have not done a good enough job at finding innovative approaches to helping kids who are growing up in difficult circumstances to do better and to close that gap.
We try and stay away from the candy in the baskets as well, mostly because family does a good enough job at that side of things.
because I did a good enough job of that myself.
And your judgment about whether or not I am doing a good enough job at being a parent does not and will not change that outcome.
But are we doing a good enough job teaching them self - love?
«Rick has done a good enough job, and I definitely think he deserves to stay,» McLaughlin said, echoing many village officials» praise for Boehm.
I think Prep / BW does not do a good enough job talking about the deviations from the norm.
Brown isn't doing a good enough job.
In the de Blasio administration, my team insisted on pulling from a diverse pool of applicants, and if you didn't have a diverse pool, the assumption was we didn't do a good enough job in getting the opportunity out there.
«And the citizens can tell you whether they think you're doing a good enough job of spending their money or not.»
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